Elm Church of England Voluntary (Controlled) Primary School Minutes of the Meeting of Governors of Elm School held on Tuesday, 17th July 2012 Present N Buttress E Chenery S Land F McCallum K Tucker J Wickes M McInally (observer) Z Drew L Exell D Mason S Rayner C Jobson (Clerk) V Ranson (observer) M Guarino P Rhodes N Gooch M Thompson 1. Apologies Apologies were received and accepted from T James. The Chairman welcomed Mr Buttress and Mr Rayner as our new Local Authority Governors and Mr McInally and Mrs Ranson as observer with a view to becoming Governors. 2. Declaration of Interest No declarations of interest were received. 3. Correspondence The clerk advised the meeting that two copies of the Governor Training and development Programme for 2012/2013 had been received. 4. Minutes of the meeting held on the 1st May 2012 The minutes of the meeting held on the 1st May 2012 were signed as a true record. 5. Matters Arising There were no matters arising from the minutes of the 1st May 2012. 6. Notification of any Other Business items. There was no notification of any other business items. 7. Governor Training N Gooch, M Guarino and P Rhodes attended a course “Understanding and Using Performance Data on the 1st May 2012. Mrs Z Drew. Mrs N Gooch and Mrs E Chenery stated that they were interested in attending the Advanced Financial Management course on the 23rd April 2013 at March. They would confirm with the clerk if they wished this course to be booked on their behalf. Mr S Rayner stated that he wished to attend the New Governor training on the 18th October 2012 and the clerk confirmed that this has already been booked. Mrs L Exell stated that she would let the clerk know if she was able to attend this course. Mr Buttress stated that he was unable to attend this course, but would book onto another course for new governors later in the year or early next year. 8. Head Teachers Report The Head Teachers report was distributed prior to the meeting. Roll Mrs McCallum stated that there had been no change in the roll. The new Reception class for September 2012 is only 29 at the moment. We had two children not requiring a place and to date only one place has been filled by Admissions. We understand that there are 15 children on the waiting list to come to Elm School. In September our roll will increase by seven pupils as we have 23 children leaving from Year 6 and 30 children coming into our Reception class. This will have a positive impact on our budget. Attendance Our attendance total is 94.9, which is quite good, but it is expected that this will go down by the end of term as there are several children on holiday. The national average is 94.4. School Improvement Mrs McCallum stated that Mrs Guarino attended the “Keeping in Touch” meeting with our Primary Adviser from the Local Authority, Mr David Mills. End of Year Results Mrs McCallum stated that the end of year results are looking very positive, but we will know more when our results have been entered into the Raise on line date Package. The Reception results have not been as good for a long time. We do not know how this will compare nationally was this has never been done before. Mrs McCallum stated that she has spoken to other Head Teachers and this is quite good in line with what other school have been getting. The Year 2 results are good. There are a number of children who achieved a 2c in writing and therefore they will need to achieve a Level 4 by the end of Year 6 to enable them to have achieved 2 levels progress. There are 20 boy and 10 girls in this class. The Year 6 have done very well overall. The pupils who have achieved a Level 4 in Maths and English was 74% a really significant move in the right direction. The Floor Target is 60%. In Maths we are slightly over target, but we are not sure on the percentage of children achieving two levels progress in English until the results are placed on Raise on Line. Mrs McCallum stated that we were one of the schools to receive a moderation visit from the Local Authority and Miss Adams’ judgements were validated by the moderators. The Governors thanked her for all her hard work and it was agreed that the Chairman send her a letter of thanks from the Governors. Finance Mrs McCallum stated that there is a Briefing Meeting regarding changes to financial funding on Wednesday, 12th September from 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm at the Oliver Cromwell, March. Mrs Chenery, Mrs Land and Mr Buttress agreed to attend this meeting with the Head Teacher. Staffing Mrs McCallum stated that Mrs Guarino and Mrs James interviewed two candidates for the Year 1 Teacher for September and they were unable to appoint. In the circumstances Mrs R King a supply teacher has agreed to cover every morning and three afternoons, two in the class room and one afternoon for planning. Mrs Lambert has agreed to cover the remaining three afternoons. Mrs King will cover maths, English and phonics and Mrs Lambert will cover the other subjects such as History, Art and PE. Mrs King retired last summer time and prior to this she was a Key Stage 1 teacher for some considerable years. We will look at advertising for a permanent Year 1 teacher in early January and therefore, look at appointing an NQT or a teacher already in a position who is looking for a sideways move. Mrs McCallum stated that some of the current Reception parents are not happy with the arrangements and had spoken to four parents this evening. Mrs King will be attending school tomorrow the 18th July to meet with the parents. She is also staying on until 5.30 pm to meet parents, who were unable to meet her in the afternoon. Mrs Lamberts hours will remain the same as last year. Update Elm School Nursery Mrs McCallum stated that we now have all the staff in place for the Nursery to start in September. We have still not had the contract from the County regarding the premises, but we now have the keys 9. Curriculum Committee 29th May 2012 The Curriculum Committee minutes on the 29th May were distributed prior to the meeting. Mr Rhodes stated that he had visited the school regarding Higher Ability pupils. Mrs Exell stated that she had been unable to attend the Big Writing, but will rearrange this for the Autumn Term. Mrs Guarino will visit regarding the Intervention Programme in the Autumn Term. Mrs McCallum stated that all comments from parents regarding the school uniform had been positive. 10. Resources Committee 12th June 2012 The Resources Committee minutes were distributed prior to the meeting. Mrs McCallum stated that the Water Risk Assessment has been carried out, but we have not yet received the report. The caretaker is meeting with the engineer tomorrow the 18th July. We have had a quote from the window cleaner and we will have the work undertaken in the school holidays. We are no further forward with the school house. The house is owned by the Ely Diocesan but leased to the Cambridgeshire County Council on a 60 year lease on a peppercorn rent. This lease commenced in 1960 so there is still sometime to go. The Diocese need some work to be carried out before they release Cambridgeshire County Council from the lease. An architect will be required to give us a plan of Action such as replacing doors, fire alarm and fire escape from the upstairs rooms. The schools Fire Risk Assessment is due next year and the Diocesan Surveyor agreed that it would be cost effective to have the work done on the house first and have the house Fire Risk Assessment undertaken with the School. The Asbestos Survey was undertaken in August 2011, but have not yet received this report. We will receive this once Mrs McCallum has undertaken her training in September 2012. A discussion was undertaken regarding the resurfacing of the front car park and part of the playground. Two quotes have been received, but one was June 2011. It was agreed that we obtain an up dated quotation and that the Resources Committee make the decision regarding this work either both areas or just the playground area at their next meeting. 11. OFSTED report discussions A copy of the OFSTED report was distributed prior to the meeting. The Chairman thanked all the staff. He did state that an OFSTED Inspection is very stressful for all staff, because they all care as to what the outcome will be. He commented that our overall result was satisfactory and the Government wants to make all schools good and therefore, the criteria has changed and is much tougher. The new framework is centred on achievement of the pupils. The school could be doing the best job in the world, but would only come out as satisfactory or below if the results are below the National Floor Targets. The Chairman stated that we were very close to being unsatisfactory, a failing school. It was down to Mrs McCallum work and the Inspectors goodwill that she could see that we were going in the right direction. The Inspectors look at Raise on line to see if the pupils are making 2 levels progress. It is expected that we will get a monitoring visit next year for one day by one inspector. Our next full Inspection will be in two years. 12. SIAS Report discussions A copy of the SIAS report was distributed prior to the meeting The SIAS categorised us as a good school, which is an improvement on the last inspection of Satisfactory. Mrs Guarino and the Rev Mason were in school as the Foundation Governors and Mrs Chenery attended as the Vice Chairman. Many of the items on the last report had already been addressed. We still have to formalise the monitoring and evaluation of the collective worship and filling the remaining Foundation vacancy on the Governing Body. 13. Annual child protection summary Mrs McCallum and Mrs Edmunds are designated the Child Protection Officers for Elm School. Mrs McCallum stated that Mrs Jane Howe the Deputy Leader of the Nursery is to be designed as the Child Protection member of staff. 14. Performance Management of Teachers Policy A copy of the Performance Management of Teachers Policy was distributed prior to the meeting. Mrs McCallum stated the Teachers Unions are not in agreement with the Government in respect of the Teachers Standards. EPM Limited have written a model Policy, but in view of the fact that not all Unions are in agreement Mrs McCallum stated that she has included in our existing Policy the minimum change and will change the Policy again next year. The adoption of the Policy was proposed by Mrs McCallum, seconded by Mrs Chenery and agreed 15. Pre School Financial Projection. The projected figures show that the Nursery will be in credit by approximately £3500.00. We do not have to take out separate Public Liability Insurance or Premises Insurance as this is covered by the County Insurance. 16. ESA Feedback Mrs Gooch advised the meeting that all staff and pupils were presented with a Jubilee coin. This was very well received. The ESA have also paid for bibles and dictionaries for the Year 6 leavers, comic and magazine subscriptions and wet play games. There is a balance of approximately £5,000.00. There will also be funds raised at the Fete. The total amount raised at the Fete is £1700 and the ESA will receive half of this. The Bingo was cancelled due to lack of volunteers. The Disco will take place tomorrow the 18th July and there are volunteers for this event. There is a Fashion show on the 26th October 2012. The AGM is on the 24th October 2012 and it is dependent on who is willing to stand as to whether this will continue. Mrs McCallum stated that she will be looking to set up a Friends of the Nursery Group rather than joining with the existing ESA as children who attend the Nursery may not come into school. The Chairman thanked the officers and members of the ESA for their continued support. 17. Elm Centre Feedback Mrs Chenery stated that the Centre has not been used as regularly since the Pre School closed and therefore the income has been dramatically reduced. The next committee meeting is on the 6th August and more members are needed. 18. Governor Audit The Governing Body is required to complete a self evaluation form and E Chenery, L Exell, Z Drew agreed to join the Chairman to complete this at the beginning of the Autumn term. 19. Pre-School Link Governor Mrs Exell and Mrs Gooch agreed to be the Pre-School Link Governors. Mrs McCallum stated that there will be a Leadership team consisting of herself, Miss Beresford or Mrs Wickes and Governors. It is expected that the meetings will take place either first thing in the morning or straight after school. There will be approximately 6 meetings a year. 20. Any Other Business Mrs Land outlined details of a booklet “Moving On”, which is given out to Year 6 pupils of Elm Road, Peckover, Orchards and Ramnoth Road Schools by the Baptist Church. It was agreed that we look at this again in the Autumn term to see if we want to do this at Elm School. Dates for Governors Meetings 2012/13 25th September 2012 27th November 2012 22nd January 2013 19th March 2013 7th May 2013 16th July 2013 Curriculum Committee 13th November 2012 26th February 2013 21st May 2013 The meeting closed at 8.45 pm. Resources Committee 16th October 2012 12th March 2013 23rd April 2013 11th June 2013