Report on Rottnest Ferry SST Validation Tests (5-7 April 2011) Authors: Ruslan Verein (, Helen Beggs (, Eric Schulz ( and George Paltoglou (, CAWCR, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia Hiski Kippo (CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Perth, Australia) Date: 15 September 2011 Introduction The PV SeaFlyte (Call Sign VHW5167) is a fast moving (up to 24 knots) tourist ferry that does regular daytime transects between Hillary’s Boat Harbour and Rottnest Island in Western Australia. The vessel occasionally also does night-time fishing cruises. As a contribution to the Australian Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS), in early 2008 the vessel was equipped with a SeaBird SBE 38 Digital Oceanographic Thermometer. The SBE 38 has high accuracy (absolute accuracy is better than 0.001 °C (1 mK) and resolution is approximately 0.00025 °C (0.25 mK)) and stability (drift of less than 0.001 °C in sixmonth period) (SeaBird SBE 38 Specification Document). The SBE 38 is installed in the engine cooling intake in a “dead-end” pipe about 5-10 cm away from the main water flow (Figure 1). Water flow rate through the engine intake pipe is variable depending on the vessel speed. When the engines are not running there is no water pumped through and hence there is a threshold of 5 knots for data logging. The depth of the water intake is 0.1 to 0.5 m depending on vessel speed with faster speed resulting in shallower draft. Since 30 April 2008, the SeaFlyte SST observations, combined with time of observation, latitudes and longitudes, have been transmitted daily to the Bureau of Meteorology where they have undergone automatic quality control (Beggs et al, 2011), averaged over a 1-minute period and uploaded to the Global Telecommunications System (GTS) as Trackob records and to the IMOS Ocean Portal in daily netCDF files Data can be downloaded from Validation against SST from polar-orbiting satellites (NOAA17, 18 and 19) has shown that there are relatively high warm biases and high standard deviations in the SeaFlyte SST (at 0.1-0.5 m depth) compared with the satellite SST (Appendix A, Figures A.1 to A.2; Beggs et al., 2011). The HRPT AVHRR skin SST data from the NOAA satellites were converted to an approximate foundation (pre-dawn) SST (SSTfnd) by regression against matchups with drifting buoy SST at 20cm to 30cm depths and filtering on NWP 10m wind speeds (Paltoglou et al., 2010). For the matchups, SeaFlyte SSTdepth data was also converted to foundation SST by rejecting data for winds < 6 m/s during the day and < 2 m/s at night). The SeaFlyte SSTfnd values were biased warm an average 0.4C (standard deviation of 0.9C, N = 249) during the day and 0.6C (standard deviation of 0.9C, N = 130) during the night compared with 2 hour matchups with 1 km resolution HRPT AVHRR SSTfnd (quality level 4 and 5) from NOAA-17, 18 and 19 satellites for the period 1 December 2008 to 1 June 2011. These observed warm biases and high standard deviations were of concern as the daytime matchups between the other nine IMOS ship SSTfnd data streams included in the study and the NOAA-17, 18 and 19 HRPT AVHRR SSTfnd data for the same period yielded a mean bias of 0.0C (standard deviation of 0.5C, N = 966) (See Fig A.2). Daytime matchups between drifting buoy SSTfnd observations and the same satellite SSTfnd data sets over the same region and period yielded a bias of 0.0C (standard deviation of 0.4C, N = 14146), giving confidence in the use of the HRPT AVHRR SSTfnd observations as a relatively unbiased and accurate reference SST. In order to determine possible reasons for the observed warm bias in SeaFlyte SSTs compared with satellite a trip to Ocean foundation SSTs, Perth was undertaken in April 2011 by the Bureau’s IMOS Observations Scientist, Ruslan Verein, to inspect the sensor installation on the vessel and to verify the SBE 38 SST measurements with a reference thermometer. Figure 1. Photos taken in April 2011 of the location of the SBE 38 Digital Oceanographic Thermometer on the PV SeaFlyte in a short pipe off the engine cooling intake. The SBE 38 is shown in the centre of the bottom right-hand-side photo. The thermometer does not protrude into the main water flow. In Situ Validation Procedure Over a number of transects during two days (5 and 7 April 2011), the SeaFlyte was slowed at several positions to allow the deployment of a sea water bucket (MK 3B) to obtain sea water samples at approximately 0.5m depth. Once the bucket was back on deck, a mercury-in-glass thermometer (AMA, Cat. No. 00415564, s/n 0138042) was used to measure the sea water temperature. To confirm that the reference thermometer was valid, it was re-calibrated in June 2011 and the appropriate correction was applied to the SST data obtained from bucket observations. Results Results of the sea water bucket SST comparisons with the SeaFlyte SBE 38 SST for transects on 5 April 2011 are shown in Figure 2 and Table 1, with corresponding results for transects on 7 April 2011 shown in Figure 3 and Table 2. Conditions during the 5 April transects were calm and sunny with wind speeds of 6 ms-1 and air temperatures ranging from 26C to 31C. Rougher sea conditions were experienced during the 7 April transects where the weather was partly cloudy, with wind speeds of 11 - 12 ms-1 and air temperatures ranging from 19C to 22C. The difference between the bucket SST measurements taken within a few minutes of each other was up to 0.2C, and is an indication of the reference thermometer measurement error and variability in SST over the sampling period. Figures 2 and 3 and Tables 1(a) and 2(a) clearly indicate that the SBE 38 temperatures increased when the vessel slowed to < 14 knots to take the bucket samples. Assuming that the SST at 0.1m – 0.5m depth does not vary significantly over the distance that the vessel slows to collect the bucket sample then Table 1(b) indicates that there was still a warm bias between SBE 38 and bucket sample temperatures of on average 0.3C (standard deviation 0.2C) for average vessel speeds of 22 knots during warm, sunny and calm conditions on 5 April 2011. Counter-intuitively, Figure 3 and Table 2(b) indicate that under cooler, partly cloudy and rougher conditions temperatures on 7 April 2011 the SBE 38 temperatures were on average 0.4C warmer than bucket sample temperatures with a standard deviation of 0.2C for average vessel speeds of 15 knots (slower than on 5 April due to choppy seas). Although there may have been a diurnal thermocline present in the upper 1m of the ocean sampled during the 5 April transects (Figure 2) which may have been responsible for the increase in warm bias between the SBE 38 SST (0.1 – 0.5m) and the bucket sample at around 02:55 UTC, it is likely that the top 1m of the ocean would have been well-mixed with little temperature gradient on 7 April. The average bias of 0.3 to 0.4C in the SBE 38 SSTdepth compared with bucket seawater samples observed during 5 and 7 April 2011 is far greater than the monthly mean bias of 0.01C between the SBE 38 SSTdepth and HRPT AVHRR SSTfnd for April 2011 although comparable to the March 2011 value of 0.20ºC (Figure A.3). Rottnest Is Ferry data (05.04.2011) 25.0 SBE38 bucket SST 24.8 interpolated SST (SBE38) SST (° C) 24.6 24.4 24.2 24.0 23.8 2:57 2:54 2:51 2:48 2:45 2:42 2:39 2:36 1:57 1:54 1:51 1:48 1:45 1:42 1:39 1:36 1:33 1:30 1:27 1:24 1:21 1:18 1:15 1:12 1:9 23.6 Time (UTC) Weather conditions: Calm and sunny, 1:00 UTC: Tair = +25.7, Wind speed = 12 knots (6 m/s) 4:00 UTC: Tair = +31.1, Wind speed = 12 knots (6 m/s) Figure 2. Measurements of SST on PV SeaFlyte using the SBE 38 sensor located adjacent to the engine intake water pipe and sea water bucket temperatures for transects on 5 April 2011. The dotted lines represent SBE 38 temperatures interpolated between those obtained immediately prior to the vessel slowing to take bucket samples and immediately after it sped up to cruising speed after the samples were taken. (a) 5/04/2011 Time 01:18 01:19 01:32 01:33 01:44 01:45 02:55 Mean Stddev 24.524 24.544 24.399 24.335 24.470 24.601 24.633 24.501 0.107 24 24 23.9 23.8 24.1 24 24 23.97 0.095 Difference, °C 0.52 0.54 0.50 0.54 0.37 0.60 0.63 0.529 0.084 Vessel speed, knots 1.9 1.8 1.2 8.5 1.9 1.5 13.0 4.3 - 01:18 01:19 01:32 01:33 01:44 01:45 02:55 Mean Stddev 24.122 24.105 24.1 24.098 24.351 24.387 24.643 24.258 0.211 24 24 23.9 23.8 24.1 24 24 24.0 0.095 0.11 0.20 0.30 0.25 0.39 0.64 0.29 0.185 22.43 22.0 - SST, SBE38, °C SST, reference thermometer, °C (b) 5/04/2011 Time SST, SBE38 (interpolated), °C SST, reference thermometer, °C Difference, °C Average vessel speed, knots 0.12 22.57 21.28 21.53 Table 1. PV SeaFlyte SBE 38 SST measurements and vessel speed for 5 April 2011 taken at (a) time of bucket sample, and (b) interpolated from values measured immediately before and after the vessel slowed to take the bucket samples. The difference between the SBE 38 SST and the bucket sample temperature is given in both cases. Rottnest Is Ferry data (07.04.2011) 25.4 SBE38 bucket SST interpolated SST (SBE38) 25.2 25.0 24.8 SST (° C) 24.6 24.4 24.2 24.0 23.8 23.6 23.4 8:12 8:10 8:8 8:6 8:4 8:2 7:56 7:54 7:52 7:50 7:48 7:46 7:44 7:42 7:40 7:38 7:36 7:34 7:32 7:30 23.2 Time (UTC) Weather conditions: Partly cloudy, rough sea, 7:00 UTC: Tair = +21.6, Wind speed = 23 knots (12 m/s) 10:00 UTC: Tair = +19.0, Wind speed = 22 knots (11 m/s) Figure 3. Measurements of SST on PV SeaFlyte using the SBE 38 sensor located adjacent to the engine intake water pipe and sea water bucket temperatures for transects on 7 April 2011. The dotted lines represent SBE 38 temperatures interpolated between those obtained immediately prior to the vessel slowing to take bucket samples and immediately after it sped up to cruising speed after the samples were taken. (a) 7/04/2011 Time SST, SBE38, °C SST, reference thermometer, °C 07:33 07:35 07:46 07:47 08:01 08:03 08:04 mean stdev 24.901 24.939 25.134 24.675 24.045 24.773 24.228 24.671 0.395 24.2 24 23.7 23.6 23.5 23.7 23.7 23.77 0.243 0.329 Difference, °C 0.70 0.94 1.43 1.08 0.55 1.07 0.53 0.899 Vessel speed, knots 4.5 5.2 4.6 8.3 10.6 3.1 13.9 7.2 - 07:33 07:35 07:46 07:47 08:01 08:03 08:04 mean stdev 24.355 24.324 24.278 24.299 23.992 24.026 24.043 24.188 0.159 (b) 7/04/2011 Time SST, SBE38 (interpolated), °C SST, reference thermometer, °C 24.2 24 23.7 23.6 23.5 23.7 23.7 23.77 0.243 Difference, °C 0.16 0.32 0.58 0.70 0.49 0.33 0.34 0.417 0.184 14.9 - Average vessel speed, knots 12.29 14.51 17.84 Table 2. PV SeaFlyte SBE 38 SST measurements and vessel speed for 7 April 2011 taken at (a) time of bucket sample, and (b) interpolated from values measured immediately before and after the vessel slowed to take the bucket samples. The difference between the SBE 38 SST and the bucket sample temperature is given in both cases. The results for 5 and 7 April 2011 led us to surmise that the SBE 38 temperature warm bias might be inversely correlated with vessel speed above a 5 knot threshold. Figure 4(a) shows no correlation between vessel speed and SBE 38 SST minus bucket SST (delta SST) during 5 April, although Figure 4(b) does indicate a very weak inverse correlation during 7 April (R2 = 0.35). (a) Correleation betw een vessel speed and delta SST (SBE38 - bucket corrected) 0.75 0.7 Delta SST (° C) 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 R2 = 0.2512 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Vessel speed (knots) (b) Correlation betw een vessel speed and delta SST (SBE38 - bucket corrected) 1.6 Delta SST (° C) 1.4 R2 = 0.3493 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 5 10 15 20 Vessel speed (knots) Figure 4. Difference between PV SeaFlyte SBE 38 and bucket SST measurements (Delta SST) against vessel speed at the time of each bucket sample for transects on (a) 5 April 2011 and (b) 7 April 2011. The correlation coefficient between Delta SST and vessel speed (R2) is given in both cases. On 6 April 2011 the RV Linnaeus, a small research vessel owned and operated by CSIRO out of Boat Harbour, was deployed to perform transects between Boat Harbour and Rottnest Island, following the route as closely as possible of the PV SeaFlyte. The RV Linnaeus is instrumented with an SBE 38 digital thermometer in the water intake to the thermosalinograph (an SBE 45) at 0.5 m depth. A CTD was deployed on the cruise to measure SST in the upper 1 m of the upcast in order to compare with the SBE 38 temperatures. The same sea water bucket and thermometer as deployed on the SeaFlyte transects were deployed during 6 April on the RV Linnaeus in order to validate the Linnaeus SBE 38 SST and also to compare with the SeaFlyte SBE 38 SST measured while the two vessels were as close as possible to each other. The wind conditions during the 6 April Linnaeus cruise were light, with winds ranging in the morning from 3 m/s (08:30 LT) to 7 m/s at 15:00 LT. Figure 5 shows the SST data from the RV Linnaeus and PV SeaFlyte during the 6 April 2011 transects. The light green lines in Figure 5 represent the SeaFlyte SBE 38 SST measurements logged while the two vessels were collocated. The second and third RV Linnaeus CTD SST(0 – 1m) measurements (dark green points in Figure 5) were within 0.2C of the RV Linnaeus bucket sample SST measurements (gold lines), giving confidence that the bucket method was valid. The SeaFlyte SBE 38 SST(0.1 - 0.5m) measurements (light green lines in Figure 5) were biased 0.2C to 0.4C warmer than the RV Linnaeus SBE 38 SST(0.5m) measurements (red lines in Figure 5). Figure 5. SST observations from transects of the RV Linnaeus on 6 April 2011. PV SeaFlyte SBE 38 data (pale green lines) are collocated in time and space with Linnaeus (where time difference was 5 minutes and distance between boats was 0.001° lat/lon). The RV Linnaeus SBE 38 SST measurements were generally ~ 0.1C warmer than the Linnaeus CTD SSTs, implying that the SeaFlyte SBE 38 SSTs were biased around 0.4C too warm during 6 April. Hence, the results of comparisons between the SeaFlyte SBE 38 SST and the SST measurements taken on the RV Linnaeus are consistent with the results from the 5 and 7 April 2011 SeaFlyte cruises. Discussion Sea surface temperature measurements in the upper metre of waters between Boat Harbour and Rottnest Island in Western Australia taken on the PV SeaFlyte from engine intake SBE 38 measurements were compared with collocated SST measurements from sea water buckets on transects on 5 and 7 April 2011 and CTD, SBE 38, SBE 45 and bucket SST measurements at depths ranging from 1m to 0.5m from RV Linnaeus on 6 April 2011. What we know from the study: 1. The SBE 38 SST measurements at depths ranging from 0.1m to 0.5m from the engine intake on the PV SeaFlyte were between 0.2 to 0.4C warmer than those from other in situ SST measurements taken at depths ranging from 1m to 0.5m. 2. The water temperature measured by the SBE 38 in the engine intake on PV SeaFlyte is dependent on the vessel speed. Figures 2 and 3 show that the SBE 38 measurements increase as speed decreases, and also that interpolated SBE 38 – bucket SST increase with decreasing average vessel speed. 3. The source of this dependence is not clear. There are a number of possibilities: a. Engine intake depth is expected to be inversely proportional to vessel speed. b. Depth origin of water sampled may be a function of vessel speed as the hull displaces the water as it moves forward. c. Flow rate and water temperature at the sensor in the intake pipe may be a function of vessel speed, due to stagnation of the water sample and engine room heating. 4. Possibilities a and b require a thermal gradient in the top 1m of the water. This hypothesis is not well supported by data collected on 5 and 7 April, as we see stronger vessel speed dependency on the 7th when wind speed was 22kts and no gradient is expected to be present, and a weaker dependency when stratification is more likely with light winds (12kts) on the 5th. 5. Comparisons between the SeaFlyte SSTs measured since 1 December 2008 and skin SST observations from infrared radiometers on three satellites, converted to SST at drifting buoy depths, indicate a widely varying warm bias, peaking during July 2009 to March 2010 and October 2010 to January 2011 (1.2 to 2.3C) and falling to less than 0.5C during January 2009 to May 2009, April to May 2010 and February 2011 to July 2011 (Figure A.3). There were very high biases observed during winter months, unlikely to be linked to thermal stratification of the water column, and some smaller (although still significant) biases observed during summer (eg. January to March 2009). 6. The monthly varying bias could be due to: a. mean bias in vessel speed as a function of weather conditions resulting in rougher conditions, or b. sporadic choking of the flow to the “dead end” pipe housing the SBE 38 sensor due to seaweed. Recommendations The cause of the PV SeaFlyte SBE 38 bias is unclear. Moving the SBE 38 to a location with consistent flow and good thermal insulation from the engine room environment appears to be the simplest way of establishing if the hypothesis outlined in 3c above is the cause of the observed warm bias. References Beggs H., R. Verein, G. Paltoglou, H. Kippo and M. Underwood (2011) Enhancing ship of opportunity sea surface temperature observations in the Australian region, Journal of Operational Oceanography, (under internal review). Paltoglou, G., H. Beggs and L. Majewski (2010) New Australian High Resolution AVHRR SST Products from the Integrated Marine Observing System, In: Extended Abstracts of the 15th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference, Alice Springs, 13-17 September, 2010. SeaBird SBE 38 specification document: SeaFlyte IMOS netCDF format data files: APPENDIX A. Satellite SST versus PV SeaFlyte SBE 38 SST Matchup Statistics Figure A.1. Matchup statistics for IMOS HRPT AVHRR SSTfnd (from NOAA-17, 18 and 19) minus SeaFlyte SBE 38 SSTfnd for the period 30 April 2008 to 10 September 2011. Observations are matched if within 2 hours and within the same 1 km x 1 km satellite pixel. See Paltoglou et al. (2010) for further details of the comparison method. The top left-hand figure shows GAMSSA analysis SSTfnd minus SeaFlyte SSTfnd versus HRPT AVHRR SSTfnd (from NOAA-17, 18 and 19) minus SeaFlyte SSTfnd (in K). The red stars represent AVHRR SSTs for quality level 5 (best), yellow squares represent quality level 4 and green diamonds quality level 3. The same symbols are used in the right-hand figure which shows the same HRPT AVHRR SSTfnd minus SeaFlyte SSTfnd matchup values against date for 1 December 2008 to 1 June 2011. The bottom figure shows HRPT AVHRR SSTfnd minus SeaFlyte SSTfnd plotted at the matchup location. The NOAA satellite overpass times were approximately 10 am and 10 pm (NOAA-17) and 2 am and 2 pm (NOAA-18 and 19). Night-time Daytime Number of 2 hour Matches 1.5 Drifting Buoys All IMOS Ships Pacific Sun Iron Yandi Stadacona Highland Chief Portland Spirit of Tasmania II SeaFlyte Iron Yandi Stadacona Highland Chief Portland Spirit of Tasmania II SeaFlyte Iron Yandi Stadacona Highland Chief Portland Spirit of Tasmania II SeaFlyte Aurora Australis L'Astrolabe Drifting Buoys All IMOS Ships Pacific Sun Iron Yandi Stadacona Portland Highland Chief 0 Spirit of Tasmania II 0 SeaFlyte 0.5 Aurora Australis 0.5 Southern Surveyor 1 Non-IMOS ships 1 L'Astrolabe Drifting Buoys 1.5 Southern Surveyor Drifting Buoys 2 Kelvin 2 Non-IMOS ships L'Astrolabe Stand. Dev. ( AVHRR SST - In Situ SST) Stand. Dev. ( AVHRR SST - In Situ SST) Kelvin All IMOS Ships -1.5 Pacific Sun -1.5 All IMOS Ships -1 Pacific Sun -1 Southern Surveyor -0.5 Non-IMOS ships Kelvin Drifting Buoys All IMOS Ships Pacific Sun Iron Yandi Stadacona Highland Chief Portland Spirit of Tasmania II SeaFlyte Aurora Australis L'Astrolabe 0 Southern Surveyor 0 Non-IMOS ships Kelvin 0.5 Aurora Australis Mean (AVHRR SST - In Situ SST) Mean (AVHRR SST - In Situ SST) 0.5 -0.5 Aurora Australis L'Astrolabe Non-IMOS ships Drifting Buoys All IMOS Ships Pacific Sun Iron Yandi 1 Highland Chief 1 Stadacona 10 Portland 10 SeaFlyte 100 Spirit of Tasmania II 100 Aurora Australis 1000 L'Astrolabe 1000 Southern Surveyor 10000 Non-IMOS ships 10000 Southern Surveyor Number of 2 hour Matches Figure A.2. Total number of night-time (left) and daytime (right) matchups (top), mean bias (middle) and standard deviation (bottom) of 1 km resolution HRPT AVHRR L2P SSTfnd from NOAA-17 (blue), NOAA-18 (orange) and NOAA-19 (green) satellites minus collocated observations of SSTfnd from IMOS and non-IMOS ships or drifting buoys over the region 60ºE – 170ºW, 70ºS – 20ºN for the period 1 December 2008 to 1 June 2011. The HRPT AVHRR L2P SST data was derived from brightness temperatures regressed against drifting buoys for quality level > 3. Observations were considered matched if measured within 2 hours and within the same 1.1 km pixel. Matchups were rejected if the absolute difference exceeded 5ºC and daytime 10m NWP winds were < 6 ms-1 or night-time NWP 10 m winds were < 2 ms-1. Note that “All IMOS Ships” corresponds to all the ships shown expect PV SeaFlyte. Refer to Paltoglou et al. (2010) for further details. Number Matchups AVHRR SST vs SeaFlyte SST Degrees Celsius 1000 100 10 1 Jul-11 Jun-11 May-11 Apr-11 Mar-11 Feb-11 Jan-11 Dec-10 Nov-10 Oct-10 Sep-10 Aug-10 Jul-10 Jun-10 May-10 Apr-10 Mar-10 Feb-10 Jan-10 Dec-09 Nov-09 Oct-09 Sep-09 Aug-09 Jul-09 Jun-09 May-09 Apr-09 Mar-09 Feb-09 Jan-09 Month Mean (AVHRR SST minus Rottnest Ferry SST) Degrees Celsius 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 Jul-11 Jun-11 May-11 Apr-11 Mar-11 Feb-11 Jan-11 Dec-10 Nov-10 Oct-10 Sep-10 Aug-10 Jul-10 Jun-10 May-10 Apr-10 Mar-10 Feb-10 Jan-10 Dec-09 Nov-09 Oct-09 Sep-09 Aug-09 Jul-09 Jun-09 May-09 Apr-09 Mar-09 Feb-09 Jan-09 Month Std Dev (AVHRR SST minus SeaFlyte SST) Degrees Celsius 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Jul-11 Jun-11 May-11 Apr-11 Mar-11 Feb-11 Jan-11 Dec-10 Nov-10 Oct-10 Sep-10 Aug-10 Jul-10 Jun-10 May-10 Apr-10 Mar-10 Feb-10 Jan-10 Dec-09 Nov-09 Oct-09 Sep-09 Aug-09 Jul-09 Jun-09 May-09 Apr-09 Mar-09 Feb-09 Jan-09 Month Figure A.3. Monthly number of matchups (top), mean bias (middle) and standard deviation (bottom) of 1 km HRPT AVHRR SSTdepth from NOAA-17, -18 and -19 satellites minus SeaFlyte SBE 38 SSTdepth for 1 January 2009 to 31 July 2011. Observations are matched if within 1 hour and within the same 1.1 km pixel. The HRPT AVHRR L2P SST data was derived from brightness temperatures regressed against drifting buoys. Matchups were selected where the quality level of the HRPT AVHRR SST values in the L2P files were either 3, 4 or 5. No filtering was performed on the matchups relating to absolute temperature difference or wind speeds.