Summary of the Audrain County Resources and Practices regarding

Summary of the Audrain County Resources and Practices regarding Teen
Pregnancy Prevention and Sexually Transmitted Disease Education
Approximately 20% (27) of the surveys distributed were returned. Surveys
were distributed among Audrain County schools, churches and medical practices
as well as a number of other human service agencies/organizations.
The majority of respondents indicated that they would support an ACCHU
project to provide education regarding sexually transmitted diseases and teen
pregnancy prevention – especially by displaying flyers. Several respondents
indicated agreement to hosting meetings and programs. 2 of the respondents
stated that they would need to review the content of the materials before
committing to assisting.
Eight respondents stated that they currently provide services for teen
pregnancy prevention and/or sexually transmitted disease testing, treatment
and/or education. Those services are provided through counseling, testing for
sexually transmitted diseases, abstinence education, general education, and crisis
Three respondents indicated that they provide Parent Education regarding
teen pregnancy prevention and regarding prevention and signs and symptoms of
sexually transmitted diseases. Services provided include guidance regarding
importance of abstinence, patient and parent education materials, advice
regarding birth control and barrier contraceptives and educational materials for
the client.
Six respondents reported the type of education/information resources
made available to their clients regarding teen pregnancy prevention and sexually
transmitted diseases. These resources include a parish nurse, faith based studies,
American Academy of Pediatrics pamphlets, Audrain City-County Health Unit
resources, individual and group mentoring, general teaching materials.
Information regarding parenting courses/parenting programs utilized by
responding agencies were church affiliated small groups and educational
opportunities, court mandated parenting programs, agency driven parent
education on specific topics like discipline, household chores, etc. use of parent
aides, parenting publications and books.
Referral sources for purposes of teen pregnancy prevention and sexually
transmitted disease education utilized by respondents include the following –
Parish nurse
Audrain City-County Health Unit
Mexico Women’s Health Services
Primary Care Physician
Dr. Jones’ office
Foster Parents
Human Service Council Directory of Services