Betty Sanders State President The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc. Mary Huntoon State Flower Show School Credentials Chairman Catherine Healy Flower Show School Chairman 508-429-5055 Julie Pipe Registrar 508-429-7646 Committee Members of GCFM Judges Council Designers – Members of GCFM Judges Council BOOKS Available from NGC, Inc. Member Services PLEASE BE PUNCTUAL BRING: Study outlines, pencils, highlighters, notebook, clipboard (required), Handbook for Flower Shows, 2007 Revised Edition. Corrections and Addenda available on line SUGGESTED ACCOMODATIONS Holiday Inn Mansfield 31 Hampshire St Mansfield, MA 02048 844 878 8052 508-339-2200 INSTRUCTORS FLOWER SHOW PROCEDURE HORTICULTURE Sandra hails from Hudson, MA. She is a NGC Master Judge, an Accredited NGC Flower Show Procedure, Horticulture and Symposia Instructor. She is a former GCF of Massachusetts State President (1999-2011) and currently serves on the NGC Flower Show Schools Committee as – Symposium Chairman for the Western half os the USA. Sandi holds an A.A. from LaSalle College and a B.A. from Framingham State. She is a Landscape Master Designer Consultant and a Gardening Study Consultant; and has chaired numerous flower shows in Massachusetts. PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc. FLOWER SHOW SCHOOL COURSE III Growing, Staging, Exhibiting and Judging May 24, 25 and 26th, 2016 DESIGN Mary Huntoon Mary Huntoon is an accredited Master Judge for National Garden Clubs, Inc. and is a Flower Show School Instructor in Design. She is also an accredited Judge for Garden Club of America in both Design and Horticulture. She currently serves on the NGC Flower Show Accrediting Committee and also serves at both the Regional and State level. Mary is a past Chairman of MA Judges Council and a past President of Hamilton-Wenham Garden Club. She is a member of North Shore Garden Club. Creative Flower Arrangers of America and National Flower Arrangers. Betty Sanders, State President Location: Holiday Inn Mansfield 31 Hampshire St Mansfield, MA 02048 Accredited by: National Garden Clubs, Inc. FSS Course III sponsored by The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc., is held over a period of 3 days for the better education of those who grow, stage, exhibit and judge. All are welcome to attend, but only those who are members of National Garden Clubs, Inc. and are taking the full course with examinations are eligible for credit. Reservations should be made early to guarantee sufficient study guides (sent in advance of the school) and lunches. Remittance must accompany the application which should be received by the Registrar by Sept. 19th, 2014 REQUIRED READING LIST COURSE III The National Gardener available online at Handbook for Flower Shows Chap. 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,14 Outlines of Period Floral Arrangement - Hannay Designing by Types – Osborne Essence of Creativity …A Legacy – Thomas Chap.1.3 and 4 Table Settings for All Seasons – Wood & Smith – Chap. 7 & Traditional Designs Hortulana, revised – Heber “Introduction” and “How to Use the Book”, plus those paragraphs pertaining to members of the Plant Group studied in this course. Horticulture Exhibiting and Judging Plants and Their Respective Families – download from Plant Families Frequently used in Flower Shows download from TO REGISTER FOR FLOWER SHOW SCHOOL COURSE IIIPLEASE CONTACT JULIE PIPE 508-429-7646 JULIEPIPE@COMCAST.NET 54 Pilgrim Rd, Holliston, MA 01746 OR WWW.GCFM.ORG FOR REGISTRATION FORM PROGRAM Tuessday, May 24th, 2016 8:00 AM 8:15 – 8:30 8:30 – 9:30 9:30 – 10:30 10:30 – 10:45 10:45 – 12:30 12:30 – 1:15 1:15 – 1:30 1:30 – 3:45 3:45 -:4:00: 4:00 – 6:00 Registration and Coffee Greetings & Announcements FLOWER SHOW PROCEDURE PART 1 Sandra Joyce Instructor HORTICULTURE Sandra Joyce Instructor Break HORTICULTURE cont. Lunch Registration HORTICULTURE Practice Point Scoring Break Point Scoring/Test PROGRAM Wednersday, May 25th, 2016 8:00 AM 8:15 – 8:30 8:30 – 9:30 9:30 – 10:30 10:30 – 10:45 10:45 – 12:30 12:30 – 1:15 1:1 5 – 1:30 1:30 – 3:45 3:45 – 4:00 4:00 – 6:00 Registration and Coffee Greetings and announcements FLOWER SHOW PROCEDURE PART 2 Sandra Joyce Instructor DESIGN Mary Huntoon, Instructor Break DESIGN continued Lunch Registration DESIGN Practice Point Scoring Break Point Scoring/Test Thursday, May 26th., 2016 8:30 AM Registration 9:00 – 12:00 Written Exam The exam includes ten questions on each of the three subjects. The tenth question of each subject is taken from the books on the Required Reading List and the Glossary for Design pages 330 to 342 and will not be covered during the lectures. FLOWER SHOW SCHOOL COURSE IV Please join us October . 4,5, and 6th-2016 for Flower Show Course IV at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel, 11 Beaver Street, Milford, MA.01757 IMPORTANT NOTES ABOUT FLOWER SHOW SCHOOL If you have never attended Flower Show School, you may start with ANY course. Please join us for Course 2 No more than two courses can be taken in a calendar year. In order to receive full credit, you must attend the entire course. (No tardiness or early departures)