Week Ending 16th January 2014 News from Class 1 On Monday we discovered why Humpty Dumpty had mysteriously appeared in our classroom. It turned out he had fallen off his wall and straight through our time portal! The Time Shifter called us to let us that the king's horses and king's men were all running wildly around Nursery Rhyme World trying to find Humpty Dumpty. One of them had bumped poor Mother Goose who now has a broken arm. Due to her broken arm she can no longer answer any of the nursery rhyme character's problems. The Time Shifter was very worried so Class One have set up a temporary cottage and we are answering the problem letters for her. In maths we have been helping the king, who had been in his counting house, counting out his money. Unfortunately, with all the king's horses running around he kept losing count. So he sent us bags of money and jewels via the time portal to carefully count, label and send back. Luckily the king sent the bags in a special order so some children practised counting his jewels and finding the correct digit card to show how many there were. Other children counting the kings 10ps which helped practise counting in tens. Other bags of money had a mixture of 10p coins and 1p coins which meant we could strengthen our understanding of place value. Later in the week the baker from Nursery Rhyme Land found he was similarly distracted by the horses and men running around. So Class One had to take over running his bakery, counting buns, counting out coins, buying bun for different around using 10p and 1p coins. Alongside our Nursery Rhyme theme we have started to learn about the rainforest. We have been investigating where the rainforests are in the world and the four layers of the rainforest; the floor, the understorey, the canopy and the emergent layer. Today, in Forest School, the children will be identifying the equivalent layers of Diptford woods. In art we have been mixing primary colours to make secondary colours and then adjusting the shades by adding whites, greys and black. News from Class 2 This week in Class 2 in English we have focused on writing adverbial phrases and expanding noun phrases using the language from the Paperbag Prince as well as making up our own sentences. The language used in these sentences and the creativity has been fantastic and we will be amazing when used in our stories. In maths we have focused on addition and subtraction of 2 digit and 3 digit numbers using different maths equipment to help us. We have addressed the different ways we can add and subtract and discussed which ways we find easiest. We have also been practicing our mental maths with quick recall of number facts in a game that we play each week. We had a brilliant afternoon at Forest School. We have started our project of renovating the forest school area in the woods. This will continue for the next 4 weeks and we aim to celebrate the new area with a fire in our new fire pit and hot chocolate around the base camp. In PE we started to make up our new gymnastics routine ready for a performance to the school before half term. In art we have started our collages of our disused setting – thank you for the contribution of materials, much appreciated. In topic we found out what a monsoon was and why they happened in the tropics and have made a monsoon collage using tissue paper which will be put up in the window to make it feel like a monsoon is happening at Diptford!! News from Class 3 In English this week the class have innovated their own text, 'The Day the Instruments Quit.' They have been exploring personification to add humour to their writing and they have been focusing on using a range of more sophisticated punctuation. They have really enjoyed designing their instruments, bringing their characters to life. For their final text they have made a book with illustrations. In maths we have looked at both negative numbers and Roman Numerals this week. Roman Numerals is a new addition to the maths curriculum and I was really impressed with how quickly they grasped the concept. In art they have begun manipulating their willow to make their rainforest inspired structures and in Dance they have begun learning a dance sequence inspired by Rio 2. In French this week they have learnt their Rainforest song and they are beginning to use the learnt vocabulary to create new sentences. They have also been practising their puppet shows retelling the story in French. We are now experts on the properties of solids, liquids and gases and some of us can explain why they behave as they do. Charlie discovered a strange element that changes straight from a solid to a gas. The years 5 & 6 children had their first session at KEVICC with Mr Irish. We learnt all about computer aided designs and had a look at 3D printing. The children began designing egg cups this week, learning about techniques designers use when developing a prototype. School News and Dates Tuesday 20th Jan – Wednesday 21st Jan – Friday 23rd Jan – Monday 26th Jan – Tuesday 27th Jan – “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ – Friday 30th Jan – “ “ “ “ - Forest School Class 2 afternoon Class 2 Tesco recycling center visit, morning, transport provided. Forest School Class 1 afternoon PreSchool AGM 6pm Village Hall Year 5&6 Keviccs Design & Tech afternoon Forest School Class 2 afternoon School Committee Meeting 3.30pm School Puppet Craft Show, all pupils, morning Forest School Class 1 afternoon Correspondence out this week No correspondence sent out this week This weeks Achievers Achiever for Class 1 is William Spencer for his amazing progress in reading, writing, phonics and maths. Finlay Hawkins is Achiever for Class 3 this week for excellent work in both English and Maths. Class 2 Achiever for this week is Seb Lethbridge for his amazing work in Forest School.