Trinity - Clover

The Lord’s Day
October 20, 2013, 10:00 a.m.
* Introit
People will know that
Jesus is alive by the way
we love one another,
especially the unloved
and those in need.
“Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”
Greeting and Call to Worship
* Song of Praise
Hymn # 2
“Oh Worship the King”
Confession and Assurance of Forgiveness
* Response
* Schooling ourselves
and our children in the
words and ways of
* Simplifying our lives, as
a church and in our
* Building relationships
with the poor and
“Here in Your Presence”
The Peace
Children’s Message
(Children and Youth excused to classrooms)
Life Is Messy: “Sweet Dreams”
Genesis 28:10-22
Pastor Mary Graves
To join our mailing list
and receive our weekly
email blasts, go to our
Response to the Word
Hymn # 698
“Your Grace Is Enough”
“The Gate of Heaven”
Prayers of the People
Allen Sears
* Benediction and Sending
To Our Guests, a warm
welcome to those of
you who are new to our
church. Before you
leave, please let us
know your contact
information, and
introduce yourself at
the Connections table.
The flowers in the sanctuary today are given by the Sturken Family, to the glory of
God and “with gratitude and love of the Saturday morning men’s breakfast bible
Songs printed with
CCLI #437799. Assisted
hearing devices available
in the narthex.
Youth Ministry Priority - It has been encouraging to hear from many of you
offering your ideas and your involvement as we evolve into a more effective
ministry with our youth. If you have a hobby, talent, ministry involvement that
you would be willing to share with our middle school or high school students; if
you can host a game night or event in your home; if you would be interested in
attending their sports or performance events, let us know. Youth ministry is
open to the many ways our congregation can do stuff with our youth. Contact
Leane Ritchie (650) 892-814 or Karen Stine (650) 868-4311.
Those in our presbytery
Christ Presbyterian Church,
San Leandro; Bethel
Presbyterian Church, San
Breast Cancer Awareness- Naomi Kitajima, teacher, nurse, and servant, writes
the following: breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the
United States, other than skin cancer. It is the second leading cause of cancer
death in women. The chance of a woman having invasive breast cancer some
time during her life is about 1 in 8. The chance of dying from breast cancer is
about 1 in 36. Team Hope House will be in Fellowship Hall distributing
information on both Breast and Testicular cancer, this morning. Simulated
models of breast and testicular cancer will be available for you to learn what an
actual cancerous lump feels like. This will be taught by trained Registered
Nurses. Learn more and donate to Team Hope House to help find a cure! Hope
House will be walking in the "Making Strides" San Francisco walk on October 26.
Serving Street Church - Trinity has committed to providing dinner for the
homeless at Street Church one Monday a month, and this coming Monday is our
night. If you are interested you can find out more on our website link: These folks are also in
need of sleeping bags, crew socks, warm jackets and hoodies, which you can
bring to the church yourself or contribute to "Street Life Ministries/Clothing
Ministry" (contact
Our Softball Team Is in the Playoffs! - They surprised themselves again and are
in the playoffs this Sunday at 3:00 p.m. at Highland Park. Cheering section is
welcome! Congrats O Trinity team, for having fun AND winning.
Holiday Sharing off to a Good Start - You gave almost $1,000 toward our
Holiday Gift Sharing, a great start to passing our $5,200 mark last year. The
Deacons team working on this is bringing a brighter Thanksgiving and
Christmas for those in need in our local community by providing meals (Safeway
gift certificates) and Christmas gifts for Angel Tree Network children who have a
parent in prison and for students in the most impoverished schools in Redwood
City. Please visit the donation table downstairs through December 8 or get your
check into the offering plate or church office marked for Holiday Sharing.
Barbara Crockett,, Cliff Kemper,,
Anne Karasky,
Potluck on Sunday November 3 - Several committed folks offered to organize
the Christmas Progressive Dinner this year but it was less than the core group
needed. We will look at what we loved most about that annual tradition and
what we feel God calling us to do next year. In the meantime, there is an all
church potluck dinner on the calendar for Sunday evening, November 3 from
5:00 to 6:30pm. Session hopes to see a lot of you there so we can share the
Mission Statement we recently finalized. More to come!
Supported ministries:
Christar: outreach to the
Gujarati Hindus, Great Britain;
SpiritCare for Seniors
For prayer needs, please call
the church office, (650) 5938226, or Pam Tenn, (650) 5917007 on the prayer chain. You
may also use the ‘Prayer
Request’ cards in the pew
Dr. Mary Graves
Senior Pastor
Rev. Ben Pierce
Part-time Interim Assoc. Pastor
Dr. Brett Fenwick
Parish Associate
Jamie Holden
Director of Trinity Nurs. School
Rosemary Smith
Director Em. Trinity Nurs. School
Kristan Verveniotis
Director of Children’s Ministry
Bill O’Neill
Director of Music Ministries
Theodora Carson
Carl Johanson
Sound Technician
Kristina Patrick
Office Manager
Rosa Molero
Administrative Assistant
Rubén Carlos
Trinity Presbyterian Church
1106 Alameda de las Pulgas • San Carlos, CA 94070 Tel. (650) 593-8226