February 2, 2015 Dear Jersey Breeders: The 2015 Northeast Jersey

February 2, 2015
Dear Jersey Breeders:
The 2015 Northeast Jersey Classic & Breeders Sale has been scheduled for Saturday, April 25, 2015 at
11:00-AM (EST) at the Vermont State Fairgrounds in Rutland, VT. Last year’s first annual sale was a tremendous
success with a huge crowd in attendance.
As manager of the sale, Jersey Marketing Service wishes to invite you to participate in the sale format of a tie up sale
featuring 20 outstanding show quality cows and heifers or high genomic heifers. The high genetic heifers (P8 & P9’s)
will have a genomic test. The animals in the quality tie up sale will be clipped and fitted. In addition to the tie up sale
we would like to sell 200 well grown, well-bred heifers of all ages and pedigrees in our volume sale. Only PR’s, GR’s
and fully registered animals will be accepted. No cows will be accepted for the large volume sale. The deadline for
consignments to the Northeast Jersey Classic & Breeders Sale is March 6, 2015.
Similar to last year, all animals (with the exception of the tie up animals) will be housed in group pens and sold
individually. It is not necessary to halter break those heifers, but is advised if you are interested in participating in the
tie-up sale. Sale commissions are listed below.
Quality Tie-Up Animals – 15%
The following commission rates pertain to the volume sale.
1-10 animals – 12% commission | 11-24 animals – 11% commission | 25 or more animals – 10% commission
1% of the two gross sales will be returned to the New England Association
1% of the two gross sales will be returned to the Vermont Association
We encourage you to take this opportunity to help market your consignments. The Jersey Journal deadline
for advertising is March 13 with an early bird discount (10%) deadline of March 2.
Please call Sally Stine at 614-322-4473, Erica Davis at 614-361-9716 or your Area Representative with your
consignment(s). You can also email your consignment(s) to jms@usjersey.com. We will need registration numbers,
breeding information, service sire, updated production records (dams & grandams), any professional pictures and show
winnings. Please include your current cell phone number and email address. We also need to have printed
verification if your consignment is a Donor Dam (IVF, conventional flush, etc.). Please let us know if you are
participating in a Johnes Testing Program and what your Johnes level status is as we will be printing this
information in the catalogs.
Jason Robinson
Jersey Marketing Service
614-216-5862 (Cell)
Brenda Snow
Area Representative
802-728-3920 (Office)
614-322-4483 (Fax)
802-249-2659 (Cell)
Sale Sponsored by the New England Jersey Breeders Association & the Vermont Jersey Breeders Assoc. The
following people will also be making sale selections.
David Carmichael-802-324-6636, dave.carmichael@genusplc.com
Jason Johnson-802-291-0544, jjohnson@billingsfarm.org
Tom Sawyer-603-756-4049, toms18438@yahoo.com
John Kokoski-413-549-6486, jkokoski@gmail.com