MOSS SIDE MEDICAL CENTRE PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP Minutes of meeting Friday 15th May 2015 Attendees: Dr U Kanitkar (Lead GP) Dr n Ramamoorthy Dr S Whomersley GPST3 Dr I Grant FY2 Carol Pearson (Practice Manager) Deborah France (Practice Secretary) Patients: MG (Chairman) RR BJ SP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Meeting opened at 2pm by MG (chairman) and welcomes all those who have attended. Apologies: SF – patient. Minutes of the last meeting signed by the chairman. Minutes of the previous meeting on Friday 5th December 2014 approved by the group. Review of the practice leaflet: The current practice leaflet was discussed within the group and some amendments are to be made. BJ brought up the issue regarding mental health and dementia and how at present it is a big issue, thought that perhaps we could put a paragraph on the practice leaflet. The practice leaflet will be amended by the surgery and approved by the PPG. 6. General discussion and update of the last meeting: a. 5 a: Touch screen for patients to electronically sign in for their appointments, Carol to feed back to the JyEx team regarding the finish button at the end of the sequence, some patients are not going all the way to the end of the sequence and pressing the finish button, which then doesn’t sign them in for their appointment and the system then DNA’s the patient. Could this be amended or simplified in any way? b. 5 b: Female GP, Dr Whomersley GPST3 will be staying on with the practice when she qualifies in August 2015. There will be another female GPST starting in August Dr S Richardson. c. 6 a: Linking up with other services, there was a second meeting yesterday (14.5.15)there are talks of 4 practices joining as a federation to provide a greater provision of services – Moss Side Medical Centre, Central Park, Station Surgery and Leyland surgery. The practice will keep the PPG informed on further developments. d. 6 c: CQC inspection, no notice has be given as yet. e. 6 d: Continuity of GP’s, we welcomed Dr N Ramamoorthy who will be a salaried GP at the practice and Dr S Whomersley will be staying with the practice after she qualifies in August. f. 6 e: Winter pressures, the winter pressures scheme has been extended to September 2015, we have 2 sessions on Saturday mornings for patients to see the doctor on a prebooked basis. 7. Any other business: Decide on the priority areas. 8. Action plan priority areas: a: Links with other services to provide a greater provision of services. b: Monitoring of practice population. c: Monitoring of local development and the impact on the surgery. There being no other business the meeting closed at 3.10pm. Minutes submitted to the committee and were approved, Michael F Godbold MBE JP – Chairman