Teacher Education Student Services The office of Teacher Education Student Services (TESS) oversees several functions and activities within the School of Education. TESS provides academic advising for undergraduate certification programs in elementary, exceptional student, and middle school education. In addition, TESS provides academic advising for Professional Training Option students, also known as the Education Minor for students wishing to become secondary level teachers. The process of finding field placements for Field Experience I, II, and Student Teaching takes place within TESS as well as oversight of the Clinical Educator Training program. Implementation and coordination of the Teacher Education Response to Intervention process is conducted by the Director of TESS. Mission Statement The mission of TESS is to provide appropriate, accurate and timely information to students so that they may be responsible for their course of study, for the choices they make along the way, and for their success in the School of Education; and, to create an advising environment that encourages and reinforces an enthusiasm for teaching and that supports professional growth and development of our students and of our staff. Staff Dr. Trudi Gaines at is the Director of Student Services, and her office is located at our Pensacola main campus in the School of Education Undergraduate Advising office (Building 85/Room 196). Dr. Gaines is also a faculty member and coordinator of student teaching placements and the RtI process. Ms. Calandra Jackson at is the General Advisor/Office Manager of the School of Education Undergraduate Advising office. Ms. Jackson assists with the various education programs, as well as refers students to a specific advisor as needed. In addition, she advises all middle level education students, education minor students, and those with alternative certification inquiries. Ms. Jackson also receives the TESS email (tess@uwf.edu), and either directly replies to it or forwards the email to an appropriate advisor. She also assists Dr. Gaines with implementing certain RtI procedures. Ms. Kimberly “Musetta” Feldman at is the advisor for the Exceptional Student Education program. This program includes both online and face-to-face students. Ms. Feldman also assists Dr. Gaines with certain student teaching placement coordination procedures. Ms. Ann Tucei is an advisor for elementary education students on Mondays and Wednesdays. Ms. Carolyn Livingston is an advisor for elementary education students on Tuesdays and Thursdays. As Field Placement Coordinator, she also advises students who have placement concerns on these days. Ms. Latrece Gulley is the academic advisor for TESS at the UWF Combs campus in the Fort Walton Beach area. TESS provides walk-in advising on the Pensacola main campus from Monday through Thursday from 9:00am – 4:00pm and scheduled appointments on Fridays. Professional Development TESS staff members belong to the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) and are encouraged to participate in staff development opportunities through that organization. TESS staff members attend academic advisor training opportunities provided throughout the year by COPS and coordinated by Dr. Bob Shaw of the dean’s office. TESS staff members also attend regularly scheduled staff meetings during which internal issues are discussed as well as information about teacher education programs, results of evaluation measures, COPS procedures, and UWF procedures. Evaluation Students are asked to complete an evaluation of the most recent contact with a TESS advisor by completing an evaluation form either in hard-copy format or online. A sample of the form is included as Appendix A. A second measure of TESS performance is a student survey through Survey Monkey (Appendix B). This survey was initially implemented during the Spring 2011 semester and students will be asked again during Fall 2011 semester to complete the survey. Students are invited to complete the survey via a broadcast email sent from the Director of TESS with a notice about the email posted on the School of Education Facebook page. A third method of soliciting feedback from students is a welcome email sent to all new students after their initial advising session, in which they are invited to provide any feedback or comments about their initial contact with TESS (Appendix C). Appendix A School of Teacher Education UWF Undergraduate Advising Center Evaluation Advisor’s Name ______________________________________________________________ Today’s Date ________________________________________________________________ Rating Scale: 4 = Excellent 3 = Good 2 = Fair 1 = Poor Please check the number that applies in the box to the right of each item. 4 1. Advisor maintains a cordial, professional relationship. 2. Advisor provides a comfortable atmosphere for my advising appointment. 3. Advisor makes referrals when appropriate. 4. Advisor is available for scheduled appointments and during walk-in hours. 5. Advisor provides accurate information about academic regulations and procedures 6. Advisor regularly reviews SASS audits with me to check my progress. 7. Advisor assists me in course selections to meet graduation requirements. 8. Advisor assists in scheduling classes appropriate to my degree plan. Thank you! 3 2 1 Appendix B See pdf file (“TESS Survey”). Attachment C Dear ___________________, Welcome to Teacher Education at UWF! You recently completed the initial advising session with your academic advisor, and I hope that your questions were answered and that you had a good experience with us. Please feel free to email or call me with any comments or concerns that you would like to convey at this time or in the future. Also, we would appreciate your taking the time to complete the “Undergraduate Advising Center Evaluation” found in the Applications tab in Tk20 so that we can continue to improve our services. We look forward to working with you. Best, Dr. Gaines