Year 3 Homework Grid – Autumn 2 Choose a digital learning activity and one other piece of homework from the grid below. Record any work in your green home-learning book. Over the term, you must complete two numeracy, two literacy and two other pieces from the grid. Numeracy Literacy Other Digital Learning A: Times tables: Answer the questions from the sheet. Write the answers in your home learning books. D: Write a short story about an old man who sees a volcano erupt. G: Design a poster – something to do with survival tips during a volcano/earthquake. See sheet. Use all the things we have been learning about in class. Due date: Signed: Numeracy Task 1: Find the fractions! Task 2: Answer questions about the bar chart. Circles/Triangles: Level 1, Squares: Level 2 and Hexagons: Level 2 or 3 (for a challenge). Due date: Signed: Due date: Signed: E: Write a poem about an earthquake or volcano. You can choose any style of poem – rhyming couplets, limerick, narrative or other. H: Create your very own volcano. It could be a 3D model, a drawing, a collage of pictures to create the image of a volcano or even a painting. Due date: Signed: C: Data collection. Create a table and draw a bar chart. You can collect data for anything you want, but with a limit of 6 choices (e.g. colour of cars – only 6 colours). See sheet. Due date: Signed: F: Grammar task. Due date: Signed: Due date: Signed: Due date: Signed: I: Research the history of any volcano of your choice. Write a fact file to inform of its location, height, current status, past eruptions and any other interesting facts that you find. Due date: Signed: Literacy Task 1: Have a go at helping the frog find the synonyms and antonyms (increase the speed for an extra challenge) Task 2: Find the correct work class from a choice of words. Yellow/Pink: nouns, verbs and adjectives; Blue: nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs; Red: All. Due date: Signed: Other Label the parts of a volcano; drag and drop. Can you print screen your work for your book? Practise your typing skills. What is the best score you can get? Due date: Signed: B: Fractions of shapes. See sheet. See sheet. Y3 Homework page – google doc full of all the links (case sensitive) Due date: Signed: