Woodside School Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure 2012-13 Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received Total number of pupils on roll 200 Total number of pupils eligible for PPG 89 Amount of PPG received per pupil £623 Total amount of PPG received £55,447 Breakdown of Pupil Premium pupils per year group 2012-13 Year Group 2 3 4 5 Number of Premium pupils 1 4 3 5 Number of pupils in the year group 8 5 6 15 Percentage of year group 13 80 50 34 1 Key Areas of PPG Spending 2012-13 Developing individual pupil’s skills in reading, phonics, language, & communication, speaking and listening. 2 Developing individual maths skills focusing on pupils moving from p8-1C 3 Remove barriers to learning for pupils with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties building up emotional resilience 4 Increasing pupils access to leisure opportunities and promoting healthy lifestyles 2012-2013 End of Key Stage Attainment of Premium pupils at the end of KS2 and KS4 compared to non-premium pupils in terms of APS 6 6 17 36 7 6 25 24 8 21 36 58 9 13 33 39 Evaluation KS2 APS Premium pupils (6) APS Non premium pupils(11) Reading 11(1A) 10(1B) Premium pupils 4 months in advance of non-premium pupils Writing 11(1A) 10(1B) Premium pupils 4 months in advance of non-premium pupils Maths 11 (1A) 10(1B) Premium pupils 4 months in advance of non-premium pupils KS4 APS Premium pupils (19) APS Non premium pupils (8) English 16(2A)* 15(2B) Premium pupils 4 months in advance of non-premium pupils Maths 21(3B) 18 (3C) Premium pupils 12 months in advance of non-premium pupils *this figure is based on 18 pupils as one premium pupil did not achieve an English Accreditation 10 10 29 34 11 19 27 70 2012-2013 Whole school End of Year outcomes against National Matrices targets (not including KS1) Premium pupils (81) Non premium pupils (109) Comparison Reading 73% 70% +3% Writing 74% 65% +9% Maths Number 70% 67% +3% Maths U&A 55% 55% 0% Evaluation There is no significant difference between the percentage of premium pupils and non-premium pupils in relation to meeting end of year targets which are set against National matrices/ progression materials outcomes. Action plan identifying Premium pupil costs of interventions 2012/13 Item Cost £ Key objective Actions undertaken Outcomes 1a Reading Intervention programme 5138 (16117 Full cost) To improve pupils literacy outcomes focussing on phonics Employed a HLTA to implement a reading/ phonics intervention which included baseline and outcomes data. Selected from pupils falling behind based on HORT reading tests & phonics screening Resources purchased to meet course aims. Timetable to maximise pupils attending for 1 or 2 sessions per week for a term. 47 premium pupils (including year 11’s leaving July 2013) received 1-1 reading/ phonics intervention across the 2012-13 year. 53% of these pupils met or exceeded their end of year national matrices reading targets. 1b Toe by toe reading programme 2060 (8576 Full cost) To improve pupils literacy outcomes focussing on phonics Funded MDS to run a daily reading programme for targeted students Training of MDS to run the intervention 10 targeted pupils(3 premium pupils) received intervention 100% (3/3) Premium pupils receiving toe by toe intervention met or exceeded their end of year national matrices reading targets. 1c Reading summer school 1228 To improve pupils literacy outcomes focussing on phonics 2 members of staff planned and led a literacy summer school 12 pupils Identified & targeted as requiring additional support . Track pupil progress 8 pupils attended the summer school, 5 of these were premium pupils 3 of the 5 were pupils falling below expected progress in reading. Impact on reading levels will not be seen until December 2013. 1d Speech and language therapy support 5685 To improve pupils expressive and receptive language skills Identify group through pupils statements and assessments. Work to individual action plan & targets. Evaluate outcomes against targets. 13 PP pupils received additional speech and language therapy on an individual basis and were monitored for receptive language improvement. Pupils skills have improved. 1e Speaking up advocacy group 2625 Improve the ability of pupils to “speak up” for themselves by developing skills and confidence. Commission the Advocacy for All charity to run a weekly speaking up group Target group of pupils identified in KS4 to develop their self-esteem, confidence, ability to speak up for themselves, assertiveness. Record qualitative feedback from the course tutor for annual review reports. Monitor progress against pupil communication targets. 7 pupils attended the programme (1 premium pupil) This pupil met his national matrices end of year targets in speaking and listening. 2 First class @ number maths intervention Supported by after school maths club 5110 (12715 Full cost) To improve pupils maths outcomes focussing on pupils moving from p8-1C Employ a full time TA to run maths intervention programme Baseline assessment and end of intervention assessment 25 pupils attended first class @ number intervention 9 Premium pupils attended First class @ number maths intervention. Of these 78% (7/9) met or exceeded their end of year national matrices maths targets. 5 pupils attended after school maths club, 2 of these were premium pupils, both of these pupils met or exceeded end of national matrices maths targets. 3a Implementing the TAMHs (Targeted mental health in schools) programme 11523 (16132 Full TA cost) Removing barriers to learning for pupils with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties & building up emotional resilience & providing parents support Employ 1 full time TA to manage the programme, lead sessions, support parents supported by:2 teachers 0.5 days/week to work with students P/t(0.4) TA to run sessions with pupils SDQ assessment scores at the beginning and end of the programme with pupil views, parents views, teacher views including qualitative feedback. Initial, mid programme and end of programme meeting with parents. Leading to the offer of informal counselling to parents of pupils on the programme 17 pupils (6 premium pupils) received support from the TAMHs project. 83% (5/6) of these pupils met or exceeded their end of year national matrices reading targets. 100% (6/6) of these pupils met or exceeded their end of year national matrices writing targets. Improved social and emotional development of pupils. 3b Conflict resolution & mediation for individuals, pairs and groups – including parents 200 Remove barriers to learning for pupils with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties Commission 2 workers from the charity converge to run small group and 1-1 sessions with targeted pupils to work through non-violent conflict resolution skills Offer sessions for parents 12 Premium pupils attended group sessions and 9 premium pupils attended 1-1 sessions. 3c Alternative learning environments on site and off site for pupils who are not able to learn alongside peers 14772 (alt/cu) 9660 (HLTA) Provide alternative access routes to learning for pupils with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties HLTA employed to manage the inclusion room and work 1-1 with pupils not able to work in lessons. (ft £167183) Identify pupils who require individualised timetables. Arrange accreditation access and alternative placements offsite (£14772) 4 premium pupils had alternative curriculums 6 premium pupils had 1-1 timetabled support from the inclusion HLTA in the inclusion room 4a Breakfast club 933 For improving healthy lifestyle and promoting wellbeing. Staff identified to organise club, ensure pupils are engaged and promote school ethos. 15-20 pupils attend breakfast club which enables a good start to the learning day and provides an opportunity for peer interaction. 4b After school clubs and residential opportunities 4122 Improve engagement, collaboration, interaction and promote interests. Provision of a range of clubs to interest all. Provision of transport for those that require it. Safeguarding and supervision in place. 45 Premium pupils attended after school clubs and residential opportunities. Collaboration and interaction has improved, no behavioural issues within the clubs and res. Settings. TOTAL PP costs 63056 Premium pupils learn as well as non-premium pupils