Update for Schools Forum SEND Work Group Tuesday 22nd September 2015 Speech and Language Therapy The reduction in funding from Solihull CCG for speech and language therapy services will apply from the 1st October 2015; the service will prioritise direct 1:1 work with children where there is evidence that the unique skills of a speech and language therapist can improve outcomes. This is based on the CCG’s understanding that the special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years states that “… addressing speech and language impairment should normally be recorded as special educational provision unless there are exceptional reasons for not doing so.” And therefore they would expect some of the speech and language provision to be funded by education rather than health. The current funding reduction is £110k full year effect, reducing the CCG funding from 640K per year to £530k per year. Whilst Heart of England Foundation Trust are providing some interim funding themselves for the SLT service to manage the reduction in their resources to the new funding level by the end of March 2016, there will be a reduced level of support for schools. Schools can, of course, approach the Speech and Language Therapy Service on an individual basis if they wish to fund any additional support. SMBC fund SLT for additional work with two year olds – it has been agreed that this funding will be continued for a further year (2016/17), whilst work is undertaken to determine a joint approach to meet children and young people with speech, language and communication needs across Solihull. Speech Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) Following the strategy day held in June 2015, SMBC and Solihull CCG have committed to work together to ensure that there is a consistent approach to supporting children and young people with speech, language and communication needs across Solihull. Schools Accountability Board has indicated that SLCN will be a priority area for the coming year and there is a commitment to fund some project management capacity to take this work forward from January 2016, to map current service provision and agree joint plan/strategy for moving forward. This is potentially an opportunity to consider development of an integrated service with SISS and SLT, as well as ensuring that there is a consistent approach across Solihull. Julie Hackett Joint Commissioning Manager SMBC