ATANTA CHAPTER - TCNAA May 18, 2014 MINUTES The March meeting was called to order by Treasurer, Karen Houston, at 4:05 PM. Pastor David Bowie led the members in prayer. The Minutes from the April meeting were reviewed, the appropriate corrections were made, and the Miinutes were accepted, pending corrections. TREASURER'S REPORT Karen Houston, Treasurer reviewed the report (see attached), with applicable data recorded as of 5/12/14. The actual balance is at $3,602.33. The report is filed for audit. COURTESY UPDATE Clyde Curry recently lost an uncle. A thank you card was received from Carol H. Byrd, who lost her mother. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Awards Luncheon The Awards Luncheon has been confirmed for October 18th, 2014, at Villa Christina Restaurant, from 11 AM - 3 PM. Several members gave updates on the pursuit of honorees for the Luncheon. We reiterated that we will honor five (5) individuals, and being an alum is NOT a criteria. To date, we have confirmed two honorees . Jesse Henderson asked that we not pursue a potential candidate on the list, and that he would assume responsibility for an alternative. The Fundraising Committee is in need of additional volunteers. TCNAA Raffle Winners for the 2014 raffle are: John Porter Russell Holloway M. Greene NEW BUSINESS Chapter News Zenda Bowie read a letter to the Chapter from Jackie Nix, President. Jackie has accepted a job in Charleston, SC, and is thereby resigning, effective immediately. Norman Pitts is considering moving into the President's position. 1 ATANTA CHAPTER - TCNAA May 18, 2014 MINUTES Per Zenda, she's received contact info on recent grads, and wants to establish a way to connect with them via social media. As such, we need to identify someone who has social media skills and can assist with this project. Campus News Zenda provided a synopsis of Alumni Weekend, recapping how successful the events were. TCNAA Updates Marva Goff reminded members of the upcoming Triennial Reunion, to be held in Orlando, FL in July. Zenda reminded the Body that the chapter is expected to choose a representative to the Alumni Board. The structure of the organization changes, effective during the Triennial, allowing every Chapter to have a vote. As a reminder, the Regional structure will be eliminated at the culmination of the Triennial. Outstanding Alumnus - Southern Region The Southern Region is soliciting nominations for the Outstanding Alumnus. With the elimination of the regions, this is the final time this honor will be given. Marva advised that the Chapter , as well as individuals, can nominate individuals. The criteria for eligibility is on the TCNAA website. All candidates must be financially active. The meeting was brought to a close with the singing of the alma mater, and ended at 5:05 PM. ATTENDEES: Zenda Bowie Myrna Anderson-Fuller Jesse Henderson James Gleason Marva Goff Pastor David Bowie Angie Bowie Maurice Dukes Karen Houston Submitted: Marva I. Goff, Secretary 2 ATANTA CHAPTER - TCNAA May 18, 2014 MINUTES ACTION ITEMS: Marva & Zenda Locate Chapter By Laws 3