Unit 4: Toxins: Stiochiometry, Solution Chemistry, and Acids and

Unit 4: Toxins: Stiochiometry, Solution Chemistry, and Acids and Bases
EBA Activity
Types of Reactions
Making a Basic Argument
Claim- Warrant Game: See Page ___
Students will create their own claims about the different types of
reactions. Example claims may be:
 Combination reactions are the most important type of
chemical reaction.
 Exchange reactions are the coolest type of chemical
[5 minutes] DO NOW: Balance the following equations.
[5 minutes] Discussion of do now.
[25 minutes] Lesson: At the beginning of this period, the class
took notes and discussed the different types of chemical
[10 minutes] Claim- Warrant Game.
[10 minutes] Closing/ Summary and discussion of homework.
 The previous day students learned about balancing
chemical reactions. Before this activity has taken place,
students would have learned about the different types of
chemical reactions.
 This activity would take 10 minutes.
 This activity would take place at the end of the lesson.
After this lesson, students would take a quiz on toxic
This is a standard Claim-Warrant Game Activity.
To add an oral component, mix up the papers and have students
read each other’s writing.
Standard Chemistry Text
Timing/ Pacing
Follow-Up Activity
Boston Debate League © 2012
Name:_____________________________________ Class:___________________ Date:______________
Claim –Warrant Game
1. Background Information:Write an example of each type of reaction
2. Please sit in a circle. Write down a claim in the left-hand column and then pass this sheet to your
left, where the person next to you will supply a warrant explaining why that claim might be true.
Topic for claims:
____________ reactions are the most important type of chemical
____________ reactions are the coolest type of chemical reaction.
Boston Debate League © 2012