COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES NON-TENURE-TRACK FACULTY REVIEW COVERSHEET Name of Candidate Date Department Review Period (from) qtr. year ----- (through) qtr. year Please place the review materials IN THE ORDER OUTLINED BELOW in the candidate’s review folder and check off each item included. Once the professional record is complete, the Chair signs on the second page of this form. Tab 1. Coversheet on ivory paper Tab 2. Evaluation letter from Chair Tab 3. Evaluation letter from department personnel committee Tab 4. Copy of department’s current NTT Faculty Review Guidelines Tab 5. Current detailed vita that follows the CAH format with entries listed in reverse chronological order (see CV Template at ) Tab 6. Copy of contract letter(s) for review period (see your department secretary if you do not have a copy of your contract letter(s)) Tab 7. List of all courses taught during review period. Tab 8. Material documenting teaching effectiveness (see section II.A.2.1 of the CAH Faculty Performance Evaluation Criteria and Guidelines for required materials) Tab 9. Material documenting scholarship/creative activity (required if part of contracted duties; optional if not) Tab 10. Material documenting service (required if part of contracted duties; optional if not) Tab 11. Candidate’s reflective statement for period under review (see section II of the CAH Faculty Performance Evaluation Criteria and Guidelines) Discussion of noncontracted work is optional. Tab 12. Other supporting materials (optional) ***************** Revised: 02/10/16 Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Review Coversheet – Section 8 Page 2 CRITERIA FOR EFFECTIVE PROFESSIONAL RECORDS (Binders) The following criteria are designed to help you ensure that the information you present in your professional record is complete and in the proper format. Please use this checklist and the one on the front of this sheet as you assemble materials for your professional record. Place this completed and signed checklist sheet at the beginning of your materials. _____ Department performance criteria are included in the binder behind the appropriate tab _____ Full citations on CV, including page numbers for publications, dates for everything, location of performances and other creative activity (venue, city and state), and so forth _____ All disciplinary acronyms are spelled out the first time used _____ CAH CV format has been used for your CV _____ Your binder has been organized according to the tab structure outlined on page 1 **NOTE** Because binders are closed once they leave the department, it is incumbent on departments to ensure that each binder complies with the checklist items above. If a binder does not comply, the Department Chair or Personnel Committee should send it back to the candidate for additional information, corrections, or clarification. By signing below, you are certifying that this binder complies with all of the above checklist items. ____________________________________ Candidate _________________ Date _____________________________________ Department Personnel Committee Chair _________________ Date _____________________________________ Department Chair _________________ Date Recommendations by the department and the department Chair have been reviewed with the candidate. Department Chair Revised: 02/10/16 Date Date evaluation discussed with faculty Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Review Coversheet – Section 8