Criteria for assessment of contesting projects

Annex 2
to the Regulations for the ENES Contest
of Implemented Energy Saving
and Energy Efficiency Enhancement Projects
Expert assessments of the jury and quantitative indicators for the evaluation of the results
of energy-saving measures:
Attracting private investment in the
implementation of energy saving
measures at educational institutions
Attracting private investment in the
implementation of energy saving
measures at medical institutions
Low-rise residential building
High-rise residential apartment
High-rise office/nonresidential
Efficient model for attracting
extrabudgetary funds to the major
repair fund
Best efficient energy management
Leader in implementing the BAP
Quantitative Indicators and Expert
Assessments of the Jury
 Amount of attracted private investment per
1 ruble of budgetary funds
+ Expert assessments
 Amount of attracted private investment per
1 ruble of budgetary funds
+ Expert assessments
 Specific power consumption per 1 square
meter of the total area/year
+ Expert assessments
 Specific power consumption per 1 square
meter of the total area/year
+ Expert assessments
 Percentage of attracted extrabudgetary
investment in the total major repair fund
+ Expert assessments
 Percentage of reduced financial expenses
for the purchase of energy resources after
the implementation of the energy
management system
 Share of capital assets depreciated for less
than 10%
+ Expert assessments
Best regional comprehensive program  Expert assessments, including according to
to propagate an energy-saving
the following criteria:
 Originality of the contesting
Best municipal comprehensive
project’s contents
program to propagate an energy Creative approach to project
saving lifestyle
Best project implemented by an
 Quantity of the representatives of
educational institution to popularize
the target audience involved in the
an energy-saving lifestyle among
preschool and school children
 Level of professionalism in
Best printed media in propagating an
covering the subject of energy
energy-saving lifestyle and organizing
saving and energy efficiency
energy-efficient production
enhancement under the
Best online media in propagating an
implemented project
energy-saving lifestyle and organizing
 Correspondence of the project’s
energy-efficient production
result to the target, including the
Best project to propagate corporate
availability of qualitative changes
energy saving and energy efficiency
in the project’s target audiences
 Information support for the project
Best project to propagate and develop
in the media, quantity of TV and
utility cycling infrastructure for an
radio publications and items
urban environment
Best cost-effective/(energy-efficient)  Average specific fuel consumption per 100
truck fleet of a freight transportation
km (l/100 km)
+ Expert assessments
Efficient system for energy saving and  Analysis and monitoring of energy
energy efficiency enhancement for an
efficiency indicators of the best foreign
energy company
peers and the setting of targets with due
consideration to them
 Availability of an integrated energy
efficiency management system including
energy efficiency requirements and
indictors in production, capex, and repair
+ Expert assessments
Most modern (energy-efficient)
 Share of capital assets depreciated for less
structure of capital assets (agricultural
than 10%
+ Expert assessments
Most informative and attended energy  Expert assessments, including:
efficiency demonstration center
 Professionalism in covering the subject of
energy efficiency and energy saving
 Originality and creativity in setting up the
demonstration center and presenting
 Attendance of the demonstration center
 Quality and originality of events held by
the demonstration center
 Correspondence of the project’s result to
the target, including the availability of
quantitative changes in the project’s target
 Share of attracted private investment as a
percentage of total investment
Best foreign project:
Efficient model for attracting
investment and introducing
technologies and innovations in
+ Expert assessments
government-financed entities.
Efficient model for attracting
investment and introducing
technologies and innovations in public