DAV Chapter 2 Great Falls “The Patriots Voice” May 2012 DAV WASHINGTON UPDATE Veteran Joblessness Down Younger Vets Unemployment Up The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in March that the average unemployment rate for veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan had risen to 12.1 percent from 11.5 percent a year earlier. The national unemployment rate and jobless claims for all veterans, however, dipped during that same span. Male veterans aged 18 to 24 posted a nearly 30 percent unemployment rate compared to 17.6 percent of their civilian peers. Faring even poorer, 36 percent of 18 to 24 year old women veterans were jobless in 2011, compared to 14.5 percent of their non-veteran peers. House Budget Proposal Released House Appropriations Committee Chairman Rep. Harold Rogers (RKy), expressed concern at a hearing of the Appropriations Subcommittee which oversees VA spending that the fate of funding for veterans’ programs depends on whether or not government spending, can be brought under control. The House Budget Committee released their budget proposal, which calls for $19 billion in cuts to federal spending, exempting the departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs. It also proposes an additional three-year pay freeze for the federal workforce, a drop in their numbers by 200,000, and more equitable individual contributions to their retirement plans. At the hearing, Rogers also called for more funding for VA to fix the disability claims backlog, and to extend programs that will help prevent prescription drug abuse among veterans. Fiscal Year 2013 Budget and Appropriations As reported in the February Bulletin, the President introduced the Administration’s budget proposal on February 13, 2012, for the fiscal year beginning on October 1, 2012. While comparatively generous to VA benefits and services programs, the Administration’s request falls short by our estimate of $4 billion, mostly for construction funding. For VA medical care, and as validated by the Government Accountability Office [http://www.gao.gov/assets/590/589760.pdf], the budget was reduced significantly below the Veterans Health Administration’s own actuarial forecast of funding needed. Budget hearings have been held in both the House and Senate at which DAV offered testimony. The budget testimony is available at http://www.dav.org/voters/Testimony.aspx . On March 19, 2012, the House passed its Budget Resolution, H. Con. Res. 112, which closely mirrors the Administration’s VA discretionary funding levels, about $4 billion below the recommendations of The Independent Budget, most in construction funding levels. The House budget does not include $1 billion in mandatory funding to stimulate veterans employment, as proposed by the Administration. The resolution does include the advance appropriation for VA medical care required by Public Law 111-81. The Senate has yet to act on the budget resolution. Pending Legislation H.R. 3895, the Protect VA Healthcare Act of 2012, introduced by House Veterans' Affairs Committee Chairman Jeff Miller, would amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 to clarify that all veterans programs are exempt from sequestration. This bill is in line with DAV Resolution No. 144. H.R. 4023, the Veterans’ Telehealth and Telemedicine Improvement Act, introduced by Representative Kathleen Hochul, would amend title 38, United States Code, to improve the use of teleconsultation, teleretinal imaging, telemedicine, and telehealth coordination services for the provision of health care to veterans. This bill is in line with DAV Resolution Nos. 193, 194 and 203. H.R. 4114, the Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2012, introduced by Representative Jon Runyan, would increase, effective as of December 1, 2012, the rates of compensation for veterans with service-connected disabilities and the rates of dependency and indemnity compensation for the survivors of certain disabled veterans. The bill is in line with DAV Resolution No. 058, with the exception of the provision providing for permanent rounding down of COLAs, which we oppose. H.R. 4142, the American Heroes COLA Act, introduced by Representative Runyan, would amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for annual cost-of-living adjustments to be made automatically by law each year in the rates of disability compensation for veterans with service-connected disabilities and the rates of dependency and indemnity compensation for survivors of certain service-connected disabled veterans. The bill is in line with DAV Resolution No. 058, with the exception of the provision providing for rounding down of COLAs, which we oppose. S. 2128, the Protecting the Health Care of Veterans Act of 2012, introduced by Senator Jon Tester, would amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 to clarify that all veterans’ programs are exempt from sequestration. This bill would meet the goals established in DAV Resolution No. 144. S. 2259, the Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Act of 2012, introduced by Senator Jon Tester, would provide for an increase, effective December 1, 2012, in the rates of compensation for veterans with service-connected disabilities and the rates of dependency and indemnity compensation for the survivors of certain disabled veterans. The bill is in line with DAV Resolution No. 058, with the exception of the provision providing for rounding down of COLAs, which we oppose. Conclusion To ensure the successful enactment of the legislation that we support, our DAV and Auxiliary members must become active members of DAV’s grassroots—DAV CAN—and all of us must do our part to let our elected officials know about our support for legislation that builds better lives for our nation’s service-disabled veterans, their families and their survivors. Please make a pledge to redouble your efforts to communicate our concerns to your elected officials. Your efforts and actions are a key to our success. Thank you for again for your continuing support for DAV’s programs of service. local public agencies and nonprofit organizations, including faithbased and community organizations. Grantees must be familiar with the areas and populations to be served, and have demonstrated they can administer effective programs. Grantees will provide homeless veterans with occupational, classroom and on-the-job training, as well as job search and placement assistance, including follow-up services. HVRP is the only federal program that focuses exclusively on employment of veterans who are homeless. Grantees will coordinate their efforts with other local, state and federal social service providers. The grant applications are available at http://www.dol.gov/vets/programs/hvrp/main2012.htm. DAV Great Falls Chapter 2 Fund Raiser On Saturday, April 14th, members of Chapter 2 sold raffle tickets for the framed print entitled “Wings of Freedom” at the Malmstrom AFB Base Exchange. Those members were: Dennis Miller, Bob Ronish, Burl Brawley, Lyle Onsager and Joe Parsetich; $411.00 was raised! VA Deploys New Operating Model for Disability Claims VA has announced the national deployment of claims transformation initiatives to 12 regional offices in the remaining months of fiscal year 2012 to improve benefits delivery to veterans, families and their survivors. The 12 regional offices to begin the deployment of the transformation initiatives include: Huntington, WV; Hartford, CT; Portland, OR; Houston, TX; Cleveland, OH; Des Moines, IA; Boise, ID; Phoenix, AZ; New Orleans, LA; San Juan, PR; Atlanta, GA.; and, Newark, NJ. This deployment follows four pilot programs at Indianapolis, IN, Wichita, KS, Milwaukee, WI, and Fort Harrison, MT. During the national deployment, VA will track and gauge the integrated effects of the transformation plan to reduce the backlog of disability claims and provide more timely and accurate claims decisions. VA expects to deploy the transformation plan to the remaining 40 regional offices throughout calendar year 2013. The major components of the transformation plan include: d process for triaging claims documents and other mail, and drives faster and more accurate association of mail with veterans’ claims files; easily rated to move quickly through the system and the more complex claims to be processed by VA’s more experienced and skilled employees; -Functional Teams, which support a case-management approach to claims processing that minimizes rework and reduces processing time; and electronic claims processing system that employs rules-based technologies to improve decision speed and quality. Grants to Assist Approximately 9,000 Homeless Veterans The U.S. Department of Labor has announced the availability of $15 million in grants through the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP) to provide job training services to help homeless veterans succeed in civilian careers. The department anticipates awarding at least 50 grants to serve approximately 9,000 veterans. Funds will be awarded on a competitive basis to state and local workforce investment boards, Pictured are Joe Parsetich and Dennis Miller Up and Coming Events & Guest Speakers for Chapter 2 May 7th At our monthly meeting we will have: drawing for the framed print “Wings of Freedom”, and our guest speaker will be Lori Symonsbergen who is with TriWest Healthcare Alliance. She is the representative of Beneficiary Services and Education for all of Montana and Idaho. Future monthly meetings will have representatives from the following organizations: Wounded Warriors Program, Veterans Stand Down, “My Neighbor In Need”, and many other programs targeted that support our veterans and their families. Encourage your fellow DAV comrades to attend their chapter’s meetings to have their voices heard. “For the Good of the Order” Your Chapter needs your help; in an attempt to reduce the cost of mailing, your monthly newsletter will be available online, or it can be e-mailed to you. We can only afford to mail hard copies of the newsletter quarterly, but by retrieving it online, you can be kept informed of changes that occur monthly! However, we need your e-mail address (or you can access it on our web site by going to: www.dav.org, then go to “Montana”, and then to Chapter 2). Your cooperation to help support your chapter is greatly appreciated! Great Falls DAV Chapter 2 Officers: Commander Burl Brawley Sr. Vice Commander Walt Tuss Jr. Vice Commander Denis Miller Adjutant Joe Parsetich Treasurer Lyle Onsager Chaplain Frank Ghee Chapter Service Officers: Joe Parsetich Lyle Onsager 788-2335 781-2282 ** Great Falls DAV Chapter 2 monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the VFW Post 1087 hall at 4123 10th Ave. South – all members are encouraged to attend.