BEST PRACTICE Presentation “Lessons of Computer Literacy for digital immigrants from digital natives”. English Teaching Resource Center- ETRC Chisinau, Republic of Moldova The English Teaching Resource Center - ETRC, is a Center designed for contributing to Moldova English Teachers professional Development. ETRC is a multimedia Center that has a library of over 1000 books, dedicated to teaching methods and techniques and there are also 9 Computers in the Center that are used during the ETRC activities. The ETRC was open in a collaboration between the “Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical University form Moldova and United States Embassy in Moldova. The main aims of this Center are: to help English teachers improve their knowledge of English, to assist them in developing their lessons and classroom teaching skills, to promote communication and professional association among English language teachers across the Republic. Thus, the Center is located in the State Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga”, block 1, room 302; 1., Ion Creanga str. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Since the ETRC started its activity in 2003, its main purpose still remains improving the quality of teaching English through different projects dedicated to Continuous Professional Education of English Teachers from Moldova. For the last 5-6 years the ETRC is coordinated by Larisa Guzun and Irina Pomazanovschi. During these 5 years, the ETRC has implemented many projects ETRC – 1, Ion Creanga str., block 1, room 302 Contact info: 022-508-816 ETRC Co-directors: Larisa Guzun – Irina Pomazanovschi dedicated to improvement of Educational Process during the English Language Classes. One of the many projects that ETRC has developed is dedicated to teachers of English who wanted to study the Computer in order to use the new technologies during their classes. Following this purpose, ETRC developed the project “Lessons of Computer Literacy for digital immigrants from digital natives”. It was implemented during 2 months, November and December, in 2012. The project is based on volunteer work and there were two students from the IT Department, State Pedagogical University, who volunteered to become instructors for the group of teachers. There were 2 or 3 lessons every week, during which the teachers had the possibility to learn new things about the IT programs that they could use during their classes. The ETRC co-directors were the “supervisors” who checked the plans the students-instructors had for each session. Thus, the students who agreed to become teachers for this period of time were supported and helped in planning their sessions and in making them more efficient. The topics that were covered during these sessions were mainly aimed at using different Computer Programs in the classroom: - Making power-point-presentations; How to open a blog; Using blogs during your classes; How to use on-line materials for English classes; Microsoft Word secrets; etc. These were some of the topics covered during these sessions. The main purposes this project promoted were aimed both, at improving the knowledge of English for the students-instructors and increase the computer literacy level for the teachers of English who attended the sessions. Thus, the students who became instructors during these sessions had the possibility to improve their English Speaking skills, as they had to present all of the ETRC – 1, Ion Creanga str., block 1, room 302 Contact info: 022-508-816 ETRC Co-directors: Larisa Guzun – Irina Pomazanovschi sessions in English only. This made the students be more motivated when they volunteered to become instructors during the project. The teachers who participated in this project came from different institutions, both from lyceums and from Universities. There were 15 participants all in all, and the teachers had to present their own projects at the end of all the sessions. The projects they presented had to be on one of the topics they’ve learned and the participants had to come up with their own ideas of implementation of these projects in their classrooms. Thus, the main aim of the project remains to improve the quality of teaching and to implement new technologies in teaching English. This project is one of the projects that have an immediate impact on the teaching process in the English class, as teachers would implement the newly acquired knowledge, at once, so that their classes become more interesting and attractive for their pupils who are well-literate in the matters of Computer Sciences. So, combining English learning with Computer & Internet technologies makes the English class more attractive and useful for the future generation. The most positive aspect of this project is the flexibility and good accessibility. This is a project that can easily be adapted to any environment; it can be adopted in schools, where the pupils can become instructors for their teachers, and to many other departments in Universities. Hopefully, this pilot-project becomes more popular in the future and also becomes a very useful practice for all the institutions which seek for improvement. _________________________________________________________ For more details about the projects e-mail us: or see the links below. ETRC – 1, Ion Creanga str., block 1, room 302 Contact info: 022-508-816 ETRC Co-directors: Larisa Guzun – Irina Pomazanovschi =3 ETRC – 1, Ion Creanga str., block 1, room 302 Contact info: 022-508-816 ETRC Co-directors: Larisa Guzun – Irina Pomazanovschi