Key Terms
Define the following terms:
1. Diabetic nephropathy__________
2. Urea__________
3. Uremia_________
4. Glomerulonephritis__________
5. Pyelonephritis__________
6. Nephritic syndrome__________
7. Nephrosclerosis__________
1. The enzyme released by juxtaglomerular cells is called__________, which converts a protein called__________ into __________. The converted protein then is converted by ACE into __________, which is a powerful vasoconstrictor and also stimulates the adrenal cortex to release a hormone called__________.
2. Glomerulonephritis results from an immunologic reaction within the glomeruli and is divided into two main types, which are called__________and__________.
3. An infection of the bladder is called__________, and an infection of the kidney is called__________.
4. Dilatation of the renal pelvis, calyces, and ureter resulting from obstruction to outflow of urine is called
5. A kidney stone is called a__________.
6. The hereditary kidney disease characterized by formation of multiple progressively enlarging renal cysts that gradually destroy the function of the kidneys is called__________.
7. Malignant tumors occur in the kidneys and bladder. The malignant kidney tumor occurring in older adults is called __________. The malignant kidney tumor occurring in infants and young children is called__________. The malignant bladder tumor is called__________.
8. The laboratory test that is likely to show abnormal results in a patient with acute glomerulonephritis is:
Tell whether each statement is true or false. If false, explain why the statement is incorrect.
1. Blood and urine clearance tests measure the ability of the kidneys to remove
(“clear”) waste products from the blood and excrete the products in the urine____________________
2. Diabetic nephropathy is characterized by nodular and diffuse thickening of glomerular basement membranes as well as by marked thickening and narrowing of glomerular arterioles
3. Tell whether each statement is true or false regarding acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. If false, explain why the statement is incorrect. a. It is induced by antigen-antibody complexes filtered from the blood that accumulate within the walls of the glomerular capillaries____________________ b. It results from bacterial infection of the glomeruli. c. It usually causes a nephrotic syndrome. d. It is caused by damage done by enzymes released from leukocytes that accumulate within the glomeruli.
4. Tell whether each statement is true or false regarding the nephrotic syndrome. If false, explain why the statement is incorrect. a. The liver fails to produce plasma protein____________________ b. Protein is lost in the urine more rapidly than it can be produced by the body. c. The nephrotic syndrome is usually associated with normal concentration of plasma protein and normal plasma osmotic pressure____________________ d. It may result from any type of glomerular disease that allows large amounts of protein to escape in the urine. e. It usually is caused by a bacterial infection of the kidney. f. It may result from renal tubular disease.
5. Tell whether each statement is true or false regarding the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone syndrome. If false, explain why the statement is incorrect. a. Renin is secreted by cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus in response to high blood sodium concentration, higher than normal blood pressure, or higher than normal blood volume____________________ b. Renin converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I. c. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II. d. Angiotensin II stimulates aldosterone release and arteriolar vasoconstriction.
6. Tell whether each statement is true or false regarding congenital polycystic kidney disease. If false, explain why the statement is incorrect. a. It is transmitted as mendelian dominant trait____________________
4 b. Manifestations occur in late childhood or adolescence. c. Progressively enlarging cysts slowly destroy kidney function. d. Affected kidneys become greatly enlarged.
7. Tell whether each statement is true or false regarding bladder carcinoma. If false, explain why the statement is incorrect. a. The bladder tumor arises from transitional epithelium of the urinary bladder.__________ b. Hematuria (blood in urine) may be the first manifestation of the bladder tumor. c. The tumor usually is poorly differentiated and rapidly growing and has a very poor prognosis. d. Diagnosis of a tumor is made by cystoscopy and biopsy.
Match the item in the left column with its characteristic or property in the right column.
1. ______ Polycystic kidney disease
A. Kidney infection
2. __________ Gout
B. Mendelian dominant trait
3. __________ Pyelonephritis
C. Nodular and diffuse basement membrane thickening
4. __________ IgA nephropathy
D. Urate crystals plug tubules
5. __________ Diabetes
E. Immune complexes in mesangial cells
1. Identify three conditions that predispose a person to urinary tract infection. a. __________________________________________________ b. __________________________________________________
5 c. __________________________________________________
Discussion Questions
1. What is the relationship between glomerulonephritis and beta streptococcal infection?__________
2. What is the difference between the nephrotic syndrome and nephrosclerosis?__________
3. Why does edema occur in a patient with nephrosis?__________
4. What are the common causes of urinary tract obstruction? What are its effects on the kidneys and lower urinary tract?__________
5. What conditions predispose a person to kidney stones?__________
6. Describe the conditions that may lead to renal tubular necrosis. What are its clinical manifestations?__________
7. What is the significance of an elevated level of urea in the blood?__________
8. What are the manifestations of uremia? How is it treated by the physician?__________
9. How is kidney failure treated?__________
10. What methods does the physician use to establish a diagnosis of renal disease?__________
11. What condition(s) may eventually lead to renal failure?__________
The Male Reproductive System
Study Questions
Define the following terms:
1. Seminoma__________
2. Prostate-specific antigen__________
1. The infectious agents that are the two main causes of acute urethritis acquired by sexual contact are
__________ and __________. These infections are treated by __________.
2. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common problem in older men. It produces symptoms of__________, resulting from compression of the __________ by the nodules of enlarged prostatic tissue.
3. There are many ways to treat BPH. The surgical procedure is called __________.
4. Prostatic epithelial cells secrete a protein called __________, which also can be detected in the bloodstream. Higher than normal levels are detected in the bloodstream of man with a disease called
5. Testicular carcinomas are uncommon tumors. Many of these tumors produce a hormone called
__________ and a protein antigen called__________.
6. Testicular malignant tumors that are composed of many different types of immature tissues are called
7. Carcinoma of the penis is an uncommon tumor that almost never occurs in circumcised men. The agent responsible for the carcinoma is __________.
8. The fibrous cord that guides the testis into the scrotum is called the__________.
9. Failure of the proximal end of the tunica vaginalis to close after the testis has entered the scrotum may be complicated by a condition called a/an__________.
Tell whether each statement is true or false. If false, explain why the statement is incorrect.
1. Most prostate carcinomas arise from the inner group of prostatic glands surrounding the prostatic urethra.____________________
2. Prostate-specific antigen is secreted by prostatic epithelial cells.____________________
3. Most prostate carcinomas are very poorly differentiated, grow rapidly, and have a very poor prognosis.____________________
Match the disease or condition in the left column with its characteristic features in the right column.
1. _______ Cryptorchidism
A. Dilated spermatic cord veins
2. _______ Hydrocele
B. Twisted spermatic cord
3. _______ Varicocele
C. Overgrowth of prostatic tissue
4. _______ Testicular torsion
D. Undescended testis
5. _______ Prostate hyperplasia
E. Excess fluid in tunica vaginalis
Discussion Questions
1. What are the components of the male reproductive system?__________
2. What methods are available to detect carcinoma of the prostate?
3. How is carcinoma of the prostate treated?__________
4. Why do many physicians recommend conservative treatment of prostatic carcinoma in older men with well-differentiated tumors?__________