Exec Bonding 2015 - Durham University Community

Trevelyan College
JCR Exec Bonding (18th-20th March 2015)
Held at High Grange Holiday Cottages, Exelby, North Yorkshire
Mr A Tansey (President), Mr J Perryman (Vice-President), Mr J Tiffany (Bar Sabb.
Miss B Shepherd (Treasurer), Miss S Cornes (Welfare), Mr A Paterson (Welfare),
Miss P Yates (Social Chair), Miss M Mittal (Outreach), Miss S Alexandrova (SU Rep),
Miss C Feeney (Secretary), and Mr A Brown (JCR Chair)
Miss J Clapp (Bar Sabb.) was present on day 2, the committee returned to points
on the bar as noted with **
Mr S Leather (Services)
Meeting 1
Before the meeting began, the committee signed confidentiality agreements as is common
Meeting chaired by Mr A Tansey called to order at 6pm on Wednesday 18th March 2015.
1. What is our purpose?
The committee discussed what they believe our purpose is as a committee.
They agreed that their main purposes are: to represent the JCR both within
college and to the wider University; to serve the JCR; to ensure that
everyone is enjoying college life, whilst also encouraging University level
participation; and to do what is right for the members of the JCR. The
committee believe that they were elected to represent the Junior Common
Room and that should be their overriding purpose.
2. What goals do we have as a group?
The committee discussed their main aims for the year. They agreed to strive
to be a welcoming committee so that people feel comfortable coming to
them and to be as accommodating as possible.
3. What is our ethos?
The committee agreed that as an exec they should take a neutral stance,
although it was noted that separating your personal life and your ‘exec life’
will be challenging.
4. Unity and image?
The committee discussed how they are viewed, and wish to be viewed by
the JCR. The committee decided they would strive for professionalism and
appear united at all times, whilst aiming to avoid becoming a clique.
The committee also decided that unity needs to be considered particularly
in freshers week and meetings should be held both beforehand, and midway
through freshers week.
5. How do we want to communicate with each other?
It was agreed that Facebook would be the most effective form of
communication, but that members are also happy to be contacted via text.
It was decided that all official or important documents should sent out via
email, including minutes which are distributed by Jake.
ACTION: Alex B to set up exec mailing list
6. The function and structure of Exec meetings
It was agreed that agenda points for Exec meetings would be sent to
whoever is chairing the meeting. The president would also like to do short
reviews of what everyone has done in their week at the beginning of each
ACTION: Alex T to do a doodle poll for when we have exec meetings
ACTION: Alex T to then block book G Ground Committee Room
7. Livers Out Exec presence in college
The committee discussed whether there should be any difference in the
roles of livers in and livers out. It was noted that livers out will still be in
college a lot due to their roles and that the whole committee should make
an effort to attend events to show our commitment. It was suggested that
livers out should perhaps volunteer for more jobs in order to make up for
the extra the livers in have had to pick up.
It was decided at this point that we should make a list of laws that we aim
to abide by for the year. They are to be called ‘The Book of Trevenisis’
Professionalism – trying to keep split between role and social
Enjoy everything you do and appreciate your role
Remember why you ran
Keep involved
We are students, be as you would normally – humility
Don’t undermine anyone else’s position
Treat each other as you wish to be treated yourself
Check yourself
Assume that each position holder on the exec is the expert – trust and
respect each other
10) Communication
11) Supporting each other and going out of your way to support each –
publicly as well
12) Accept, serve and respect views of the JCR
ACTION: Christina to write these up and stick them up in the office
It was also decided at this point that the opening discussion point for every exec
meeting should be for every exec member to give a ‘red light, green light’ account
of their week i.e. what is the best and worst thing you’ve done this week
8. Defining our job descriptions
Each member of the committee talked through their job description, their
main aims for the year and how they work and deal with stress so that the
whole committee is aware and are able to help.
9. Complaints within the Exec
It was agreed by the committee that it is the responsibility of the President,
Vice-President and the chair of the exec meeting to ensure that everything
is kept in check. Any issues should be brought to them.
10. Discipline within the Exec
The committee agreed to maintain an atmosphere in which everyone is
respected and trusted whilst ensuring that each member raises anything
they believe to be either personally or professionally wrong. It was also
suggested that members of the committee ask each other how they are
doing, especially if they are unsure.
11. Discipline for the rest of College
The committee discussed ideas of how to approach discipline within college
this year. It was agreed that the President and Vice-President would have a
meeting and then further discussion could be had.
Meeting concluded 19:57pm
Final ACTION: All members of the committee to write down for reference – Why did
I want to be on the exec? What is my main goal? What is the biggest challenge you
need to overcome?
Meeting 2
Meeting chaired by Mr A Brown called to order at 10:20am on Thursday 19th March 2015.
1. Website and notice board updates
Miss Feeney explained her plan for the website and the noticeboards. She is
going to allow members of the exec who have a page on the website to be
able to edit it themselves, and would also like the committee to use the
google calendar more for events. With reference to the noticeboards, she is
going to email Janice to check that we have full control over them, but she
would like to move the welfare board to a more prominent position.
2. Report back to the JCR on bonding
JP to approve minutes within 24 hours (as goes for all exec meetings) and
then email to the exec.
3. Re-bonding
The committee agreed to try and have regular meals/ drinks together in
college. It was also agreed that the committee would have a social in the
first week of next term and that they should have re-bonding at the
beginning of each term.
4. Constitutional review- roles
AB is going to rewrite the constitution so the committee discussed if there is
anything they would like changing.
5. Tier 2s and 3s
All members of the committee discussed who their Tier 2s and 3s are. It was
noted that everyone should try to utilise and keep track of them.
Everyone also discussed which committees they sit on. It was noted that we
can all attend the SU Assembly but only the SU rep can vote.
6. International rep - budget
The committee discussed whether the International Rep should have a
budget to run events such as the Lunar event. It was suggested that this
budget could also include some money for international freshers week. It
was decided that the international rep should have a budget but it whould
be mandatory that they organise a big event with the money.
ACTION: Bridget to decide how much money should go into the budget and
whether it should form part of a Tier 1’s budget, or if the International Rep
can have full control of it, in which case they would have to liaise with
ACTION: Welfare to tell their international rep about the SU providing money
for events.
ACTION: Alex Brown to put the international rep on SocComm in the
constitutional review
ACTION: Alex Brown to invite Melissa and Freddie (with reference to
internationals in freshers week) to an exec meeting next term to have an
international review meeting.
7. JCR Meetings
The committee discussed their role in meetings and how they aim to
conduct themselves. The committee agreed that it is their role to facilitate
discussion and encourage debate and that they are all welcome to
participate in the debate in JCR meetings. It was noted, however that
committee members should try to conduct themselves professionally,
impartially (although this will be difficult) and respectfully outside of JCR
meetings and that the official JCR channels wouldn’t be used to express any
opinions. Finally it was agreed that the Exec should hold Exec meetings
before JCR meetings in order to discuss the upcoming motions.
8. Publicity; to the JCR and beyond
It was decided that anything to be publicised should be sent to CF via email
by midnight on a Friday (it was noted that if there is an event on a Saturday,
this information can be sent after the event, provided CF has been informed
before). CF also asked for all events to be put in the google calendar so that
the website remains up to date. It was suggested that ‘what the JCR is
doing’ is publicised – what the JCR has decided, people’s successes and
celebrating the success of JCR democracy.
SA and AT brought up: How do we get people excited about JCR meetings?
It was suggested that the meeting in freshers week should be better and
‘more real’ with an actual motion and a debate. It was also suggested that
the bar could be opened in order to create a more ‘chilled’ atmosphere,
however it was noted that this would cause problems with noise and people
just wanting to use the bar. It was agreed that the committee want people
to attend JCR meetings for the meeting itself.
ACTION: Jenny to look into opening the bar in JCR meetings
ACTION: The committee to look at this at the end of next term
ACTION: Alex Brown to improve the freshers week meeting
9. Exec drop ins
AT wants to call his drop in ‘Tea time with Tansey’, AB wants to do ‘Motion
It was agreed that drop ins would continue to run 10-12 on weekdays and
that welfare officers shouldn’t be exempt as their drop ins are in their job
It was decided that a timetable would be created every two weeks in an
exec meeting.
ACTION: Alex T or Alex B (whoever is chairing) to put this in the standing
matters to discuss in the first meeting
ACTION: Christina to put a question up on facebook in the last week of the
holiday to organise the first week of term
ACTION: Christina to create a google calendar for everyone to fill in their
lectures and extra-curricular commitments.
10. Elections and engagement in the JCR
AB is planning to change and sort the election timetable. He had the
suggestion of putting all the Tier 1 elections together, but this is to be
taken the a JCR meeting as a discussion point .
11. ExecOffice
It was agreed that the committee should try to keep the office clean, and to
not leave unnecessary stuff in there e.g. putting art supplies in E trunk and
encourage freshers week equipment to be stored in B Ground. It was
suggested that exec members aim to stay on top of it in drop ins.
It was also agreed that the office would not be used for meetings unless
absolutely necessary in which case you should post in the Facebook group to
check it is ok with everyone. It should only be used for JCR committees
however, and not societies.
12. Exec laptop/printer/scanner
The treasurer laptop now has office so BS is planning to start doing all the
accounts on it, however it will be used as an exec laptop so it can be used
for presentations in the bar etc.
The printer is to be used for exec/ JCR printing – try to use the photocopier
if you can as it is cheaper. Club and society captains can use it if needed.
13. Exec phones
JP has the Noiseline phone
The welfare officers have the welfare phone
CF has the bogsheet phone
14. Photocopier
BS is sorting this.
15. Stationery
The committee were asked to tell Christina if anything is running out, if
they use the last of something or if they need anything.
ACTION: Christina to buy ink cartridges and yellow card
16. Exec tree
It was decided that this would remain on the cobbles, but that it would be
called ‘Who’s who?’
ACTION: All exec members to send a photo, name and email addresses to
ACTION: Alex T to contact porters with photos
17. Exec office window
ACTION: Christina to stick the ‘why we love Trevs’ quotes in this window and
pick something every week from the email/ publicity to advertise there.
18. JCR whiteboard
Christina will select information from the weekly email and the google
calendar to go on the whiteboard. Exec members should inform CF if they
want anything else going on the whiteboard or if they have anything to put
in the notices section.
19. BBQ
The BBQ is currently broken so we need to buy a new one. The committee
decided that they would now take a campus card as a deposit to ensure that
people clean it properly. There are also now difficulties with using the BBQ
at events because of hygiene training.
ACTION: Meg to get clarification as to what we can and can’t do with the
ACTION: Meg to do a FinComm application
20. Freshers’ Week
The committee discussed the upcoming freshers week. It was noted that this
discussion mainly needs to happen with Freddie next term. SA commented
that it was agreed in Assembly that all colleges should hold talks on sexual
harassment in freshers week which will be added to welfare talks about
gender etc.
21. Exec relationship with Senior Freps
It was noted by the committee that Freddie wants to have a close
relationship with the exec and that this relationship and dialogue needs to
be maintained throughout freshers week through meetings.
ACTION: Alex Tansey to invite Freddie to come to the pre-freshers week exec
ACTION: The committee are going to have a meeting mid-week in freshers
22. Exec Freps
The committee discussed their role in freshers week and the idea of ‘exec
freps’. This will be discussed again with Freddie.
23. Transparency of college finances
BS wants to make the college finances more transparent but asked for ideas
as to the sorts of things that college want to see. Suggestions included
offering a breakdown of what your tickets for events go towards, showing
how much is spent on music and sport and what FinComm and TCUP have
given money for. It was noted that these figures should be given in
percentages to make them comparable.
24. Key log
This will be done in the first meeting of next term when everyone has their
ACTION: everyone to send Bridget a message of what keys they have
25. Fines
The committee discussed effective ways of policing fines from formals and
the debtors list.
ACTION: To be discussed again with Sam
26. Damages
This is also to be discussed again with Sam
27. Financing Exec
ACTION: Bridget to go and see Janice about mealcards for exec this term
28. Welfare room
BC and AP explained the purpose of the welfare room. They use E ground as
the welfare room on event nights.
29. Welfare supplies
BC and AP explained the supplies they have available for the JCR –
pregnancy tests are kept in the welfare pigeonhole, condoms and STI kits
are available in drop ins.
ACTION: Welfairies to find out how invoicing works for Bridget
30. Stress-less and welfare provision
BC and AP explained their stress-less plan – they want to try and have
something on every day and want every member of the exec to do
something. Members of the committee provided ideas.
ACTION: Welfairies to meet with current welfare officers at Mary’s
It was also noted that the survey from last year should be consulted.
31. Academic parents
The committee agreed that this year’s academic parenting system has
worked better but BC wants to return to the idea of splitting up bigger
families to make it easier. BC asked for any ideas about the academic
parenting system. Ideas included: allowing everyone who wants to, to be a
parent or having aunts and uncles; assigning combined students their
parents later so they can have parents who do their subjects; meeting
acadmemic parents in a coffee bar afternoon in freshers week rather than in
the evening/ in a formal; academic parents walking their kids to academic
talks; having larger socials with all families. It was also noted that Dr
Latham has a lot of control over the academic parent system.
32. Bar website
**the committee returned to this point with Jenny present
JC explained that the bar website exists only so that the servers can access
the rota. The JCR website and social media are used for publicity.
33. Trevs Day
Miss Yates discussed her plans for Trevs Day – it sounds fab!
ACTION: Meg and Paige to talk to Janice about what you can actually do with
the BBQ
ACTION: Paige to talk to the head chef about the formal menu
It was noted that everyone will have to help and work on the day and that
everyone will have to help with selling t-shirts in the run-up to the event.
34. Summer Ball
PY discussed the plans for Summer Ball. Issy does the rota for this
**at this point Jenny arrived**
35. Trevstock
Sorrel has organised this event but it is run by Alex McKenzie. The
committee noted the importance of encouraging people to stay in Durham
for this event.
ACTION: Christina to make events for Trevs Day and Trevstock
36. “Working” events
The committee discussed the importance of everyone working events and
how it works with working the bar/buttery as well. Rotas for events are
done by the social chair – bar workers should communicate with the BarSabb
and Social Chair about when is the best time to work on event nights.
37. SocComm Roles
The committee decided to continue with the protocol of SocComm setting
up events and the exec doing take-down, however if they need the exec for
summer ball set up the committee are happy to help.
38. Trevs’s Image to the wider University
The committee discussed the image of Trevs within the wider University.
They discussed the ideas of having intercollegiate formals and making more
efforts through joint societies in order to demonstrate Trevs to more
people. It was also noted that when members of the committee attend
events or committees outside of college, they are attending as
representatives of Trevs.
39. Formals
The committee discussed the priority system – to be discussed again with
Sam. It was suggested that the exec, and particularly Sam, should try to
build a more personal relationship with the MCR so that the exec can
consult them as to the number of seats they have in formals.
a) Rules and discipline
The committee discussed their plans for discipline in formals – to be
discussed again when AT and JP have discussed it separately.
40. SU/Trevs relationship
SA explained her plans for the year – in particular improving the publicity of
opportunities the SU offer e.g. funding, the Riverside Café, and get freps to
offer a clearer image of what the SU offer to freshers.
ACTION: Stella to send anything she wants publicising to Christina
41. Vomit...
The exec will all be chunder trained and Sam will do a rota for each formal.
Discussion about alcohol limits in formals
ACTION: Jake to find out how Cuths system and other colleges’ works –
shortcomings and advantages – and report back
ACTION: Becki to make a pretty chunder chart
42. Confidentiality agreements – AB
All signed at the beginning of the meeting.
43. Staff thank you
This happens next term – tea and coffee in the bar for housekeeping,
catering staff etc. It is organised by Janice. AT also plans to continue
thanking catering in formals.
44. Trunk Rooms
The exec need to work out what is in every trunk room after exams. BS will
assign everyone a trunk room after exams.
45. Overall structure of college
AT asked if there were any questions following the exec handover meeting
with the ex-president and treasurer – none.
46. Using committees effectively
The committee reiterated the importance of using committees and Tier 2s.
47. A.O.B
- MM discussed her ideas for a new housing campaign involving a buddy
- JT brought up ‘what is the role of the BarSabb on the exec?’ It was agreed
by the committee that if there is nothing relevant on the agenda, the
BarSabb is able to send their apologies.
- 50th Anniversary – the exec have the opportunity to make a lasting
impression this year.
- AT wants to set up internship workshops with the alumni, using things such
as the alumni football weekend.
Meeting ended 19:15 on Thursday 19th March