Lines of Inheritance

A word on these lines of inheritance, for thousands of years, it was the job of priests and kings and the
like to keep very accurate control of their ancestry and to keep good records of it. Much of what we call
history is based on it. It was the willingness of King George I, II, III, and the Hanoverians and Winsor
kings to fool with this stuff and not control it that was a big factor in the downfall of the monarchy in
Europe. The genetic diseases in Spain and Russia where caused by the failure of the current English
monarchy to respect the old system. These same Kings and Queens created trouble in the German
states they came from and in the old support systems in England and Scotland and Ireland that allowed
those who had long ago been kicked out of the peerage, because they were a younger son or a daughter
too many times removed, to go to the local lord and demand that they help them out because everyone
knew they were related and the distress of these distant cousins reflected on the reputation of their
more noble relations. When the Glorious Revolution, that threw out the Stuarts, the house of kings that
much of our family was related to, turned all this on its head, and when industrialization and the rise of
control by Parliament only made it worse, many of our ancestors came to the United States, where they
willingly participated in a revolution against these Kings that had destroyed their comfortable rural lives.
It is not hard to trace these lineages back, some of them to Hanoverian Germany, and connect with the
Earls, Dukes, Kings, that were their source. Once you have done that you are in the system of class and
special rights. Not too far back you come to ancestors that connect to everyone, Emperors of Persia and
Byzantium, of Rome, even Emperors of China and the relatives of Mohammed and Emperor Asoka of
India, even the royalty of Egypt. The attached line of ancestry is one of the less certain ones because the
notion of Irish Kings is not favored by British Historians, but no problem, because the same Egyptian
lines also connect, through Egyptian princesses, with Persia, which connects through Armenia, with the
Greek Orthodox East and through Byzantine princesses with the West. As with any of these things,
there are always weak links, but our family is linked so many ways, and through so many lines, Smith,
Kennedy, Pyle, Brockman, Saint Ledger, Livingston, Stewart, etc., that if one link is weak, there is an
alternative that is stronger. The Pyle line is one of the best documented because the Quakers kept such
good records, but the Kennedy line is simpler, ten generations of Kennedy links to ten generations of
Steward and then ten generations of High Kings, all pivoting around Henrietta Kennedy Lingenfelter,
everyone’s favored great grandmother:
Kheops, Pharaoh and King of Egypt, pyramid builder:
Djedefre, King of Egypt, a daughter:
Princess Neferhetepes and Priest of Ra, a son:
Userkaf, King of Egypt and Khentkaus I, daughter of King Myskerinos, son of King Kheferen, a son:
Nefirkare Kakai, King of Egypt and Khentikaus II, a son:
Nyuserre Ini, King of Egypt, a son:
Menkauhor Kaiu, King of Egypt, a son:
Unas, King of Egypt, a daughter:
Princess Iput and Teti, King of Egypt, a son:
Pepi I, King of Egypt, a son:
Pepi II, King of Egypt, a son:
Merenenre II, King of Egypt, a son:
Ankhfn-Khonsu, Prince of Egypt, a son:
Inyuotef I, the Great, King of Egypt:
Inyotef II, King of Egypt:
Inyotef III, Makhmebtepnefer, King of Egypt and Aoh, a son:
Mentuhotep Nehbepetra, King of Egypt and Neferu, a son:
Mentuhotep, King of Egypt, a daughter:
Princess Nfry – Ta – Tjenen of Egypt and Amenemhat I, King of Egypt, a son:
Sensusret I, Kheperkare, King of Egypt (died 1928 BC) and Nefrusheri, a son:
Amenernhat II, King, and Kenimnab, a son:
Sesostris II, King, and Nofret, a son:
Amenemhat III, King of Egypt (died 1797 BC):
Son of Amenemhat:
Grandson of Amenemhat:
Kemi and Ha ankhef, son of Nehi and Senebtisi, a son:
Khanefere Sekekemsaf IV, King of Egypt and Tjani, a daughter:
Princess Sebekhotep of Egypt and Senebhanef, Vizier of Egypt, a son:
Sekhemre-sementawi Djehuti, King of Egypt and MEntuhotep, a son
Sekhemre-se ankhtawi Neferhotep III, King of Egypt, a son:
Sekhemre-shedtawi Sebekemsaf I, King of Egypt and Naubkhas, a son:
Nubkheperre Inyotef and Sebekamsaf, a son:
Sekhenre-wahkhau Rahotep, King of Egypt and Tetisheri, a son:
Seqenenre Tao II, the brave, King of Egypt, a son:
Ahmes Sapair, Prince of Egypt and Sensenb, a son:
Akhperenre Tuthmois I, King and Pharaoh of Egypt, a son:
Tuthmois II, Pharaoh,
Tuthmois III, Pharaoh,
Amenotep II, Pharaoh, a daughter:
Sitre and Ramses I, Pharaoh, a son:
Sety Meryenptah, Pharaoh, a son:
Ramses II, Pharaoh (1314 -1224 BC), a son:
Usirkha, Pharaoh and Tiye, a son:
Ramses III, Pharaoh:
Sethirkhopsef Usinmare Ramses, died 1126, a son:
Ramses, King of Egypt, died 1108 BC, a son:
Ramses, King of Egypt, died 1098 BC, a son:
Ramses, King of Egypt, died 1070 BC, a daughter:
Henuttaway and Hedjikheperre, King, a son:
Akheperre, King and Wiay, a daughter:
Princess Istenmkhgh and Menkheperre, High Priest of Amun at Thebes, a son:
Pinudjem II, High Priest of Egypt, a daughter:
Princess Karoma and Ozorkon, King, a son:
Shoshenk, High Priest of Ptah at Memphis, a son:
Takelot, High Priest of Ptah at Memphis, a daughter:
Djedbastesankh and Shoshen III King, a son:
Pimay, King of Egypt (died 773), a son:
Osorkon, Great Chief of Ma, a son:
Tefnakhte I of Sais, King of Egypt, a son:
Bekenranef of Sais, King of Egypt, a son:
Prince Ibre Nakauba, a son:
Necho I of Sais and Memphis, a son:
Psamtek I, King of Egypt, a daughter:
Princess of Egypt and Galamh of Greater Scythia a son:
Prince Eirhe Ahmon and Princess Scotia of Ireland and Scotland:
Eochaid I, High King of Ireland:
Irial Faidh:
Fiachach Labhruine
Alongus Oilbhuagah
Siorna Saoghalach
Oiliolla Olchaoian
Nuadha Fionn Fail
Simon Breac
Muiriadhach Bolgrach
Fiathadh Tolgrach
Duarch Laighrach
Eochaidh Buillaig
Ugaine Mor
Cobhatach Coalbreag
Jaran Gleofathach
Conla cruaich
Oiliolla Caisthaiclach
Eocaid Fotleathan
Anoghus Tuirimheach
Fiachra Firmara
Fergus I, High King of Ireland,
Conaire Mor
Corbred, King
Dare=dmmoir, King
Corbred II, King
Luigdig-ellatig, King
Modha Lamha, King
Conaire II, King
Corbred of Dal Riata, King
Eochaid, King
Athirco, King
Findacher, King
Thrinklind, King
Romaich, King
Angus, King
Eochaid Muin-remor
Erc of Dal n Araide
Ferus Mor
Aedan Mac Gabrain
Edochaid Buide
Donald Brec
Aed Find (748 -778 AD), a son:
Eochaid and Unisticc of Fortrenn, a son:
King Alpin of Alba, a son:
King Kenneth I of Scotland, a son:
King Constantine of Scotland, a son:
King Donald II, of Scotland, a son:
King Malcolm, of Scotland, a daughter:
Princess Beatrix of Scotland and Grimus, Hereditary Abbot of Dunkeld, a son:
King Duncan I, of Scotland and Sybil of Northumbria, a son:
King Malcom III, Canmore, and Saint Margaret of England, a son:
King David I, of Scotland, and Matilda of Northumbria, a son:
Henry, Earl of Huntingdon and Ada De Warren, a son:
David, 8th Earl of Huntingdon and Matilida, a son:
Robert de Brus, 4th Lord of Annandale, and Isobel of Huntington, a son:
Robert de Brus, 5th Lord of Annandale, a son:
Robert de Brus, 6th Lord of Annandale, and Marjorie, a son:
Robert I, King of Scotland, Robert the Bruce, a daughter:
Marjorie Bruce and Sir Walter Steward, High Steward of Scotland, a son:
Robert II, the Steward, 35th King of Scotland, a son:
Murdac Steward, a son:
Sir W. Steward, 1305 -1425, a son:
Sir W. Steward, 1425 -1488, a son:
Andrew Steward, a son:
Andrew Steward, 1521 -1591, a son:
Andrew Steward, 1545 -1578, a son:
Andrew Steward, 1560 -1628, a daughter:
Maud Steward and John Kennedy, a son:
John Kennedy, 1620 -1667, a son:
Thomas Kennedy, born 1641, a son:
William Kennedy, born 1670, a son:
William Kennedy, Jr., a son:
Hugh Kennedy, 1725 -1814, immigrant to Pennsylvania, veteran of revolution, and Catherine Hughes:
James Kennedy and Elizabeth Bailelet, a son:
John Bennett Kennedy and Charity McMichael, a son:
Samuel Kennedy and Lucretia Webster Smith, a daughter:
Henrietta Kennedy and Benjamin Harrison Lingenfelter, a daughter:
Mary Lucretia Lingenfelter and Hugh Monroe Thompson, a son and two daughters:
Miriam, Victor and Jean: Jean Thompson and Ralph Andrews, two sons:
Allan Ralph Andrews and Stephen Charles Andrews:
Stephen Charles Andrews, a son: Stephen Roy Andrews.