Midlands Branch lunch booking form (Office document, 15kB)

Midlands Branch of Convocation
Telephone: 0121-705-4958
1, Beaminster Road,
B91 1NA
30th November, 2015.
Dear Alumni,
We should like to invite you to our next event which will be, as advertised, the Annual Lunch and A.G.M.
at The Ramada Hotel, The Square, Solihull B91 3RB on Saturday 16th January 2016. We shall meet
in the bar at the front of the hotel from 12 noon and have lunch at 1 p.m. The cost of the three course
meal including coffee or tea and car parking but excluding drinks and gratuities will be £25. There will
be choices for each course including vegetarian options. It is always an enjoyable occasion and we do
hope you will join us. We need to give the restaurant the numbers and menu choices, so we need this
information in advance, please, but all payments will be made on the day. The menu is attached for you
to make your choices. A brief A.G.M. will follow lunch. If anyone would like to join the committee,
please let us know. You will be most welcome.
If you wish to attend the lunch please complete the attached form with your menu choices and e-mail it to
Tim Drakeford at timdrakeford@btinternet.com or post it to him at 42, Fowgay Drive, Solihull, B91
3PH, by Friday 8th January 2016. If you have any queries, please contact him by e-mail or contact me
by telephone or at the address above. Guests will, of course, be most welcome to join us. We hope to
have the programme for 2016 for you at the lunch.
Please note: if, having booked, you cannot attend, you can cancel your meal without charge upto 24 hours
in advance but you will have to pay for the meal if you cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice.
If driving to the Ramada, leave the M42 at Junction 5 and follow the signs for the Town Centre or enter
the town via the Warwick Road, A41, or A4141 from the south, and turn into New Road. The entrance to
the car park at the Ramada is in New Road on the right before you reach the hotel building and opposite
the churchyard of St. Alphege Church. If travelling by train, Solihull railway station is about 15 minutes’
walk from the Ramada; there is a taxi rank there, or phone 0121-733-3000 for a mini cab.
This letter will be sent to all those on the membership list; please pass it on to any other Bristol graduates
who might be interested in joining us.
With all good wishes,
Carol M. Southworth
Mrs.C.M.Southworth B.A., M.Phil.
Annual Lunch and A.G.M. Saturday 16th January 2016 at The George Hotel
Contact details:……………………………………………………………………………….
I/we wish to book …………..places for the Annual Lunch on Saturday 16th January 2016 at £25
per head
Menu Choices:
Main Course.............................................................................................................................
Menu Choices:
Main Course.............................................................................................................................
Please do NOT send any money!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please return this form by Friday 8th January 2015 at the latest to the Treasurer, Tim Drakeford,
either: by post to 42, Fowgay Drive, Solihull, B91 3PH
or : by e-mail to timdrakeford@btinternet.com
Suggestions for visits and/or names of Alumni who would be interested in receiving details of the
Midland Branch