Regents Earth Science- Overview of Class Agenda and Goals This outline follows the 6 day school cycle. Since different sections meet on different days, the course agenda is based on 4 days of lecture and 1 day of lab. Dates will be placed throughout for an easier gauge of progress as the marking period continues. Week 1-Week 5 **Please note that the following is subject to change ** Cycle 1: 9/8-9/12/2015 LECTURE DAY 1 AGENDA -Course Overview and Expectations -Team building and inquiry activities GOALS -RESTATE course expectations -EVALUATE observations in order to develop wellsupported conclusions -DEFINE Earth Science -SUMMARIZE a current event article about Earth Science 2 -What is Earth Science? -How does Earth Science connect to our world? -Letter to the Editor- Article Summaries 3 -Intro to Earth Science, Branches, and Spheres -Course Blog -DIFFERENTIATE between the branches of Earth Science -COMPARE AND CONTRAST the spheres of the Earth -SUMMARIZE a current event article about Earth Science 4 -Letter to the Editor -Open systems vs. Closed systems 5 Scientific Method Notes and Activities -SUMMARIZE a current event article about Earth Science -DEVISE a simple yet detailed plan to direct an alien from Mars to Earth -COMPARE AND CONTRAST open systems to closed systems and give examples of each -LIST the steps of the scientific method -IDENTIFY a statement as an observation or an 6 -Observation and Inferences Activity -Measurements and Rounding inference -DESCRIBE inferences and observations of unknown objects DESCRIBE the rules of rounding DEFINE units and the rules for carrying units Lab Period Agenda: Agenda -“Earth to Martian” lab -“What is the Scientific Method”note outline Goals -DEVISE a simple yet detailed plan to direct an alien from Mars to Earth Cycle 2: 9/16-9/24 1 2 Work Day: -Catch up on any material and labs -Review material covered so far Finish Scientific Method Notes/Practice Lake Nyos Lab 3 Notes: Systems Review Intro Material 4 Density Notes and Lab 5 Intro Quiz Rounding Practice See Day 4 6 -DESCRIBE the importance to communication in science -CONCLUDE the cause of an event given data using the scientific method -COMPARE AND CONTRAST open systems to closed systems and give examples of each -DEFINE density -IDENTIFY the characteristics of density -COMPARE the density of one object to another -DEFINE density -IDENTIFY the characteristics of density -COMPARE the density of one object to another Labs: Agenda -Lake Nyos Lab Goals -DESCRIBE the importance to communication in science -CONCLUDE the cause of an event given data using the scientific method -DEFINE density -IDENTIFY the characteristics of density -COMPARE the density of one object to another Density Lab Week 3: 9/25-10/ 1 - Finish Measurements and Rounding -Graphing and Formulas CALCULATE different variables using Earth Science formulas STATE the relationship between variables given a graph 2 3 4 5 6 Week 4: 9/22-9/26 Monday -Finish Density and Rate of Change Tuesday Gradient Formula notes and practice Finish practice Wednesday Thursday Quiz: Rounding, Units, Density, ROC and Gradient What do you know about Lat and Long? Lat/Long of NYS Lat/Long Groupwork Friday Latitude and Longitude CALCULATE different variables using formulas CALCULATE density, gradient and ROC EVALUATE data to make decisions on what to do while hiking DEFINE latitude, longitude, equator and prime meridian LOCATE places using latitude and longitude STATE the latitude and longitude of given places DEFINE latitude, longitude, prime meridian, and international dateline EXPLAIN what latitude and longitude is and how is it useful in today’s society Week 5: 9/29-10/3 Monday What do you know about Lat and Long? Lat/Long of NYS Lat/Long Groupwork Tuesday Map Scales Finish Latitude/Longitude Notes PLAY-DOH EXTRA CREDIT DUE Wednesday What’s Earth Science Got to Do with Latitude and Longitude? DEFINE latitude, longitude, equator and prime meridian LOCATE places using latitude and longitude STATE the latitude and longitude of given places UTILIZE a map scale to determine distances DEFINE latitude, longitude, equator and prime meridian LOCATE places using latitude and longitude STATE the latitude and longitude of given places DESCRIBE how GPS works and how it is related to latitude and longitude Review of Latitude and Longitude using diagrams, word games and word maps DEFINE words related to mapping our world Thursday Finish Worksheets ILLUSTRATE concepts related to latitude and longitude DO NOW: Vocabulary Builder: Mapping Our World DEFINE the features of a topographic map What’s in a Picture?/Videos: Topography EXPLAIN how and why topographic maps are used in our society Notes: Topography DESCRIBE different features of a topographic map that affect the landscape of a region (ie. Slope, stream flow, etc) Friday Drawing Isolines Finding Gradient Topo Map Lab CONSTRUCT an iso map DETERMINE the gradient of different variables using a field map ANALYZE a topographic map using procedures discussed in class DETERMINE values on a topographic map using methods discussed in class