Fridley Middle School Extracurricular Eligibility Policy The purpose of eligibility requirements for participation in extracurricular activities is one of ensuring the academic well being of the individual student. Such a policy should reflect the intention of placing a top priority on the academic purpose of the middle school. Extracurricular Academic Policy 1. Students are expected to be in good academic standing. 2. Any student failing (1) or more classes will be ineligible to attend or participate in any extracurricular contest until the grade has been restored to a “passing” status. 3. Eligibility is restored after the passing grades have been verified by the teachers and coach. Extracurricular Attendance Policy 2. Students must be at school a minimum of 3 class periods to be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities that day. 2. Student assigned restitution resulting from 5 or more tardies to class, will immediately become ineligible to participate. Eligibility will only be restored after all restitution has been completed. 4. A student that is truant from a class will not participate or attend the extracurricular activity for that day. 5. Attendance or participation in an extracurricular activity on the day a student has lost eligibility will result in the immediate removal from that team for the season. Extracurricular Discipline Policy 1. A formal referral to the assistant principal that results in reprimand or one period of school reassignment, or the acquisition of a (1) detention will result in a coach-imposed penalty. (e.g. running or laps). The acquisition of an administrative second (2) detention during the season will result in no extracurricular activities or attendance to an extracurricular activity during the days that the detentions are assigned. A third (3) detention, along with the loss of practice attendance, will result in a one-contest suspension and no attendance to that contest. Detentions beyond three will result in additional contest suspensions and eventual removal from the team. 2. Assignment of 1-3 days of in-school suspension (ISS) will result in a one– contest suspension. A student may continue to practice .Assignment of a 4th day will result in a second contest suspension, suspension from practice for the assigned days and a possible removal from the team. 3. A student may not participate in any activity or be present at any school related function during an out-of-school suspension. A 2nd out of school suspension may result in a removal from all extra curricular activities for the year. 4. Attendance or participation in an extracurricular activity on the day a student has lost eligibility will result in the immediate removal from that team for the season. General Extracurricular Policies 1. Pre-Season Paperwork-All paperwork must be complete before the student is allowed to participate in an activity or sport. A clearance card will be issued from Sue Hanson in the district activity office indicating the student is cleared for participation. No student can participate in any extracurricular activities until Sue Hanson clears them for participation. 2. Athletic Committee- This committee is composed of members of the coaching staff, a building administrator, and the middle school activities director. The purpose of this committee is to review and refine current practice, policies, and procedures of the entire middle school athletics program to ensure that they reflect the philosophy of the middle school administration. 3. Physicals- No student is eligible for participation until a valid physical is on file. 4. Equipment- All issued equipment must be returned or paid for before the student can participate in another extracurricular activity. Coaches must turn-in an official roster and equipment check-out list before the first game. 5. Scholarship- Students who qualify for the Federal Free or Reduced Lunch Program can apply for a fee waiver. Students with Financial Hardship may also apply. 6. Co-Ed Bus Transportation- Students of opposite genders are expected to be seated in different sections of the bus. Females are to sit in the front portion of the bus, males in the back (or visa versa). 7. Cutting- it is at the coach’s discretion to cut students from a team or activity. Cutting will take place when it is in the best interest of the team to reduce numbers. 8. Roster Additions- The roster for a team or activity must be finalized after 8 official contact days. After 8 contact days, no new members may be added to the roster. Teams low in numbers will be excluded from the 8 contact day policy. 9. Spiked Shoes- Spiked shoes can only be worn on the athletic fields. Athletes are to refrain from wearing them in the building, bus, gym, etc. 10. Practice- Students who have late afternoon practice are not to remain in the building before or after practice unless under the direct supervision of a coach. By signing below, I accept the terms of the Fridley Middle School Extracurricular Eligibility Policies. Guardian Signature: Student Signature: