Curriculum Topic Maps : 2012 + This document gives an outline of the topics covered in all year groups in Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. It is a guide for students, parents and staff to aid familiarisation and provide an overview of the curriculum, assessments, accreditation and suggested background reading, websites etc for the year. Adjustments may occur due to timing issues. CURRICULUM TOPIC MAP 2012 + : SUBJECT : KS4 Biology TOPIC/YEAR GROUP 1ST AUTUMN HALF TERM Brief topic outline. Assessments/accreditation/Exams. Suggested reading/ websites etc. AUTUMN 2ND HALF TERM Brief topic outline. Assessments/accreditation/Exams. Suggested reading/ websites etc. SPRING 1ST HALF TERM Brief topic outline. Assessments/accreditation/Exams. Suggested reading/ websites etc. SPRING 2ND HALF TERM Brief topic outline. Assessments/accreditation/Exams. Suggested reading/ websites etc. SUMMER 1ST HALF TERM Brief topic outline. Assessments/accreditation/Exams. Suggested reading/ websites etc. SUMMER 2ND HALF TERM Brief topic outline. Assessments/accreditation/Exams. Suggested reading/ websites etc. YEAR 10 YEAR 11 BBC Bitesize Adaptation & Competition Variation & Evolution Topic tests WJEC Science textbook Controlled Assessments Breathing Topic tests WJEC Additional Science textbook Inheritance Topic tests WJEC Science textbook Respiration Topic tests WJEC Additional Science textbook GCSE External exam Additional Science (Triple Sci only) Digestion Topic tests WJEC Additional Science textbook Response & Regulation Topic tests WJEC Science textbook Controlled Assessments Health Topic tests WJEC Science textbook Photosynthesis Topic tests WJEC Additional Science textbook Environment Topic tests WJEC Science textbook GCSE External examinations (Science) Biodiversity Topic tests WJEC Additional Science textbook GCSE External examinations (Additional Science & Triple Science) Cells & Cell Membranes Topic tests