TAMPINES SECONDARY SCHOOL HOME ECONOMICS SYLLABUS FOR 2013 Secondary 1 Express TERM TEXTBOOK CHAPTER 1 Module 1 (Healthy Eating) Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 2 Module 2 (The informed Consumer) Chapter 1 Chapter 3 TOPIC ASSESSMENT Kitchen Rules and Safety The design process Authentic Problem Solving Project on Pasta/Obesity -individual assessment -peer assessment -group assessment (Oral Presentation) A guide for your diet Rice and alternatives Fruits and Vegetables and importance of Water Meat and Alternatives Fats, Oils, Sugar and Salt - Independent Learning Module ( E- Learning) Introduction to coursework : Modify and prepare a healthy cupcake along with a refreshing drink Research ( Popplet) Milestone Test 1 Authentic Problem Solving Project Mid-Year Exam Choosing Healthier Meals What is Advertising? Create an interesting advertisement for Cupcake using Microsoft Powerpoint. Coursework: Decision Making Coursework Practical Exam Coursework Evaluation/ Reflection Milestone Test 2 Mid-Year Exam Secondary 1 Normal Academic TERM TEXTBOOK TOPIC CHAPTER 1 Module 1 Kitchen Rules and Safety (Healthy The design process Eating) Authentic Problem Solving Project on Pasta/Obesity -individual assessment -peer assessment -group assessment (Oral Presentation) Chapter 1 A guide for your diet Chapter 2 Rice and alternatives Chapter 3 Fruits and Vegetables and importance of Water Chapter 5 Meat and Alternatives Chapter 6 Fats, Oils, Sugar and Salt - Independent Learning Module ( E- Learning) Introduction to coursework : Modify and ASSESSMENT Milestone Test 1 Authentic Problem Solving Project Mid-Year Exam 2 Module 2 (The informed Consumer) Chapter 1 Chapter 3 prepare a healthy cupcake along with a refreshing drink Research ( Popplet) Choosing Healthier Meals What is Advertising? Create an interesting advertisement for Cupcake using Microsoft Powerpoint. Coursework: Decision Making Coursework Practical Exam Coursework Evaluation/ Reflection Secondary 1 Normal Technical TERM TEXTBOOK TOPIC CHAPTER 1 Module 1 Kitchen Rules and Safety (Healthy The design process Eating) Authentic Problem Solving Project on Pasta/Obesity -individual assessment -peer assessment -group assessment (Oral Presentation) Chapter 1 A guide for your diet Chapter 2 Rice and alternatives Chapter 3 Fruits and Vegetables and importance of Water Chapter 5 Meat and Alternatives Chapter 6 Fats, Oils, Sugar and Salt - Independent Learning Module ( E- Learning) Introduction to coursework : Modify and prepare a healthy cupcake along with a refreshing drink Research ( Popplet) 2 Module 2 (The informed Consumer) Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Choosing Healthier Meals What is Advertising? Create an interesting advertisement for Cupcake using Microsoft Powerpoint. Coursework: Decision Making Coursework Practical Exam Coursework Evaluation/ Reflection Milestone Test 2 Mid-Year Exam ASSESSMENT Milestone Test 1 Authentic Problem Solving Project Mid-Year Exam Milestone Test 2 Mid-Year Exam Secondary 2 Express TERM TEXTBOOK CHAPTER 3 Module 1, Lesson 1 Pg. 3 3 Module 1, Lesson 4 Pg. 36 3 Module 1, Lesson 2 Pg. 14 3 Module 1 Lesson 3 Pg. 24 3 Module 1, Lesson 5 Pg. 47 4 Module 2, Lesson 1 Pg. 69 4. Module 2, Lesson 3 Pg. 89 Secondary 2 Normal Academic TERM TEXTBOOK CHAPTER 3 Module 1, Lesson 1 Pg. 3 3 Module 1, Lesson 4 Pg. 36 3 Module 1, Lesson 2 Pg. 14 3 Module 1 Lesson 3 Pg. 24 3 Module 1, Lesson 5 Pg. 47 4 Module 2, Lesson 1 Pg. 69 4. Module 2, Lesson 3 Pg. 89 TOPIC ASSESSMENT Keep The Balance Food for Minute Meals Special Diets Milestone Test 1 Something’s Cooking End-of-Year Exam How Safe if Food? Cents & Sensibility Buyers Beware TOPIC ASSESSMENT Keep The Balance Food for Minute Meals Special Diets Milestone Test 1 Something’s Cooking End-of-Year Exam How Safe if Food? Cents & Sensibility Buyers Beware Secondary 2 Normal Technical TERM TEXTBOOK CHAPTER 3 Module 1, Lesson 1 Pg. 3 3 Module 1, Lesson 4 Pg. 36 3 Module 1, Lesson 2 Pg. 14 3 Module 1 Lesson 3 Pg. 24 3 Module 1, Lesson 5 Pg. 47 4 Module 2, Lesson 1 Pg. 69 4. Module 2, Lesson 3 Pg. 89 TOPIC ASSESSMENT Keep The Balance Food for Minute Meals Special Diets Milestone Test 1 Something’s Cooking End-of-Year Exam How Safe if Food? Cents & Sensibility Buyers Beware Secondary 5 Normal Academic TERM TEXTBOOK TOPIC CHAPTER Section 1:Nutrients:1) Carbohydrates Units 2-7 2) Fats 3) Proteins 4) Vitamins 5) Minerals 6) Water 1 7) Dietary Fibre Section 2:Diet and Health Problems Unit 10 2 Section 4: Unit15 Heat Transfer and Methods of Cooking Section 2: Unit 8 Digestion and Enzymes Section 3: Unit 12 Food Commodities:1) Meat 2) Seafood 3) Milk Dairy Products 4) Cereals 5) Eggs 6) Legumes / Pulses 7) Fruit / Vegetables 3 COURSEWORK PART B 4 PRELIMINARY EXAM 2 ASSESSMENT Milestone Test 1 Prelim 1 Prelim 2 Milestone Test 2 Prelim 1 Prelim 2 Milestone Test 2 Prelim 1 Prelim 2 Milestone Test 3 Prelim 1 Prelim 2 Milestone Test 3 Prelim 1 Prelim 2