22nd METU BRITISH NOVELISTS CONFERENCE: ZADIE SMITH AND HER WORK PROGRAMME 26 MARCH 2015, THURSDAY (MORNING) 09:30-10:00 REGISTRATION- CULTURE AND CONVENTION CENTRE (KKM) 10:00-10:20 OPENING REMARKS (ROOM D) Prof. Dr. Gölge Seferoğlu, Dean of the Faculty of Education, Middle East Technical University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurten Birlik, Head of the Department of Foreign Language Education, Middle East Technical University 10:20-11:20 KEYNOTE SPEECH (ROOM D) Chair: Prof. Dr. Philip Tew, Brunel University London, UK “Fifteen Years Old: Retrospection, Belatedness & Nostalgia in Zadie Smith's White Teeth (2000)” 11:20-11:40 COFFEE BREAK 11:40-12:40 SESSION ONE ROOM D ROOM C Chair: Chair: Trevor Hope, Yaşar University, Turkey “Whodunnit, Innit? NW and the Guilt of Plot” Gönül Bakay, Bahçeşehir University, Turkey “Challenges of Cosmopolitanism: Zadie Smith’s NW as a Contemporary Urban Epic” Jeffrey Hibbert, Yaşar University, Turkey “Zadie Smith Reading David Foster Wallace: The Postmodern Ethics of Centrifugal Narrative” Beatriz Pérez Zapata, University of Zaragoza, Spain “Going nowhere, going home: place, origins and memory in NW” 12:40-14:00 LUNCH 26 MARCH 2015, THURSDAY (AFTERNOON) 14:00-15:20 SESSION TWO ROOM D ROOM C Chair: Chair: Michael Perfect, Bilkent University, Turkey “‘Let us stick to what we are obviously here for’: Infidelity and Identity in Zadie Smith’s Fiction” Ladan Amir Safaei, Atılım University, Turkey “Psychosocial Identity Development in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth” Neslihan Ekmekçioğlu, Çankaya University, Turkey “The Fusion of Verbal, Musical and Visual Artistic Domains in Zadie Smith’s On Beauty” Gülrenk H. Oral, Essen Duisburg University, Germany “Can We Really Escape the Past? : Identity Quest and Cultural Memory in Zadie Smith’s Novel White Teeth” Gillian M. E. Alban, Istanbul Aydın University, Turkey “The Subalterns Speak back in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth and Monica Ali’s Brick Lane” Tuba Korkmaz, METU, Turkey “Zadie Smith’s White Teeth: A multiple Play on the Concept of History” 15:20-15:40 COFFEE BREAK 15:40-16:40 SESSION THREE ROOM D ROOM C Chair: Chair: Emel Taştekin, Yaşar University, Turkey “That ‘extra shoe:’ Jewishness and reactive religious identities in Zadie Smith’s novels” Mine Krause, University of Bayreuth, Germany “From ‘In-Between-Identities’ to ‘Global Souls’ in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth and Elif Şafak’s The Bastard of Istanbul” Steven Barfield, University of Human Development, Iraq “‘Defending his liberal humanism against fundamentalists of the right and the left’: Exploring Zadie Smith’s Literary Criticism and Journalism” Santosh Pundalik Rajguru, L. B. P. M. College, India “Quest for Identity in Zadie Smith and Andrea Levy’s Novels: An Analysis” 17:00 WINE AND CHEESE PARTY (SOSYAL BİNA) 27 MARCH 2015, FRIDAY (MORNING) 10:00-11:00 SESSION ONE ROOM B Chair: Başak Güntekin, Editor for World Literature, Everest Publications “Zadie Smith is Changing her Mind/ Zadie Smith Bugün Farklı Düşünüyor” Tuncay Tezcan, Hacettepe University, Turkey “Descriptive Translation Analysis: From White Teeth to İnci gibi Dişler” 11:00-11:20 COFFEE BREAK 11:20-12:00 SESSION TWO ROOM B ROOM G (2nd FLOOR) Chair: Merve Kansız, Boğaziçi University, Turkey “Popular Culture as ‘Simulacrum’ in Zadie Smith’s The Autograph Man” Chair: Sadenur Doğan, METU, Turkey “History as the Great Identity Marker for Samad Iqbal in White Teeth” Kerim Can Yazgünoğlu, Hacettepe University, Turkey “The Posthuman Predicament in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth” Fahimeh Q. Berenji, METU, Turkey “Multiculturalism and Polyphony in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth” 12:15-12:45 (ROOM B) CLOSING REMARKS AND THE RESULTS OF VOTING FOR THE TOPIC OF NEXT YEAR’S CONFERENCE