When A Line Bends, Geometric Shapes

Name __Jodi Arnold_____________ Date _6/9/2011___Course _ED575-402_______
Lesson Activity Plan Template
Title of Activity: When A Line Bends… Geometric Shapes
Grade Level: First Grade
Mathematics Concept Standards:
Alaska Content Standards
Content Standard A: Mathematical facts, concepts, principles, and theories.
Geometry: Construct, transform, and analyze geometric figures.
The student demonstrates an understanding of geometric relationships by
[1] G-1 identifying the attributes of 2-dimensional shapes (e.g., a triangle has three sides)
[1] G-2 identifying and classifying 2 dimensional shapes through visual observations and
properties (e.g., which of these shapes is a triangle) (M5.1.1)
[1] G-3 relating real-world examples (e.g., a door is shaped like a rectangle) to the ideas and
concepts of geometry (M5.1.2)
The student demonstrates a conceptual understanding of geometric drawings or constructions
[1] G-6 drawing, copying, or describing a variety of shapes (M5.1.7)
[1] G-7 identifying geometric shapes in real-world objects (M5.1.7)
2. Content Standards B, C, D, and E: Process skills and abilities
Applying conceptual knowledge and skills as designated in all strands of Content Standard
A by problem solving, communicating, reasoning, and making connections
Apply mathematical concepts and processes to situations within and outside of school.
The student understands and applies mathematical skills and processes across the content
strands by
[1] PS-6 using real world context (i.e., self, friends, and family)* (M10.1.2)
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to identify attributes of a circle, square, rectangle, triangle, and
Students will be able to draw and construct circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, and
 Students will be able to identify shapes in real-world objects
What am I game? The teacher will give clues such as “I have three sides” what am I? Students
will draw the shape described on their slate.
Learn the Content:
Step 1: To begin the lesson the teacher will read When a Line Bends…. A Shape Begins by
Rhonda Gowler Greene. This book gives real world examples of different 2-demensional shapes.
Each shape has its own verse which describes its attributes and gives real world examples
Step 2: Students will discuss the book. Using the Kagan Structure Think-Pair- Share
Step 3: Each table will be given a shape from the book. Using the Kagan Round Table structure,
they will work as teams to find objects in the classroom that have the same shape. At the end of 5
minutes, each table will share out with the class what they have discovered. The teacher will
create a chart with the information.
Reinforce the Content Learning:
Wikki stix shapes. Each student will be given a wikki stix. The teacher will re-read the story. As
the teacher reads, the students will “bend their line” to create shape described.
Consolidate the Learning:
Each students will create a foldable shape book. The teacher will demonstrate at the board while
the students copy what he is doing. Each page will have a picture of the shape, a list of its
attributes and a real-world example.
Kagan Structure Quiz-Quiz Trade- Each student will be given a card. The card will have a
description of a shape with a picture of the shape on the back. Students are to pair up and quiz
each other. The teacher circulates and writes down observations.
Implement the Content:
As a homework assignment, students have a shape journal to take home. Throughout the week,
they will write down shapes they see in their lives.
Reflection (How did the lesson go? What went well? Not so well? What would you change if
you were to teach this lesson again? Other learning? )