MEADOWBROOK AFTER SCHOOL DANCE PROGRAM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION - Grades 2 - 8 PLEASE READ & NOTE CHANGES FOR THIS YEAR! PROGRAM STRUCTURE The program will be run on a week by week basis, following the SAD 63 (Eddington, Holden, Clifton) school calendar. With permission from the local schools, the school bus will drop students off at the After School Program. There will be no After School Dance Program on the days that school is not in session due to holidays, vacations, teacher workshops, snow days, etc. Classes will be held Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 3:15 to 5:15 p.m., with each student scheduled to attend all three days. On “early release” days, when school is dismissed early, students will be expected to come to the Meadowbrook After School Dance Program immediately following the early dismissal time. Our first day of Program this year will be Monday, August 31. In an attempt to strengthen our child safety procedures, we are henceforth requiring the children to remain inside the building at the end of the program day; the children will not be allowed to leave until a parent or other responsible adult comes into the building to pick them up. We are also requesting that parents please plan to call us ahead of time if their child is going to miss a program day, otherwise, if the child does not get off the bus as expected, we will call the parents. If a child misses three days with no telephone call from a parent, then the parents will be notified that the child will no longer be allowed to participate in the program. FEE STRUCTURE The price for attending the program is $20 per week, payable upon registration in the program, or, no later than the Friday before the first week your child is scheduled to attend class. If payment is made after the previous Friday, it is considered late, and a $5 (per occurrence) late fee will be assessed. Payment is by the week; payment for less than a week (by the day) is not an option. A strictly limited amount of Tuition assistance, in the form of reduced tuition rates OR sibling discounts, is available for those who qualify through the Meadowbrook After School Dance Program Tuition Assistance Fund. Information regarding qualification requirements, along with Tuition Assistance application forms, is available upon request. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Introduction to the concepts of timing and rhythm, movement in time with various styles of music. Introduction to jazz and swing based group dance steps and routines, with a focus on timing, rhythm, and coordination as a group or team. Introduction to a variety of styles of ballroom dance through ballroom dance based line dances, with a focus on understanding the timing and styling relevant to each type of dance being taught. Introduction to a variety of styles of ballroom partner dances, with a focus on leading, following, and understanding the timing and styling relevant to each type of dance being taught. Introduction to the History of dance in America, as well as background on each particular type of dance being taught.