GOVERNORS - Draft minutes of meeting on 27.11.14(1)

Minutes of the Governors meeting held at School on
Thursday 27th November 2014 at 7.30pm
Present: Mrs. Poll, Mrs. Goodchild, Mr. Grosse, Mrs. Holmes, Miss. Hall,
Mrs. Loughlin, Mrs. Warner, Miss. Adcock, Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Clarke
Apologies: Ms. Hogg
There were no business or pecuniary interests
Minutes of the last meeting on 2.10.14 and matters arising
Governors were pleased to hear that Miss. Adcock is enjoying her Headteacher
Training. Miss. Adcock advised she will be going to a good or outstanding
primary school for 9 days soon. She is looking to see which school matches her
skills and then see what she is able to offer them.
Ms. Hogg presented a training meeting on the new Curriculum to staff at a
recent staff meeting.
Governors were reminded again to use Governor Hub for updates and
Headteachers Report
Governors had been emailed a copy.
Mrs. Loughlin advised a personnel governor would be needed in the next week
or so to shortlist and interview for a teaching support vacancy.
Mrs. Loughlin also reported the school standards remain very high. Governors
noted from the report the many achievements the school are celebrating.
Ms. Hall commended the year 2 children who showed parents around and did
a power point presentation to the parents at the recent open day.
It was noted that there had been a much better turnout for workshops this
year as they had been held during school time. The parents are able to be in
the classes with the children and can see them working. The teachers and TA’s
were congratulated on all their continued efforts.
Question asked – What is PATHS – This is Providing Alternative Thinking
Strategies. This is an advisor led programme.
The RAISE online analysis is huge. All data is available to for Governors to see
at any time. The book is kept in the school office.
Challenged by Mrs. Cole – Why is there a high number of SEN children on the
records? It is to do with definition of needs. Children on our intervention
programmes are on the egister. It does not seem to fit right, but it has been
recognised that the intervention programmes are working well with SAL and
ASD children. Mrs. Poll found the documentation extremely good.
Pupil Premium was discussed.
An action plan was received in September, and was responded to immediately.
There has now been more time to make an even better plan, It is useful in as
much as you can see an upward trend over 2 years.
Our data shows no critical issues – you have to look very hard to find issues at
all. If any it is – gender or free school meals, and this may only equate to one
All schools are trying to ‘prove’ their data.
Governors were asked to look at pages 24,25,26 and 27. Questions were asked
about disadvantaged children. Attendance of disadvantaged children was
discussed. When put into perspective our data results show the school is well
above average.
More of the Autumn born children have exceeded their expectations.
Challenged by Mrs. Poll – What about the ‘normal’ children? Both teachers and
teaching assistants do a lot of work outside the classrooms. Gifted and
talented children are given extra support. The school’s better learners are
above average.
Challenged by Mrs. Poll – Explanation please on the 2 level 4 reading and 1
maths. Ms. Hogg came in to look at proper tests and validated these. They
were boys who attained these results.
Mrs. Loughlin advised those children in the ‘middle’ were of course still getting
quality education.
Challenged by Miss. Hall – What about the ‘poorer’ children? The teachers and
TA’s work as a team and decide on next steps.
A lot of the intervention of children’s activities is done by the TA’s and
Governors were made aware that children move on and leave these groups,
while others may need to join them.
The school is offering the very best for the children and can show evidence to
confirm that they are doing everything possible.
Progression is a nose ahead of attainment. Evidence can be tracked with
Mrs. Cole had recently attended some training and offered to speak to parents
at any meeting about graphs, updates, networking etc.
Governors are aware that all children are getting an excellent education at
Little Nightingales, as well as the school continue to track children, using a
baseline for when they first start Nursery and School.
Governors were reminded to visit their Curriculum Leaders. A short report can
be given at the next Governors meeting which can be hand written if
necessary, and can go on file.
Mrs. Poll thanked all staff at the school for keeping it where it is. All the hard
work is paying off as always, continuing to make Nightingale an Outstanding
Mr. Grosse reported back from the earlier meeting. Many questions were
asked. The budget balances and Governors are happy with this update.
Remains the same at the moment.
It was agreed that at the next full meeting Governors and subject coordinators
would be discussed. This could give Governors an opportunity to change to
another subject if they wished to do so.
Reports from Governors
Mrs. Clarke had emailed a copy of Little Nightingales report to Governors
Mrs. Cole gave an update on her previous Learning Walk with Miss. Hogg. A
copy of her report to go on file when it has been typed up.
Norfolk Governor Services has requested an update on Designated Governors.
Details to forward to them are:
Designated Governor Posts – LAC – Mrs. Goodchild
Pupil Premium – Mrs.Poll
Safeguarding – Mrs. Clarke
SEND – Mrs. Goodchild
Performance Management – Mis. Hogg
Nb: Ms. Hogg was nominated in her absence, so it is hoped this will not have to
be changed.
A confidential matter was discussed
Next meeting 12th February 2015 Finance 6.30pm and Full Governors Meeting
Following that meeting the next one will be on 19th March - Finance 6.30pm
with a full governors meeting lasting from 7.30pm until 8.30pm only. This
meeting is mainly to ratify the budget.
With no other matters to discuss the meeting closed at 9.25pm