The Argumentative Essay


AP Style

Academic paper = analyze facts or ideas to: make sense of them, tell me their

meanings, their significance.

Articulate relationships

Create rational contexts

Argue particular relationships

Questions should be:




Why has Europe moved closer to unification since World War Two?

How do Western assumptions about the relationship between body and mind influence the practice of medicine?

Why can so many post-colonial nations be considered “failed states” many decades after independence?

What was the relationship between theology and social context in the early Methodist movement?





Create your own academic question

Does modern technology make life more convenient, or was life better when technology was simpler?

Is education is the single most important factor in the development of a country?

The Thesis

Describes the relationship

Major terms

Example Structures:

Because A is of B nature, then C.

If A causes B, then B is of C nature.

B does not cause C, but A influences both B and

C, etc.

A) Increased ethnic tensions

PLUS B) Lack of local infrastructure

DESPITE C) Influx of foreign aid

CAUSES D) The instability of the postcolonial nation-state


A) Bohrs’ approach to physics

B) From that of

Einstein; This difference is not only

REFLECTED C) In the language each uses; it is

CONSTRUCTED D) By that language.

A logical argument exists whenever two elements are present:


EXAMPLE: Most Americans need to exercise more.


EXAMPLE: According to the latest government figures, most

Americans are overweight.

Claims of



The Constitution restricts our right to bear arms.

Immigrants are taking away jobs from Americans who need work.

Claims of



Alcoholism is a disease, not a vice.

The death penalty constitutes "cruel and unusual punishment."

Claims of



The popularity of the Internet has led to a rise in plagiarism amongst students.

Tougher gun laws would decrease the number of homicides.

Claims of



Doctor-assisted suicide is immoral.

Violent computer games are detrimental to children’s social development.

Claims of



Welfare programs should not be dismantled.

The state ought to issue vouchers for parents to use to fund their children’s education.

hard EVIDENCE; or

expert OPINION.

the logical relationship between claim and support

the assumption

CLAIM: Most Americans need to exercise more.

SUPPORT According to the latest government figures, most Americans are overweight.

WARRANT: Exercise can enable weight loss.


Claim Support

Warrant = bridge between claim and support

Connecting abstract and general

(deductive reasoning= general to specific)

 the warrant = the major premise of the syllogism (a categorical rule)

 the support = the minor premise (a specific instance or case)

 the claim = the logical conclusion derived from these two premises

QUALIFICATIONS that acknowledge the limits of your argument.

CLAIM: Most Americans need to exercise more.

SUPPORT According to the latest government figures, most Americans are overweight.

WARRANT: Exercise can enable weight loss.

Further Qualification: However, strenuous exercise is not appropriate for those with certain health conditions.

Why would you want to qualify your argument?





Establishes qualifications

Establishes common ground

Fair tone

States claim


Necessary information

Lines of argument

Good reasons (Supports/Warrants)

Alternative Arguments

Advantages and disadvantages of views (Qualifications)

Explains why your view is better



Elaborates the implications of your claim

Reinforces credibility

Emotional appeal

Clear message

The German poet Goethe once wrote, “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.”

Goethe’s statement might be implied to schools, government, social services, business, even to families— any place, really, where people interact with each other. Is Goethe just expressing an unattainable principle of human behavior, or does his ideal have real-life applicability? In a wellorganized essay, comment on the validity of

Goethe’s statement as a realistic guide to personal relationships. To support your point of view, you may draw evidence from your reading, studies, observation, and personal experiences.
