Curriculum Information

Week Beginning: 6/1/14
Welcome back and Happy New Year to everyone! We hope you have had a lovely break.
Over the next few weeks we will be learning all about India.
To start us off we are hoping that any children who have been to India would be able to share their experiences and
possibly bring in some photographs from their visit. If any families have any objects or items from India that they
would like to share with us please feel free to bring them in.
If any children have family and relations in India please talk about them with your child so that we can talk about our
different families and cultural backgrounds.
We will be doing lots of exciting activities:
Looking at henna patterns
Looking at Indian animals such as elephants and tigers
Listening to Indian music and trying some Indian dancing
Hearing the story of Rama and Sita
Finding out where India is and what the weather is like there
Role playing an Indian takeaway and airport
Finding out about the Taj Mahal
In baking we hope to make samosas, a mild vegetable curry and some sweet rice.
If any mums have any tried and tested recipes please send them in!!
We are continuing to work through our ‘speed sounds’
Some children are now ready to read simple words
In maths our older children are working on recognising numbers to 20, saying 1 more or 1 less and looking at
repeating patterns
Our younger children will be working on recognising numbers 1-10 and counting larger groups of objects.
This week your child will choose their own library book. Please talk to them about the importance of looking after
books. Library books will be collected and changed every Friday. Please find time to share your child’s book with
If your child is celebrating a birthday and would like to share sweets or chocolates with the class please be mindful
that some of our children cannot have sweets that contain gelatine or some other colouring agents. If you are
unsure about what would be ok please ask a member of staff.
Mrs Hajee has now started her maternity leave and we wish her good luck and happiness for when the baby arrives.
Miss Moobina Patel will be covering her position in the time Mrs Hajee is away.
Many thanks
Miss Berry
Mrs Delamere