Elders Meeting Minutes – January 27, 2015

Minutes of the Elders Meeting – January 27th, 2015
Chair: Allan Kinnee
Recorded by: Pieter Postma
In attendance
Pastor Ken Nettleton, Pastor Greg Sumner, Allan Kinnee, Mike Bazinet,
Steve Fowler, Terri-Anne Hardie, Pieter Postma
Ephesians 4:2-6 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3 Make every effort to keep
the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when
you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
Apologies: Stewart Bradshaw
Opening Prayer: We began with a time of prayer.
Financial Report: Henry Wikkerink brought the elders up to date on the church's financial status as of
Dec 31 2014. Final analysis is complete and any adjustments will be few. The year ended with
unrestricted funds at $34,668, a small improvement over last year's $30,844. Mortgage payments that
had been missed this summer were made up prior to year end. The church has about 2.5 years left on
the mortgage if payments continue to be made at current levels. Our financial position allowed for the
$8,500 allocated for the Sound Upgrade to be disbursed and it is now completely spent.
Henry then commented regarding 2015 so far - income is similar to last year, but expenses are
lower. He also noted that sanctuary lights are failing and will need to be addressed soon. We thanked
him for all his efforts. He then excused himself from the rest of the meeting.
Ministry/Staff Report: As the first of rotating monthly, in person, ministry/staff reports, Michelle Brown
and Shannon Williams of our KidZone Ministry attended to give a verbal report. After welcoming them,
Allan started by thanking them for their past written reports, then saying the elders were available to
answer questions, generally support and to pray for them. Much discussion ensued.
Shannon Highlights:
 great team "in the house", good consistency
 attendance around 90 children
 many newer families - potential for some new volunteers
 likes the introduction in the sanctuary of the new monthly theme
 additional assistance with special needs children needed
Michelle Highlights:
 great response to the Hotspot request for volunteers for "on the road"
 seeing fruit with an "on the road" attendee's family member coming for prayer
 sometimes 7-8 children, more often 15-25 attending
 still need a few additional team members
New Life Community Baptist Church 1839 Tzouhalem Rd. Duncan, B. C. V9L 5L6 Tel 250.748.6521 Fax
866.903.9351 email: office@newlifechurch.bc.ca Web Site: www.newlifechurch.bc.ca
Visit concluded with the elders praying for Michelle and Shannon.
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Motion to accept minutes as presented. Moved by Steven Fowler, seconded by Mike Bazinet. Carried.
Business Arising from the Minutes
1. Governance Review Task Force - is up and running and will report to the Elders monthly. It is
composed of Steve Luney (Chairperson), Phil Williams (Secretary), Bob Boyko, Terry Froese, Allan
Kinnee and Pastor Ken Nettleton.
2. Cottage Meetings - Pastor Ken presented a draft schedule for discussion. Implementation to begin
mid-February utilizing all existing ministry and life groups as well as having dedicated cottage
meetings at the church for those not attending life or ministry groups.
3. Board Secretary - another individual has been approached and is considering.
4. Youth and Young Adult Pastor Search Committee - is composed of Sheila Batty, Chris Climie, Dustin
Dollman, Paul King, Loni Searl, Faith Whittaker, Steve Fowler and Pastor Ken Nettleton.
New Business:
1. Staff/Ministry Report – Pastor Ken to invite Marita Rosenlind to attend next meeting.
2. Elders Meetings Format:
- 2nd Tuesday - Staff/Ministry Reports, GRTF Report, Cottage Meetings, PSC Report
- 4th Tuesday - Finance Report, business items, Cottage Meetings
3. Application received from Conor Searl for a Training Center Bursary for his ministry training.
4. Motion to approve $100 Training Center Bursary for Conor Searl, to be applied to Carey course:
Worship Theory and Praxis. Moved by Steven Fowler, seconded by Terri-Anne Hardie. Carried.
5. 100 Days of Prayer, Jan 27 - May 8, marking the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz
concentration camp and WW2 respectively - request from Terri-Anne to invite the congregation to
prayer for the nation of Israel. Pastor Ken to create bulletin announcement(s).
Any Other Business:
1. Request from Staff for approval to put together a job description for a PT Admin Assistant. Henry
and Marita to create. Approval granted, as a starting point for Elder consideration.
2. Pastor Ken working on ideas regarding:
1) better HR oversight
2) a process to identify, encourage, support and train potential future leaders.
3. Allan to give verbal and written Elders Update in the coming week.
4. Youth are attending Missions Fest in Vancouver this weekend - total 15 youth, 5 leaders.
5. Some changes in Music Ministry Roles were noted.
6. Pastor Greg noted more people are taking communion and suggested we attempt to facilitate
prayer in conjunction with communion.
7. Pieter suggested the future consideration of the need of a Long Range Planning Committee.
Closing Prayer: Pastor Greg
Adjournment: 10:10 p.m.