Introduction to Development Personality and Stage

Sociology 12
Introduction to Development, Personality, and Stage Theories
Motor Development in Infancy and Childhood:
1. What is believed about how infants develop their motor abilities?
2. What can reduce learning time? Or do the opposite?
3. What can a 6 month old do?
4. What can a 14 month old do?
5. When can a baby roll over? Begin walking without support?
Cognitive Development in Children:
1. What is the most cited theory in the cognitive development of children?
2. The theory states that all children go through specific
to see
as their
3. The stages are fixed, but can vary how?
4. The first stage, sensorimotor, occurs between the ages of
5. During this stage, the child learns to:
They fail to understand the
are removed from the child’s view.
of these objects if they
6. Explain the major achievement, Object Permanency:
7. Preoperational Stage begins after Object Permanency is achieved and occurs between
the ages of ________ to _________ years of age.
8. The development of _____________________ occurs at a rapid pace.
9. Children learn how to interact with their environment in a more complex manner
through the use of _____________ and ____________.
10. This stage is marked by Egocentrism, or ____________________
11. A second important factor in this stage is that of ____________________________. This
is the ability to understand that
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12. What stage occurs between ages 7 and about 12?
13. This cognitive development is marked by
. What has yet to develop? _________________________________________.
14. Formal Operations Stage is the final stage that occurs from age
___________________________. Children begin to develop a more
15. They are able to apply reversibility and conservation to both _____________ and
__________________ situations.
16. The idea of ______________ and _______________ has also been understood.
17. Teenage are able to develop their own ____________________
___________________________________. Most children achieve this stage, although
failure to do so has been associated with ___________________________________.
Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development:
1. Erikson focused on how children _____________ and how this affects their
2. Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development has ____________ distinct stages, each
with __________ possible outcomes.
3. What is the outcome of successfully completing each stage? What is the outcome of
failing to complete the stage successfully?
4. The first stage is _______________ vs. ___________________. This stage last from ages
________________ to _____________________.
5. What happens if trust develops successfully?
6. What happens if there is unsuccessful completion of this stage?
7. During the stage of Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, children between the ages of one
and three begin to assert their independence. Give examples of how they do this:
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8. Children need to be __________________________ and ______________________ in
their independence. They will more likely become more _______________________
and ____________________ in their own ability to survive in the world.
9. What happens if they are criticized, overly controlled, or not given the opportunity to
assert themselves? _____________________________
10. Initiative vs. Guilt occurs around age ________________ and continuing to age
____________. Children begin to _________________ ______________,
____________________________, and _________________
11. If given this opportunity, children develop a sense of ________________________, and
feel secure in their ability to ________ others and make
12. What happens if this tendency is squelched, either through criticism or control?
13. Industry vs. Inferiority: From ages 6 to puberty, children begin to develop a sense of
________________ in their accomplishments. They initiate projects, see them through
to completion, and feel good about what they have achieved. During this time,
__________________ play an increased role in the child’s development.
14. If children are encouraged and ____________________ for their
___________________, they begin to feel __________________________ and feel
_______________________ in their ability to achieve goals.
15. If this initiative is not encouraged, if it is restricted, then the child begins to feel
_____________________, _________________ his/her own abilities and therefore may
not reach his/her ________________.
16. Identity vs. Role Confusion: The transition from childhood to adulthood is most
important; also known as ________________________.
17. Children are becoming more independent, and begin to at the _______________ in
terms of ______________, ____________________, ________________,
_________________, etc. During this period, they explore possibilities and begin to
form their own _______________ based upon the outcome of their
18. This sense of who they are can be hindered, which results in a sense of
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19. Intimacy vs. Isolation: Occurring in ____________ adulthood, we begin to share
ourselves more intimately with others. We explore relationships leading toward longerterm _________________ with someone other than a family member. Successful
completion can lead to ___________________________________ and a sense of
_______________________, _____________, and _________ within a relationship.
20. Avoiding intimacy, fearing commitment and relationships can lead to
________________, __________________, and sometimes _____________________.
21. Generativity vs. Stagnation: What do we do during middle adulthood?
22. How do we give back to society? ____________________________
23. What happens if we fail these objectives? ___________________
24. Ego Integrity vs. Despair: As we grow older and become senior citizens, we tend to slow
down our ___________________, and explore life as a retired person. It is during this
time that we ______________________ our ___________________________ and are
able to develop ___________________ if we see ourselves as leading a successful life.
25. If we see our lives as ______________________, feel __________ about our pasts, or
feel that we did not accomplish our __________, we become __________________
with life and develop _____________, often leading to ____________________ and
Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual Development:
1. Freud’s theory is the most well known as well as the most ________________________,
since Freud believed that we develop through stages based upon
_________________________________. During each stage, an unsuccessful completion
means that a child becomes ______________ on that particular erogenous zone and
either over – or under-indulges once he or she becomes an _______.
2. There are _________ stages. The first is the ___________ __________, which lasts from
____________ to _______________. During this stage, the child is focused on
_________ pleasures (_____________). Too much or two little gratification can result in
an ______________________ or __________________________, which is evidenced by
a preoccupation with oral activities.
3. This type of personality may have a stronger tendency to _________,
____________________, ________________, or _________________________.
Personality wise, these individuals may become overly dependent upon
_____________, gullible, and perpetual _______________.
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4. On the other hand, they may also fight these ___________ and develop
_________________ and _________________ toward others.
5. From 18 months to three years, the Anal Stage consists of the child’s focus of pleasure
on __________________ and ________________ feces. The child has to learn to control
anal ______________________.
6. The Phallic Stage is from ages ________ to ________. The pleasure zone switches to the
7. Freud believed that during this stage the boys develop an unconscious
____________________ for their mother.
8. The boy then becomes a ___________ with his father and sees him as competition for
the mother’s ___________________. Boys also develop a _______ that their father will
punish them for these _________________. This group of feelings is know as the
____________________________________ (after the Greek Mythology figure).
9. Girls go through a similar situation, developing unconscious
__________________________________ to their father. Although Freud strongly
disagreed with this, it has been termed the _______________ _________________ by
more recent psychoanalysts.
10. Eventually, boys decide to ______________ with their father than fight him. The boys
develops _________________ characteristics and identifies himself as a male, and
__________________ his _____________ feelings toward his mother.
11. A fixation at the Phallic Stage could result in ______________
_________________________ (both ____________________ and
_______________________) and weak or confused sexual identity according to
12. The ___________________ Stage starts at age six and continues to puberty. It’s during
this stage that ___________________________ remain _________________ and
children interact and play mostly with ______________ sex peers.
13. The last stage is ______________________ (puberty on). Sexual urges are once again
____________________ during puberty. Through lessons learned during the previous
stages, adolescents direct their _____________________________ onto
__________________ sex peers, with the primary focus of pleasure of the
14. Explain Freud’s Structural Model (id, ego, superego) briefly, pointing out the main parts.
15. Explain Ego Defense Mechanisms and what we need to understand what drives the id,
ego, and superego.
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16. Give an example of the defense for:
a. Displacement –
b. Reaction Formation –
c. Repression –
d. Suppression –
Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development:
1. Preconventional Level – Up to age _________.
2. What are the two points for Self-Focused Morality?
3. Conventional Level – age _________ to _________________.
4. Other Focused Morality –
5. Postconventional Level - ____________________.
6. Higher Focused Morality