1 FADE IN: INT. THAELIA CASTLE - LIBRARY - DAY Table with books scatted all over it. Only one book is open with pictures of knights. ALVARA (V.O.) Everyone knows the stories about knights, right? The book turns its pages showing different pictures of knights. ALVARA (V.O.) Big. Strong. Wearing the shinning armor and riding on a white horse. Always the heroes of the story. Yep, that's them alright. Opens to pictures of maidens. ALVARA (V.O.) But, what about the women? All they do is act pretty and wait around for someone to come and rescue them. Could they just once be their own heroes? What if women could also be knight? CUT TO: EXT. KINGDOM OF THAELIA - OVERVIEW - DAY A large castle surrounded by a forest. ALVARA (V.O.) Never in the history of Thaelia, women were knights. But that all changed one month ago. And this is 2 my story of me being the first woman as a knight. CUT TO: EXT. THAELIA CASTLE - TRAINING GROUNDS - DAY ALVARA (22) training with SIR WILLIAM (25) both are practicing with swords. Other knights training around them. ALVARA (V.O.) I am Lady Alvara a Knight of Thaelia. The knight training with me is, Sir William. A friend, who I meet when I became a knight. SIR ETHAN (45) an older knight watches over them. ALVARA (V.O.) The knight watching over us is, Sir Ethan, a friend to my family. He and my father both trained together when they were younger, to become knights. PRINCE JAYDEN (24) sword fighting with two other knights. Knocks one of the knight’s swords. Kicks him to the ground. Turns to the other knight. Knocks his sword. Prince Jayden points his sword to the knight's throat. Puts away his sword and turns to help up the other knight and pick up their swords. PRINCE JAYDEN Good work you two. The both of you train together now. Both knights bow and then start to train. ALVARA (V.O.) 3 That's, Prince Jayden, the crowned prince of Thaelia. A close friend of mine as well, whom I've known since the days my father was a knight. Prince Jayden walks over and stands next to Sir Ethan, watching Alvara and Sir William train. Alvara gets the upper hand. Knocks Sir Williams’s sword and himself to the ground. She stands smiling over him with her sword pointing down to him. He looks up to her with a smile as well. She helps him to his feet. ALVARA (V.O.) You think all is well with me being a knight, but it's not. There are a few people who dislike the idea of a woman being a knight. A CLASH is heard. Alvara looks over to SIR XAVIER (25) training with another knight. Sir Xavier fights with a strong focus. Knocks the knight's sword down. Knocks the knight down to the ground with a hard kick. Sir Xavier stands over the knight looking like a champion of a great battle. ALVARA (V.O.) (annoyed) That's, Sir Xavier, he thinks he is the best of the best. Always trying to prove that he is better a knight then the rest of us. Sir Xavier looks over to where Alvara, Sir William, Sir Ethan and Prince Jayden are. He looks at Alvara with disgust. 4 ALVARA (V.O.) He is one of the people who thinks I shouldn't be a knight. He believes that since I'm a woman, I'm too weak to be a knight. CUT TO: INT. THAELIA CASTLE - CHAMBER ROOM - DAY LADY LAURA (43) looks out her window and watches over as her daughter and the knights train. She shows a look of disapproval. ALVARA (V.O.) That's, Lady Laura, a lady of the court. You think because she is my mother she would be supportive of my decision, but she's not. She, just like Sir Ethan, believes I shouldn't be a knight. She believes that my place as a woman is to be a lady and not a knight. But, it wasn't always like that. CUT TO: FLASHBACK - EXT. THAELIA CASTLE - COURTYARD - DAY Lady Laura and ALVARA'S FATHER walking around talking to each other. Both are laughing and having a good time. ALVARA (V.O.) Once she too believed that women should be equal to men. When she met my father, they both followed that dream. INT. THAELIA CASTLE - CHAMBER ROOM - DAY 5 Lady Laura and Alvara's father looking down to their newborn daughter. ALVARA (V.O.) When I was born she thought that I would be become a great knight just like my father. But, that all changed. TIME CUT TO: Lady Laura and a ten-year-old Alvara, both are crying. ALVARA (V.O.) When my father died her belief that women should be equal also died. After that day she thought being a knight wasn't safe for a woman and started to believe that being a lady was better then being a knight. CUT TO: EXT. THAELIA CASTLE - TRAINING GROUNDS - DAY Sir William and Sir Ethan stand by and watch, as Alvara and Prince Jayden get ready to train with each other. ALVARA (V.O.) Well that is all going to change. Being a woman, you don't have to be lady, that you can too be a knight. I will show them all, that I too am worthy of being a knight.