Abstract lines

ART 211
Abstract lines
Contour lines
Subject matter
Implied lines
Lines of sight
2. Abstract lines
Lines found in very abstract and nonobjective works of art that
do not describe objects. They are meant to be seen only as
3. Chiaroscuro
The dramatic change of value to create the illusion of volume
and depth.
4. Closure
The tendency to complete partial forms or shapes by seeing
lines that do not exist.
5. Content
The essential meaning of a work of art interpreted by an
individual or critic.
6. Contour lines
Lines that define the outer edges of forms (outlines) as well as
the surfaces within a form such as shapes or wrinkles and folds.
Used in contour drawings to suggest depth in addition to height
and width. A line that describes the area where two edges meet
7. Foreshortening
Distortion of forms as they move toward or away from the
7. Geometric
ART 211
8. Gesture
Mechanical, human made shapes such as squares, triangles,
circles, etc. Geometric shapes have regular edges as opposed to
the irregular edges of organic shapes.
9. Implied lines
A quick drawing that expresses a sense of movement and energy.
10. Lines of sight
Lines that are indicated indirectly in works of art in edges where
two shapes meet, where a form ends and the space around it
begins, or by positioning several objects or figures in a row.
11. Media
Implied lines suggested by the direction in which figures in a
picture are looking, or from the observer’s eye to the object at
which they are looking
12. Medium
Plural of medium.
13. Organic
The material used to create a work of art such as oil, acrylic,
watercolor, charcoal, etc or a category of art such as drawing
sculpture, or painting. (Never mediums unless you are talking
about the size shirt you wear).
14. Proportion
Free forms or shapes and forms that represent living things (also
called biomorphic) having irregular edges as distinguished from
the regular edges of geometric shapes or forms.
15. Stylize
The size relationship of elements within themselves and between
each other
16. Subject matter
To modify natural forms in a simplified and often preset manner.
17. Threedimensional
Things that are represented in an artwork such as people,
buildings, trees, etc. Subject matter is used to develop content in a
work of art.
Objects which have height, width, and depth.
18. Trapezoid
19. Twodimensional
A shape with four angles and four sides, only two of which are
20. Value
Objects that have height and width.
Element of art described as a range from black through gray to
white or dark to light in color
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