Web Site Info for Festive Food Safety

Standard Grade Festive Food Safety Leaflet
It is almost Christmas, a time of year when food poisoning cases rise, as the
Environmental Health Office and doctors in Oban will confirm.
Examples as to the cause of this are shown below:
People cooking for larger numbers;
More convenience foods purchased;
Using leftovers;
Poor storage and preparation and cooking;
Buying large amounts of food;
Eating out;
These are only a few brief reminders! You will find more
examples by following the links below to food hygiene articles on the internet.
Design a public information leaflet which will advise people of the risks of food
poisoning at Christmas. Your leaflet should suggest ways to avoid food
Criteria for a successful leaflet.
The leaflet should be a folded piece of A4 paper.
The content should be accurate.
The content should be easy and quick to read and understand.
The leaflet should be colourful.
The leaflet should include illustrations.
Follow the links below for some information which you could use in your leaflet.