NORTHERN TERRITORY OF AUSTRALIA Government Gazette No. G1 DARWIN GENERAL INFORMATION General issues of the Gazette contain notices under the following headings: Proclamations; Legislative (Acts of Parliament assented to, Statutory Rules, By-laws, Regulations); Government departments administering particular legislation or functions; Notices under the Companies (Northern Territory) Code; Planning Act; Crown Lands Act; Private Notices; Tenders Invited; Contracts Awarded. Copies of each week’s General Gazette are available for a cost of $1.10 each (plus postage) and are published on a Wednesday. Copies of each week’s Special Gazettes are available separately for a cost of $1.10 each (plus postage). Special Gazettes are supplied with General Gazettes on a Wednesday and they are sold at $1.10 per set (plus postage). Annual subscription rates apply from 1 July 2001. All current paid subscriptions will not be effected and will continue until their expiry dates. NOTICES FOR PUBLICATION and related correspondence should be addressed to: Gazette Office GPO Box 1447 Darwin NT 0801 Telephone: 08 8999 4005 Facsimile: 08 8999 4037 Email: or hand-delivered to the reception desk Government Printing Office 203 Stuart Highway, Parap. ISSN-0157-8324 4 January 2012 SUBSCRIPTIONS are payable in advance and are accepted for a maximum period of one calendar year. All subscriptions are on a irm basis and reffunds ffor cancellations will not be given. Rates include surface postage in Australia and overseas. Other carriage rates are available on application. AVAILABILITY: The Gazette may be purchased by mail from: Retail Sales Government Printing Office GPO Box 1447 Darwin NT 0801 Telephone: 08 8999 4031 or purchased from Retail Sales Government Printing Office 203 Stuart Highway, Parap Telephone: 08 8999 4031 Northern Territory Acts, Regulations and other Northern Territory Government legislation are only obtained from the Government Publications Office, Darwin. The Gazette is available for perusal at the Government Printing Office. Notices are accepted for publication in the next available issue, unless otherwise speciied. ALLREMITTANCES should be made payable to: Receiver off Territory Monies, Government Printing Office and marked to the attention of the Gazette Office. Two copies with a covering sheet stating contact name, telephone, facsimile and or e-mail details is also requested with all material submitted for publication. OTHER ISSUES OF THE GAZETTE CLOSING TIMES: Notices for publication should be lodged at the Gazette Office by the ffollowing time (except holiday periods for which special advice of earlier closing times will be given). THE CLOSING TIME FOR ALL NOTICES IN THE GENERAL GAZETTE IS 4PM WEDNESDAY THE WEEK PRIOR TO PUBLICATION. Special Gazettes are published on urgent matters as required. Officers responsible ffor arranging the insertion off urgent notices should refer to the Gazette Officer on this subject. They are supplied free of charge to subscribers to the General Gazettes or are available separately for purchase from Retail Sales. Registration Gazettes which are published periodically are available for purchase from Retail Sales. Page 2 The Northern Territory Government Gazette No. Gi, 4 January 20i2 Traffic Act Traffic Regulations AUTHORISED OPERATORS OF PRESCRIBED BREATH ANALYSIS INSTRUMENT I, JEANETTE KERR, Commander, Professional Development Command, in pursuance of regulation 59 of the Traffic Regulations, being of the opinion that each member of the Police Force whose name appears in the attached Schedule is: (a) trained in the use of a prescribed breath analysis instrument known as the Drager Alcotest 7110; and (b) capable of using that prescribed breath analysis instrument correctly, authorise those members of the Police Force to use that prescribed breath analysis instrument for the purpose of the Traffic Act. Surname Beckham Chisholm Clegg Douglas Hetherington Osborne Overall Pennuto Sutton Trenerry SCHEDULE First Name Middle Name Darryl Norrie Jason Nicholas Jennifer Sarah Declan Philip Douglas Andrew Richard John Robert Graham Kirk Joseph Shaun James Philip John Reg Number 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 2537 Dated 16th December, 2011 J. KERR Commander Professional Development Command Cobourg Peninsula Aboriginal Land, Sanctuary and Marine Park Act COBOURG PENINSULA SANCTUARY AND MARINE PARK BOARD APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS I, KARL RIO HAMPTON, Minister for Parks and Wildlife, under section 19(1) of the Cobourg Peninsula Aboriginal Land, Sanctuary and Marine Park Act, appoint Paul Charles Josif to be a member of the Cobourg Peninsula Sanctuary and Marine Park Board on and from 12 November 2011. Dated 20th December, 2011. K. R. HAMPTON Minister for Parks and Wildlife Cobourg Peninsula Aboriginal Land, Sanctuary and Marine Park Act COBOURG PENINSULA SANCTUARY AND MARINE PARK BOARD APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER I, KARL RIO HAMPTON, Minister for Parks and Wildlife, under section 19(1) of the Cobourg Peninsula Aboriginal Land, Sanctuary and Marine Park Act, appoint Patrick James Loder Murray to be a member of the Cobourg Peninsula Sanctuary and Marine Park Board on and from 12 November 2011. Dated 20th December, 2011. K. R. HAMPTON Minister for Parks and Wildlife 3 Assent to Proposed Law Your Honour the Administrator assented to the following proposed laws: 21 December, 2011 Constitutional Conventional (Election) Act 2011 (Act No. 41 of 2011) Education and Care Services (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011 (Act No. 46 of 2011) Electoral and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (Act No. 40 of 2011) Fines and Penalties (Recovery) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (Act No. 43 of 2011) Housing and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (Act No. 45 of 2011) Kenbi Land Trust Act 2011 (Act No. 42 of 2011) Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2011 (Act No. 44 of 2011) G. GADD for M. TATHAM Acting Clerk of the Legislative Assembly 41 Plant Health Act DECLARATION OF PEST AND NOTIFIABLE PEST FUSARIUM WILT OF BANANA I, STEPHEN JAMES WEST, Chief Inspector of Plant Health: (a) under section 6(2)(a) of the Plant Health Act, declare Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. ex Fries f.sp. cubense (E.F. Smith) Snyder & Hansen Tropical Race 4 (fusarium wilt of banana) to be a pest; and (b) under section 6(4) of the Act, specify that the declared pest mentioned in paragraph (a) is a notifiable pest. Dated 22nd December, 2011. S. J. WEST Chief Inspector of Plant Health 51 Plant Health Act DECLARATION OF QUARANTINE PLACE FOR BANANA AND PLANTAIN PLANTS I, STEPHEN JAMES WEST, Chief Inspector of Plant Health: (a) under section 18(1) of the of the Plant Health Act and with reference to section 78(2) of the Act and section 43 of the Interpretation Act, revoke the notice entitled “Declaration of Quarantine Area for Banana and Plantain Plants“ dated 21 July 2004 and published in Gazette No. G31 of 4 August 2004, pages 4 and 5; and (b) under section 18 of the Plant Health Act: The Northern Territory Government Gazette No. Gi, 4 January 20i2 (i) declare the area of land near Middle Point, described in Schedule 1, to be a quarantine place for the control of the declared pest Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. ex Fries f.sp. cubense (E.F. Smith) Snyder & Hansen Tropical Race 4 (the declared pest); and (ii) declare the quarantine place for the purposes mentioned in section 18(2)(a) to (d) of the Act; and (iii) specify that the prohibitions, restrictions and requirements in Schedule 2 apply to the whole of the quarantine place; and (iv) specify that the reason for the decision to make this declaration is because the quarantine place is affected by the declared pest; and (v) specify that a person whose interests are or might be affected by the decision has a right to apply under section 58 of the Act for reconsideration of the decision. Dated 22nd December, 2011. S. J. WEST Chief Inspector of Plant Health SCHEDULE 1 QUARANTINE PLACE The area of land near Middle Point that is the part of section 1560 of Hundred of Guy contained within a circle of radius 2 m centred at the point numbered 1 as marked on the plan and having the following co-ordinates: Latitude (South) 12o 33’ 51.21” Longitude (East) 131o 19’ 11.89” SCHEDULE 2 PROHIBITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS 1. The following must not be removed from the quarantine place without a permit: (a) any part of a banana plant or plantain plant (the plants) except the fruit or fruit bunches; (b) any soil except soil in the form of dust that has settled on the surface of vehicle, equipment or footwear. 2. The owner of the land within the quarantine place (the owner) must notify the Chief Inspector in writing as soon as practicable after: (a) the removal of plants from the quarantine place; or (b) there is any other significant change in circumstances that the owner believes may affect these prohibitions, restrictions and requirements. Page 3 3. The owner must: (a) inspect all plants and identify the plants that are affected by the declared pest, or allow an inspector to do so; and (b) in accordance with a permit, dispose of the plants affected by the declared pest, or allow an inspector to dispose of the plants; and retain written records relating to the inspection and disposal, specifying the following: (i) the dates of inspection and disposal; (c) (ii) the number and location of the plants inspected and disposed of; (iii) the method of disposal. 4. The owner must not plant or propagate any additional plants within the quarantine place without a permit. 5. The owner must construct and maintain a barrier, in accordance with a permit, to prevent cattle, horses, pigs and vehicles from entering the quarantine place. 6. The owner must ensure that: (a) (b) the gate, or other structure, allowing access to the quarantine place remains closed and locked at all times except when actually in use for entry or exit; and at each access point to the quarantine place there is a sign that: (i) a person can read before entering the quarantine place; and (ii) states that unauthorised entry to the quarantine place is prohibited. 7. If a person enters the quarantine place with the authority of the owner (whether or not bringing a vehicle or equipment into the quarantine place), the owner must ensure that: (a) before the person enters the quarantine place, the person is aware of the prohibitions, restrictions and requirements of this notice; and (b) the person uses the measures specified in a permit to remove all soil (except in the form of surface dust) from vehicle and equipment and the footwear and bare feet before the person leaves the quarantine place; and (c) the material and equipment required to comply with paragraph (b) is available at the point of exit from the quarantine place and is in working condition. 8. In this Schedule: permit means a written permit given to the owner by the Chief Inspector. 6/1 Planning Act PROPOSED EXCEPTIONAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT LOT 4481 (38) SPICER CRESCENT, SUBURB OF ARALUEN, TOWN OF ALICE SPRINGS I, GERALD FRANCIS McCARTHY, the Minister for Lands and Planning, determine pursuant to section 39 of the Planning Act, that: (a) a proposed Exceptional Development Permit, as described in (e), is to be exhibited; (b) the proposed Exceptional Development Permit is to be exhibited at the following location: Page 4 The Northern Territory Government Gazette No. Gi, 4 January 20i2 Ofices of the Department of Lands and Planning Level 1, Alice Plaza, Todd Mall, Alice Springs (c) the exhibition period is for a period of 28 days, commencing upon irst newspaper publication of this notice; (d) written submissions in respect of this exhibition should be made to: Development Assessment Services Department of Lands and Planning PO Box 2130 ALICE SPRINGS NT 0871; or Facsimile: (08) 8951 9222 (e) the proposed Exceptional Development Permit is to allow the construction of 3 x 3 bedroom multiple dwellings in a 2 storey building, on Lot 4481 (38) Spicer Crescent, Suburb of Araluen, Town of Alice Springs. The land is zoned SD (Single Dwelling Residential) under the NT Planning Scheme, and in which multiple dwelling development is a prohibited use. Dated 20th December, 2011. G. F. McCARTHY Minister for Lands and Planning Police Administration Act SALE OF GOODS Notice is hereby given that pursuant to section 166 of the Police Administration Act, the following property as shown on the attached schedule has been in the possession of the Oficer in Charge, Police Station, Peter McAulay Center, for a period in excess of 3 months and this property will be sold or otherwise disposed of in a manner as determined by the Commissioner of Police, if after twenty-eight (28) days from the publication of this notice the property remains unclaimed. Dated 22nd December, 2011. D. MOLONEY Superintendent Casuarina Division 331517/001 356148 356067/002 355775 355560 355339 355196 355193 263951 356364 356170/002 355811/002 355615/002 355470/003 355435/002 355337/01/001 354984/001 SCHEDULE NT 453056 silver Toyota Corolla 3 x Paintings Black Motorola 2 way radio Silver Elite ladies watch Silver Gucci watch/bracelet Silver Kodak digital camera Silver LG DVD player Ring Jewellery- purple stones $68.75 $28.00 $30.00 $2.05 $0.60 (60 cents) $8.00 4000 rupiah $12 (Singapore) 354975 354544 351927/002 356366 356234 356170/001 356155 356090 355900 355899 355898 355811/001 355811/003 355773 355726 355622 355615/001 355615/003 355548 355470/001 355470/002 355383 355435/001 355358 355337/001 355269 355131/001 355131/002 355081 354991 354984/002 354975/001 354968 354871 354742 354722 354652 351927 340151 309720 356327 356326 356308 356306 356214 356193 356128 355985 355883 355882 355682 $35 $40 $1.10 Tongue ring Black Samsung mobile Brown ouch/purse Black Motorola mobile White Nokia PDA mobile Black Nokia mobile Purple Telstra Mobile Light Blue Telstra mobile Black Roxy Purse; and contents Silver Jim Beam hip flask Black nokia mobile 2 x boxes Fireworks White Quicksilver wallet; and contents Black Samsung mobile White addidas bum bag; and contents Brown Billabong Wallet and contents Quicksilver wallet White iPhone Brown wallet and contents Silver iPod Black Samsung Mobile phone Black Telstra mobile phone Black HTC mobile phone Black Motorola flip phone IPEX laptop Wallet Blue Telstra phone White I phone 3 Black Telstra phone Black I phone Black Telstra phone Pink purse Red camera bag CBC single barrel shotgun #442500 (s99 letter sent 21/12/11) Blue Southern Star Apogee bicycle Purple Schwinn kids bike Silver Cyclops BMX Silver Cell MTB Blue Repco ladies Bicycle Pink Repco Crisp bicycle Pink Southern Star ladies MTB Silver nova Radius bicycle Purple Southern Star Apogee bicycle Purple Cyclops bicycle Pink Bravetti bicycle The Northern Territory Government Gazette No. Gi, 4 January 20i2 355680 355677/001 355677/002 355670 355641 Black GT ladies bike Silver Huffy bicycle Red Gemini kids bike Light Blue Cyclops bicycle with child seat Blue Raleigh bicycle 355640 355638 355432 355127 354675 356328 Silver Avanti gents MTB Green Huffy bicycle with child seat Blue Manzano MTB Blue / Yellow bicycle Purple scooter BlackGiant Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT OF JOINT MANAGEMENT PLANS I, KARL RIO HAMPTON, Minister for Parks and Wildlife, under section 25AG of the Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act, give notice that: (a) the following joint management plans have come into operation: (i) Corroboree Rock Conservation Reserve Joint Management Plan; (ii) Finke Gorge National Park Joint Management Plan; (iii) N’Dhala Gorge Nature Park Joint Management Plan; (iv) Trephina Gorge Nature Park Joint Management Plan; and (b) copies of the joint management plans may be: (i) inspected at the ofice of the Parks and Wildlife Service NT during business hours at Tom Hare Building, Arid Zone Research Institute, South Stuart Highway, Alice Springs, Northern Territory; or (ii) viewed at or downloaded from the following website: plans/alice.html Page 5 Dated 21st December, 2011. K. R. HAMPTON Minister for Parks and Wildlife 9/1 Planning Act NOTICE OF DECISION EXCEPTIONAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT EDP11/0016 I, GERRY McCARTHY, the Minister for Lands and Planning, in pursuance of section 40(6) of the Planning Act, give notice that(a) I have, in pursuance of section 40(2)(a), granted an Exceptional Development Permit for Section 6128 (140) Howard Springs Road, Hundred of Bagot; (b) The Exceptional Development Permit has been granted for the purpose of the Ichthys project workers accommodation village including transportable modular accommodation units, dining facility and licensed area, medical clinic, outdoor sports area, bus depot and associated administration in 4 stages; (c) The land is within Zones RL (Rural Living) and SC (Service Commercial) of the NT Planning Scheme, and the development proposes multiple dwellings in the form of an accommodation village, which would otherwise be prohibited; (d) Copies of the Exceptional Development Permit and the Reasons for the Decision are available from the Ofices of the Department of Lands and Planning, Ground Floor, 38 Cavenagh Street, Darwin. Dated 28th December, 2011. G. F. McCARTHY Minister for Lands and Planning 10/1 Page 6 The Northern Territory Government Gazette No. Gi, 4 January 20i2 CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Reference Service or Material Value Contractor $ IR418523 IR406061 D11-0350 DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES Darwin - Provision of Alternative Care 42 500 Paul Testro Consultancy Services, review consultancy Quotation LOGANHOLME, QLD Darwin - Plastic Coffee Mugs Printed 2 19 610 Total Promotions, Spot Colours and Tote Bags Quotation DARWIN, NT Darwin - Provision of Timely and Robust 336 291 Life Without Barriers, Screening, Assessment and Preapproval Public DARWIN, NT Training of Potential Foster Carers (est.) DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION AND INFRASTRUCTURE T11-1119 Darwin - Supply of Layout and Production of the Quarterly NT Construction Snapshot T11-1828 Darwin - Highway House - Consultancy Review the Performance of DCI and Consultant Project Manages on DCI NT Government Projects Darwin - Stuart Highway - Remove Rock Fall From Cuttings Alice Springs Region - Centralian Senior College - Replacement of Gym Floor Tennant Creek Region - Mungkarta School Upgrade T11-2036 SA5063/12 T11-1111A ST5038/12 T11-1340 T11-2051 TW37-1112 T11-1715 T11-2045 TW40-1112 T11-1511 CD2098/12 T11-1461A T11-1744 Darwin - Milikapiti - Replacement of Ceiling in Lot 241 Alice Springs - AZRI (Kilgariff) Subdivision Construction of Water Reticulation Darwin - Dripstone Middle School Airconditioning Structure Support Frame and Walkways - Mandatory Site Inspection Darwin - East Arm Wharf - Reclaimation of Pond F Darwin - Palmerston Community Hospital Architectural Consultancy Darwin - Energy House Level 1 - Ofice Alterations - Mandatory Site Inspection TW39-1112 T11-1280 SD5200/12 T11-1585 Southern Region - Bituminous Resurfacing of Various Roads and Highways Darwin - Territory Wildlife Park - Monsoon Forest Handrails - Mandatory Site Inspection T11-2059 Darwin - Palmerston Early Learning And Care Centre - Palmerston Super Clinic - TED19420 Seperate Fire, Security and Emergency Lighting Site Inspection Mandatory Alice Springs Region - Desert Park - Supply and Installation of 16 Kilowatt Ground Mount Solar Arrays Darwin - Royal Darwin Hospital - Install Cyclone Footings on Three Containers Mandatory Site Inspection SA5065/12 T11-1786 T11-2074 25 311 Quotation (est.) 49 500 Quotation Sprout Creative Pty Ltd, DARWIN, NT 19 947 Quotation 185 238 Public 147 000 Public Quotation 26 710 Quotation 1 813 789 Public 34 700 Quotation Piening Contracting, HUMPTY DOO, NT Scope Building NT Pty Ltd, ALICE SPRINGS, NT GK Painting Contractors Pty Ltd, T/as GK Building Contractors, TENNANT CREEK, NT RBM NT Pty Ltd, HOWARD SPRINGS, NT Ostojic Group Pty Ltd, WINNELLIE, NT GAT Welding, PINELANDS, NT 13 790 113 Public 5 001 699 Public 230 657 Public Ostojic Group Pty Ltd, WINNELLIE, NT MKEA Architects Pty Ltd, DARWIN, NT ITN Joinery Cabinet Making & Construction, ALAWA, NT Fulton Hogan Industries Pty Ltd, PALMERSTON, NT Earthbuilt Pty Ltd, HOWARD SPRINGS, NT 4 017 402 Public 72 900 Public Quotation 17 253 Quotation 84 900 Public Quotation 19 469 Quotation Hunter Construction Services Pty Ltd, CLEVELAND, QLD Custom AV, WINNELLIE, NT Ecoenergy Australia Pty Ltd, ALICE SPRINGS, NT Pattemore Constructions, HUMPTY DOO, NT The Northern Territory Government Gazette No. Gi, 4 January 20i2 Reference Service or Material Page 7 Value Contractor $ T11-1758 SD5204/12 T11-1792 T11-2077 T11-1963 T11-2120 T11-2121 T11-2079A Alice Springs - Reconstruction of Portion of Railway Passenger Platform at Alice Springs Railway Station Darwin - Bullocky Point - Museum and Art Gallery - Remove Mezzaine Floor, Art Racking and Associated Works - Mandatory Site Inspection Darwin - Rosebery Pre School - Various Additions - Mandatory Site Inspection Alice Springs Region - Papunya School Refurbish Ablution Block Darwin Region - Detailed Design of Stuart Highway and Howards Road Intersection Upgrade - Survey Darwin Region - Detailed Design of Stuart Highway & Howard Springs Road Intersection Upgrade - Consultancy Darwin Region - Maintinance of Urban Road Network Bituminous Surfaces 30 514 Quotation Chambers Engineering Services P/L, ALICE SPRINGS, NT 55 000 Public Quotation 27 147 Quotation 25 332 Quotation 24 000 Quotation NT Repairs and Painting Pty Ltd, PALMERSTON, NT 49 166 Quotation Cardno (NT) Pty Ltd, DARWIN, NT 46 151 Quotation F And J Bitumen Service, HUMPTY DOO, NT Vanguard Homes P/L, WINNELLIE, NT S&R Building & Construction, ALICE SPRINGS, NT Earl James & Associates, DARWIN, NT DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING 11-0931 All Centres - Development of the Department of Education and Training Girls Academy Program IR339612 Darwin - Supply and Delivery of EB-1170K Pentax Paediatric Video Bronchoscope and ECY-1570K Pentax Video Cystoscope Darwin - Supply and Delivery of 11278A1 Uretero-fiberscope Flex -x 2 Steerable Instrument Channel: 3 6 FR Direction of View Darwin - Supply and Delivery of OPMI pico i for Ophthalmology Darwin - Supply and Delivery of Direct Digitizer Computer Radiographic System Regius Sigma 49 990 Quotation Nova Peris Enterprises, CULLEN BAY, NT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH IR339609 IR339610 IR329838 39 000 Quotation C R Kennedy & Co Pty Ltd, SOUTH YARRA, VIC 26 397 Quotation Karl Storz Endoscopy Australia Pty Ltd, LANE COVE, NSW Carl Zeiss Pty Ltd, NORTH RYDE, NSW Shimadzu Medical Systems (Oceania) Pty Ltd, RYDALMERE, NSW 28 955 Quotation 48 955 Quotation DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING, LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND REGIONAL SERVICES D11-0082 All Centres - NT Growth Towns - Provision of Demographic and Social Statistical Modelling 11-0899 Darwin - Supply and Delivery of Berrimah Farm Development Promotional Video Darwin - Supply and Delivery of Weddell Stage 1 Public Realm and Social Infrastructure: Urban Design Concept - Bennetts Creek Darwin - Supply of MVR Digital Licence Consumables for a Period of 12 Months 540 000 Exempt Charles Darwin University, CASUARINA, NT DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND PLANNING 11-0945 Q11-0476 28 457 Quotation 77 450 Quotation 235 110 Sole (est.) Simon Says Television, WINNELLIE, NT Troppo Architects, PARAP, NT ABnote Australasia Pty Ltd, MELROSE PARK, SA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, ENVIRONMENT, THE ARTS AND SPORT D11-0353 Darwin - Provision of Specialist Services for a Period of 12 Months 11-1009 Darwin - Supply and Delivery of the Commemorative Publication - Battling: Territorians and Their War 71 520 Sole (est.) 30 000 Quotation Whitehead Consulting, KARAMA, NT Shady Tree, DARWIN, NT Page 8 Reference The Northern Territory Government Gazette No. Gi, 4 January 20i2 Service or Material Value Contractor $ DEPARTMENT OF RESOURCES RFQPI-0148 Darwin - Disposal of Soil Moisture Monitoring Probes 23 210 Quotation D11-0293 Darwin - Consultancy - Feasibility and Business Case for Development of Waterfront Land at East Arm SA Radiation, ERINDALE, SA LAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 810 818 Public Hyder Consulting Pty Limited, MELBOURNE, VIC NORTHERN TERRITORY POLICE, FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES D11-0365 All Centres - Provision of Counselling & Psychological Services for a Period of 12 Months 250 000 Public (est.) Wisemind Psychology Pty Ltd, DARWIN, NT EASA Inc,. DARWIN, NT Darwin Psychology Services Pty Ltd, PALMERSTON, NT Relationships Australia Northern Territory, DARWIN, NT OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS 251111/Ali External Counsel 18 260 21211/Mulhall External Counsel 22 907 07-2011-12 External Counsel 15 400 PWD01673-11 All Centres - Provision of Service, Maintenance and Repairs of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus, Fixed Gas Monitoring and Portable Gas Monitoring/Detection Systems for a Period of 36 Months D11-0264 International - United Kingdom - Provision of Public Relations and/or Trade Marketing Representation Services for a Period of 18 Months - with Option to Extend for Further 12 Months Plus 12 Months Extension International Regions - CENTRAL EUROPE (Germany / Switzerland / Austria) - Provision of public relations and/or trade marketing representation services for a Period of 18 Months - with option for further 2 x 12 month extensions Elisabeth Armitage, DARWIN, NT Elisabeth Armitage, DARWIN, NT John B Lawrence, DARWIN, NT POWER AND WATER 420 000 Public (est.) Wood Group Production Facilities Darwin Pty Ltd, DARWIN, NT 530 289 Robert Hardless, T/as Robert Hardless Associates, TWICKENHAM, ENGLAND Keene Public Affairs Consultants Ltd, LONDON, ENGLAND Karisma GmbH, LANDAU, NUSSDORF KPRN network GmbH, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY TOURISM NT D11-0263 Public 375 202 Public 11/1 Government Printer of the Northern Territory