Date Assigned

Ancient Civilization Research and Presentation Projects
Sixth Grade 2014 Ms. Duffy
Name _________________________________________________________________
Dear Parents and Students,
Sixth graders are beginning of a large unit of study, Ancient Civilizations. We will spend the
next three months delving deeply into our last big unit of the year. Below, I have listed the Learning
Objectives for this unit. As you can see it is extensive. Students will be reading, researching, writing,
presenting, persuading, creating, and of course, learning. For almost every project they will be
given a rubric, which we will go over as part of the assignment description.
The work the students will do is divided into 3 main sections:
 In class, textbook-related assignments
 Extensive persuasive writing assignment (in the form of debate), and other writing
 In-depth projects and presentations
Debate, Bulletin board design and creation, Jigsaw teaching about Civilization
The work related to this unit will be done in a myriad of ways. Students will work independently,
in small groups, with clock buddies (even if they are not studying the same civilization) and as a
whole class. There will be reading assignments, writing assignments, research, note-taking,
technology aspects, artwork, and presentations in front of the class and/or in small groups, to name
a few.
As we progress through this unit, the students will be taking a closer look at the geography and
its impacts on civilizations, contributions and legacies of civilizations and how they are still present
today, how civilizations interacted with their neighbors, and the causes of civilizations’ decline.
Please make every effort to support your child during this time. The more successful they
can be at organizing their time, doing the work in steps, understanding the meaning of due dates,
and doing their best work possible, the better off they will be for completing all the work
successfully. Also, these study skills will be invaluable in junior high. You can start by signing this
letter after reading over the syllabus and returning it to school by _________________. It is imperative
that the syllabus comes back to school by ___________, as this is the unit guide sheet that students
will use throughout our continued study of ancient civilizations. If a second copy is required it can
be downloaded from my website.
Continue to check the website for information about classroom work and general
information related to Kokanee Elementary and Room 524.
Learning Objectives-Social Studies WA State EALRs
Component 1.2: Understands the purposes, organization, and function of
governments, laws, and political systems.
Component 2.2: Understands how economic systems function.
Component 4.1: Understands historical chronology
Component 4.2: Understands and analyzes causal factors that have shaped major
events in history.
Component 4.3: Understands that there are multiple perspectives and interpretations
of historical events.
Component 5.2: Uses inquiry-based research.
Component 5.3: Deliberates public issues.
Component 5.4: Creates a product that uses social studies content to support a thesis
and presents the product in an appropriate manner to a meaningful audience.
Learning Objectives- Common Core State Standards
Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies.
Text Types and Purpose: Argument (W1)
Production and Distribution: Clear and coherent writing (W4), technology (W6)
Research to Build Knowledge: Research (W7), information gathering (W8)
Each Student will be responsible for:
Note cards and graphic organizer showing evidence of learning about chosen civilization,.
Two chapter tests (chapter 1 and their chosen civilization’s chapter test), and any quizzes from those
2 chapters..
All notes given out during whole group instruction must be written in notebook, on note cards, or
on large graphic organizer.
Word Bank words and definitions, and any vocabulary assignments attached to those words.
Any handouts given during class time
Large graphic organizer with information on four (4) civilizations, one of which may not be your
Bibliography page of all resources used throughout the research of this unit.
Note Cards
_____ 20 for assigned civilization
_____ 5 each of the civilizations that will be the focus during the debate and written Persuasive
_____ Strategy to track book titles and other sources (see Noodletools note)
_____ No plagiarism
_____ Cards completed on time
_____ Minimum of three books(other than textbook) for the topic
_____ Minimum of two websites (no Wikipedia-I will help by providing acceptable websites)
Noodletools website for documenting sources
Persuasive Written Essay-Final report comparing and contrasting your civilization with another
(not the same one you debate against). A rubric will be provided.
_____ Date Assigned_________________
_____ Note cards on both civilizations
_____ Rough draft due___________________
_____ Introduction, stating the reasons the paper will present to persuade the reader believe (as you
do) that your civilization was the best in contributing to its civilization and passing on its legacies.
_____ Conclusion, stating reasons why the reader should have come to the conclusion that your
civilization’s contributions and legacy are more powerful than the civilization you compared it to.
_____ Body with compare/contrast format, covering at least 4 different subject areas.
_____ Correct conventions (spelling, punctuation, grammar)
_____ Bibliography is on back and formatted correctly
_____Cover Page
Final Report Due Date _________________________
Each Ancient Civilization Group will be responsible for:
Bulletin Board -includes a title, a hand-drawn and colored map of civilization area, a typed fact
sheet with ten facts about your civilization, two artistic representations chosen of your civilization
(art, writing sample, architecture, culture, or daily living, recreation, sport, occupations, major
landmarks, transportation methods, famous citizens, lasting legacies) and a typed story, myth, or
legend from your ancient civilization. (If you have less than four in your group, I will allow your
group to do one less artistic representation).
A rubric will be provided.
______ Display Date__________________________________
_____ Rough sketch of each member’s specific task due_____________________
_____ group members’ names on final project
_____ 10 events/key points included on Fact Sheet
_____ Large enough for audience to view
_____ Title
_____ Map is accurately hand-drawn, colorful, shows majority of civilization’s borders, including
major bodies of water, landforms, compass rose, key, scale and title
_____ Myth/Legend/Story is a type-written retelling of the main points of the story, why it was
important to the civilization, and written using proper conventions.
_____ Artistic Representations are creative, authentic, and an accurate representation of the
_____ Neat
_____ Creative
_____ Good use of space (not too much blank, not too busy)
_____ Thoughtful use of color
_____ Correct conventions (grammar, punctuation, spelling)
_____ No plagiarism
_____ Border (optional)
Debate Your civilization will debate another civilization. This will be done in front of the whole
class. The goal of the debate will be to prove that your civilization’s legacies, technological
advances, and evidence of enduring culture are more worthy than that of the civilization you debate
against. This will be against a civilization that you are not covering in your final Persuasive report.
A rubric will be provided.
Presentation Date_________________________
______ Tasks assigned to group members
______ Research notes cards due date __________________
______ Practice in front of Ms. Duffy due date___________________
______ Debate is scored on rubric provided.
______ Each member of the group must speak during the debate.
Jigsaw Teaching- Ancient Civilization groups will be responsible for teaching as much as they
know about their assigned chapter to the rest of the class using the Jigsaw format.
Novel study (optional and extra credit). All work must be pre-approved by me.. Must be
completed by _______________________________________
_____ Choose a novel that goes along with your topic. Read it!
_____ Give the class a brief book report.
_____ Create a visual to enhance the book report presentation.
This syllabus is subject to change. Keep it in your social studies folder at all times.
You will receive extra credit of 5 points at the end of this unit if you still have this
Rubrics will be provided for some projects; IF you receive a rubric it must be attached
to the finished assignment or 2 points will be deducted from the overall grade.
Erin Duffy
I have looked over the entire syllabus with my student,____________________________(child’s name). I
will support my student as he/she works through this unit of study.
Parent’s signature_____________________________________________________________
Worth 5 points and will be considered incomplete/missing on progress report if it is not returned.