BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY ASBESTOS MANAGEMENT PLAN REVISION UPDATE Revision: 2/14/12 Issue Date: 2/28/12 Replaces: 9/16/09 Reason: See italics. Document1 Originated by: Andrew J. Finn, Mgr. EH&S Date:___2/28/12_________ Page 1 2/10/2016 BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY ASBESTOS MANAGEMENT PLAN In institutional buildings, “friable” (easily crumbled or pulverized by hand pressure) asbestos was used for many purposes including: 1) Thermal insulation on pipes and boilers, 2) fireproofing material, 3) acoustical material on floors, ceilings and walls, 4) mastics and floor tiles, and many other uses. Any building built since the 1920’s may have asbestos containing materials in pipes and boilers, while fireproofing materials and acoustical material appeared more in the 1950’s. The spraying of asbestos as fireproofing was banned in 1973, its application as pipe and boiler insulation was discontinued in 1975, and spraying for acoustical purposes was banned in 1975. Since the 1970s, less friable forms of asbestos have been in use up to the present. Most of these are in the form of flooring, roof coatings, mastics and joint compound. While less dangerous than the original banned forms, these products can be harmful to humans or the environment if disturbed, demolished or disposed of improperly. Brandeis University has implemented this Plan to identify, inspect, control, maintain and improve our handling of asbestos related issues across the campus. Brandeis, under the direction of the Environmental Health & Safety Department, has put together evaluation, abatement, maintenance and training programs that will not only better protect the environment, but the faculty, staff, students and visitors of the college. Risks associated with asbestos, including alteration, construction, demolition and repair activities will be addressed in the most expeditious manner possible in an effort to reduce negative environment impact or adverse health effects to the Brandeis University community. 1.0 RECOGNITION , NOTIFICATION AND EVALUATION The following program applies to all University staff, facilities, and contractors, and is designed to recognize potential asbestos containing material (PACM), establish evaluation for asbestos content, and outline notification protocols so that appropriate controls can be implemented to minimize any possible exposure to staff, students, and visitors. Recognition Definite identification is possible only by laboratory evaluation, however, most asbestos pipe insulation has a white or grey, chalky appearance and may be covered with cloth wrapping. Fiberglass insulation is usually pink or yellow and has long woven fibers. Asbestos fireproofing material or ceiling material ranges from soft Document1 Page 2 2/10/2016 “pebbly” appearance to a hard plaster material. The Environmental Health & Safety Department shall maintain files of Brandeis buildings and areas that have been tested for PACM. All staff likely to come into contact with PACM shall be trained by their supervisors (Information supplied by the Environmental Health & Safety Department) in how to recognize PACM and report potential issues with material. Asbestos may be found in the following types of materials: Caulking Ceiling Tiles Cement Cooling Tower Baffles Door Interiors Electrical Cloth. Elevator Brakes Floor Linoleum and most 9" x 9" Tiles Insulation Laboratory Furniture and Hoods Insulation (wide variety) Joint Compound Plaster, both Decorative and Non-Decorative Notification When asbestos containing material is suspected, it should be immediately reported to the appropriate supervisor. Trades personnel should not disturb any questionable material until it has been reviewed and analyzed if necessary. The supervisor is responsible for reporting PACM issues to the Manager of EH&S at 64262 ( Project managers shall manage asbestos identification and abatement within the scope of the Project Planning and Design Process. The Department of EH&S should be notified of all abatement projects to ensure abatement compliance. The Asbestos Program Checklist should be used by Facilities staff as well as Project Managers to ensure that proper evaluation and preventive actions have been completed. Evaluation Once the Environmental Health & Safety Department has been notified (6-4262) of PACM, a Department representative shall assess the situation, potential damage, exposure and conditions. Samples shall be taken by a licensed Asbestos Inspector Document1 Page 3 2/10/2016 working for an independent industrial hygiene firm and evaluated for asbestos content. Samples shall be analyzed and results of positive or negative presence of asbestos will be reported in a timely fashion depending upon project needs. Material in question should not be handled by Brandeis or contract employees until test results have been received and reviewed. Quick turn-around times are available. Generally, at a minimum 24 hours is required. EH&S shall maintain all test results in building files. Currently authorized contractors include: o Environmental Health, Inc. (Sampling and Testing) Dover, Ma 508-785-2258 Phil Terrell, ScD 617-201-7730 (cell) o Envirotest Laboratory Inc. (Sampling and Testing) Westwood, MA 781-278-0080 Primary contact: Mark Gorham 781-258-1001 (cell) o Dectam Corp (Abatement) 50 Concord Street N. Reading, Ma 01864 978-470-2860 Primary contact: Bruce Sullivan 978-375-0383 o A-Best Abatement Inc. (Abatement) Salem, NH 1-800-331-7699 (Main #) Primary contact: Sam Homsey 603-231-0663 2.0 ASSESSING AND RANKING HAZARD AREAS With many Campus buildings and facilities potentially containing asbestos materials, the University must conduct an appropriate exposure-risk assessment in order to prioritize hazard areas. This is necessary to maximize the University’s resources in scheduling asbestos abatement or encapsulation projects. Assessments shall be carried out when PACM or known ACM has been disturbed by some activity or when repair, renovation or demolition activities on campus may disturb these materials. Document1 Page 4 2/10/2016 An exposure-risk assessment involves determining the nature of the harm likely to occur, potential for exposure, how often exposure may occur, type of location (mechanical room, dorm, administrative building etc.). This assessment is a requirement of the EPA NESHAP standard. This standard requires a preconstruction survey prior to demolition or renovation activity. The University shall evaluate the input from contractors whose professional expertise lies in this field (i.e. Envirotest or other), this shall be utilized along with the potential for exposure in determining the appropriate control techniques for each situation. Immediate removal or encapsulation shall be followed when there is a high possibility of release and/or exposure to University personnel. Areas of little damage (no exposure to friable material) may require no immediate action where material is well protected and fiber release is extremely unlikely. 3.0 REPAIR AND REMOVAL NOTIFICATION The following procedure applies to all University facilities that have been identified as containing PACM. In all situations (emergency or otherwise), the Supervisor shall contact the EH&S Department (64262) before work is initiated on material suspected of containing asbestos. If the Manager of EH&S is not available, another Authorized Personnel (Section 9.0) should be contacted. At no time shall University personnel be knowingly exposed to PACM. Notification o Facilities Department shall notify EH&S of any PACM issues for evaluation, encapsulation or removal needs. This shall include any renovation/demolition projects during the planning phase to determine of asbestos may be impacted. o Project Managers shall notify the EH&S Department prior to any abatement project. This shall include any renovation/demolition projects during the planning phase to determine of asbestos may be impacted. o The EH&S Department or Authorized Personnel (Section 9.0) shall notify contractors of all asbestos evaluation, encapsulation and removal projects. Document1 Page 5 2/10/2016 Notification Guidelines Conditions Actions Accidental asbestos disturbance or other emergency requiring immediate action to abate other emergency (i.e. broken pipe, leaking valve, damaged tiles) Routine work needing evaluation and potential abatement. [Note: Failure to plan appropriately does not constitute an “emergency”.] Emergency Waiver Route Isolate affected area to prevent any exposure, lock doors if necessary, isolate HVAC systems, post warning signs, post Public Safety if necessary. Contact EH&S. EH&S shall contact contractor (apply for emergency waiver) Contact: Joe Paparella 978-694-3264 (DEP) 10-Day Notification** Notify EH&S. EH&S will contact contractor (apply for notification) Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001 **Plan the 10-day notification into your project schedule. Excerpt from 310 CMR 7.00: “EMERGENCY DEMOLITION/RENOVATION OPERATION means any operation that was not planned but results from a sudden unexpected event which requires the demolition/renovation of a structurally sound or unsound facility or facility component. This term includes operations necessitated by non-routine failures of equipment.” 4.0 TRAINING AND PPE Training The Facilities Department is responsible for ensuring that employees who may be exposed to PACM receive appropriate training. The EH&S Department may assist in providing training (Outside sources may be used, ex: IEE in Woburn). Training topics shall include: o Types and uses of asbestos o Health effects associated with asbestos exposure o Notification requirements o Work restrictions Document1 Page 6 2/10/2016 o Personal protective equipment o Administrative controls, engineering controls and work practices. Contractors are responsible for ensuring their training responsibilities are met prior to working on campus. Personal Protective Equipment University personnel shall not undertake work that will expose them to PACM requiring special PPE. PACM shall be abated or encapsulated prior to University personnel working in the immediate area or on equipment/surfaces that may contain PACM. Contractors shall ensure that appropriate control techniques are utilized (area isolation, decontamination and control, glove bags), to eliminate exposure to University personnel during testing, abatement and control projects. All project areas shall be prominently and suitably labeled in accordance with the most current and strictest regulatory requirements. 5.0 FACILITIES ACTIVITIES ON OR AROUND PACM Facilities Services personnel shall not disturb any PACM prior to evaluation and abatement. Work which may be affected include tasks such as: o Fire door repair o Plumbing work which requires pipe insulation removal o Electrical work which requires handling or removal of asbestos insulated wiring o Boiler work affected PACM components (insulation etc.) o Tile and/or grout removal which may contain asbestos o Wall penetrations into wallboard which may be PACM o Roof repair or penetration where roofing material may be PACM o Steam line or valve operation where access may impact insulation Facilities shall contact the EH&S Department for evaluation and abatement if necessary prior to commencing any work. Facilities personnel shall assume that material is PACM where it is suspect until proven otherwise by a qualified individual or documentation. Facilities staff should notify EH&S of any dangerous conditions immediately. A dangerous condition would be one in which PACM is visibly damaged and may become airborne. Asbestos material should not be disturbed, swept up or otherwise damaged. Document1 Page 7 2/10/2016 General practices Custodial practices on ACM tile floors should include: o Using wet methods on floors o Utilizing low buffer speeds and non-aggressive pads Restricted practices include: o Dry buffing floors in buildings built prior to 1980, unless floors have been replaced. o Scraping floors in buildings built prior to 1980, unless floors have been replaced. o Sweeping or dry brushing floors in mechanical rooms in which asbestos containing material is possible. o Removing ceiling tiles in buildings built prior to 1980 if there is a possibility that pipes with asbestos insulation are above and may be damaged. (Evaluation should be done by an asbestos contractor to prevent employee exposure.) o Cutting or drilling walls in buildings constructed prior to 1980 unless the material has been tested and either shown to be negative for asbestos content or remediated. o Dry scraping or sanding of plaster walls in buildings constructed prior to 1980 unless the material has been tested and either shown to be negative for asbestos content or remediated. 6.0 CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS Contractors shall comply with all applicable regulations. The contractor shall utilize all means possible to prevent asbestos fibers from migrating out of the work area(s). Contractors are required to make appropriate notifications prior to any abatement work. (Asbestos Notification Form ANF-001) Contractors involved in demolition and construction are required to assess the need for and shall file a “Notification prior to Demolition and Construction” form, BWP AQ 06. Any areas where abatement activities are occurring shall be restricted to authorized personnel. Authorized personnel shall include only Massachusetts certified asbestos workers, supervisors, project monitors, and emergency response personnel. Document1 Page 8 2/10/2016 To protect the building components and its occupants from exposure to potentially harmful volatile organic compounds (VOC), only low-VOC and low-odor products shall be utilized for floor tile and mastic abatement. The Contractor shall provide to the Project Manager and project monitor on site Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for all chemicals used including mastic removers. 7.0 RECORDKEEPING The EH&S Department shall maintain files of all assessment and abatement projects. EH&S shall contact the waste transporter if return manifest paperwork has not been received within 35 days of initial shipment date. Training documentation shall be maintained and be accessible. EH&S shall maintain all test results in building files. Documentation that must be sent to EH&S for project files: Project notifications Purchase orders Abatement proposals Invoices Air clearance sampling Bulk sampling results Waste Shipment Record (“manifest”) Asbestos surveys Asbestos Program Checklist(s) 8.0 GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES VP Administration o Ensure overall implementation of the Program Director of Facilities o Ensure Facilities personnel are complying with appropriate sections of this program Document1 Page 9 2/10/2016 9.0 o Ensure that copies of paperwork filed through Facilities related to and required to be maintained by this Plan are sent to the EH&S Department o Ensure that Facilities Supervisors are aware of the Plan and have notified their personnel of its application to their job(s) Facilities Trades personnel o Ensure compliance with notification procedures of this plan when PACM is encountered o Comply with General and Restricted practices o Forward project paperwork to EH&S Environmental Health & Safety Staff o Carry out evaluation and notification duties as outlined o Maintain records as required o Coordinate remediation actions AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL The following personnel are authorized under this plan and by the University to carry out the evaluation and notification requirements under Section 1.0 in the absence of the EH&S Department representatives. Peter Baker Joe Delisle Ryan Donahue Bob Elias (EH&S) Andrew Finn (EH&S) Peter Shields Document1 Page 10 2/10/2016 ASBESTOS PROGRAM CHECKLIST This checklist should be completed for each proposed demolition, renovation, asbestos abatement, or other building related project that includes disturbance of asbestos containing material or potential asbestos containing material. A copy of this checklist must be sent to the EH&S Department with corresponding paperwork prior to commencement of work. Asbestos Evaluation and Control Procedures Check when complete. Has the area to be demolished, renovated or otherwise impacted been surveyed for asbestos-containing material? Was the survey completed by a Licensed Inspector? If asbestos containing material was found, has a licensed abatement contractor been retained to abate the asbestos prior to disturbance? Have the appropriate DEP notifications been made and copies provided to the Brandeis EH&S Department? Has a licensed asbestos Industrial Hygienist been contracted to oversee abatement and air clearance? Have building occupants been notified in advance of asbestos abatement work that will take place? Is asbestos abatement an emergency situation requiring an exemption notification? Is asbestos abatement complete? Has asbestos waste manifest paperwork been provided to the Brandeis EH&S Department? Document1 Page 11 2/10/2016 PACM awareness by Facilities staff, contractor or other party Notify EH&S 6-4262 EH&S Evaluation of PACM Testing necessary- NO Testing necessary YES EH&S shall ensure sampling and analysis is completed. Results will be communicated when complete. Positive Test – EH&S to contract remediation Negative Test Tasks in area can commence. Remediation Document1 Page 12 2/10/2016