LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS LICENSE FEES CITY OF MIDVALE 10 FEBRUARY 2016 LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SUMMARY OF COMMERCIAL AND HOME OCCUPATION BUSINESSES Midvale City requires commercial and home occupation businesses to be licensed. The following table shows the base cost for obtaining a renewal and new business or home occupation license. TABLE E.1: BASE COST FOR COMMERCIAL AND HOME OCCUPATION BUSINESSES RENEWAL APPLICATIONS Commercial & Home Occupation NEW APPLICATIONS Commercial & Home Occupation Solicitor BASE COST $49 BASE COST $114 $90 The tables below illustrate the disproportionate regulatory costs related to commercial businesses. These costs are in addition to the base cost for commercial renewals or new applications. There are no disproportionate regulatory costs for home occupation businesses. TABLE E.2: COMMERCIAL REGULATORY DISPROPORTIONATE COSTS DISPROPORTIONATE TYPE REGULATORY COST RENEWAL Address Change Alcohol & Beer Automobile Repair Bars Behavioral Health Care Provider DISPROPORTIONATE REGULATORY COST NEW APPLICATION $6 N/A $35 $35 $103 $64 $55 $35 $66 $28 $215 $176 $85 $46 Escort Services (Business) $777 $777 Escort Services (Employee) $65 $65 Entertainment $39 $0 Fireworks Vendor NA $28 Fireworks in Grocery Store $38 $0 Big Box Commercial Day Care LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 Full Service Grocery $97 $58 Handyman $12 $12 Hazardous Materials Permit $97 $59 $127 $89 Manufacturing/Industrial $97 $59 Massage Therapist $35 $35 Nursing Homes & Assisted Living $39 $0 Pawn Shops $35 $35 Restaurants $68 $29 Seasonal/Temporary NA $29 Taxi/Business $52 $52 Taxi/Employee $18 $18 Vending $52 $52 Hotel/Extended Stay Table E.3 summarizes the disproportionate police and fire service call cost for each commercial business class. Disproportionate service call costs are in addition to the base and any regulatory costs. TABLE E3: DISPROPORTIONATE COSTS BY COMMERCIAL BUSINESS CLASS BUSINESS CLASS Adult Activity Center POLICE DISP. COST W/O OUTLIERS $548 FIRE DISP. COST W/O OUTLIERS $0 TOTAL COST $548 Automobile $308 $60 $368 Bar/Lounge $11,451 $1,528 $12,979 Big Box $34,369 $8,217 $42,586 $99 $0 $99 $701 $0 $701 $57 $80 $137 Convenience Stores w/o gas $5,474 $2,315 $7,789 Convenience Stores w/gas $3,271 $1,471 $4,742 Car Wash Commercial Day Care Contracted Services Distributors Entertainment $5 $0 $5 $546 $347 $893 LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH BUSINESS CLASS 10 FEBRUARY 2016 POLICE DISP. COST W/O OUTLIERS FIRE DISP. COST W/O OUTLIERS TOTAL COST Escort Service $443 $0 $443 Financial Services $446 $171 $617 Fish & Game $249 $0 $249 $19,148 $5,856 $25,004 $281 $249 $530 Full Service Grocery Gas Station Health Center $77 $0 $77 Health Clinics $16,826 $10,972 $27,798 Hospital Hotel/Extended Stay Markets/Specialty Food Manufacturing/Industrial Mobile Home Parks Pawn Shops $16,632 $12,152 $28,784 $87/Room $74/Room $161/Room $238 $0 $238 $8 $0 $8 $22/Unit $0 $22/Unit $2,994 $85 $3,079 Personal Services $24 $9 $33 Professional/Business Services $18 $64 $82 Private Clubs $1,378 $937 $2,315 Residential Care $120 $0 $120 Restaurants/Fast Food $865 $317 $1,182 Small Retail/Wholesale Sales $193 $114 $307 $2,044 $828 $2,872 $238 $0 $238 $74 $0 $74 $0 $0 $0 Medium Retail/Wholesale Sales Storage Units Telecommunications Transportation Utility Sales/Service $56 $0 $56 Vending $0 $0 $0 Warehousing/Supplies $0 $0 $0 LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 SUMMARY OF RENTALS Table E.4 summarizes the base cost for a renewal and new application for rental units. TABLE E.4: RENTAL BASE COST SUMMARY RENEWAL & NEW APPLICATION BASE COST $63 Rentals Table E.5 summarizes the disproportionate costs for rental units. TABLE E.5: RENTAL COST ANALYSIS BASE COST RENEWALS & NEW APPLICATIONS Single Family Detached Residential Rentals Duplex 3+ Apartments BASE COST DISP. SERVICE COST TOTAL COST CODE ENFORCEMENT POLICE/UNIT FIRE/UNIT $63 $5 $44 $37 $149 $63 $5/Unit $21 $74 $263 $63 $5/Unit $65 $69 $63 + $139/Unit LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS LICENSE FEES INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS Lewis Young Robertson & Burningham Inc. (“LYRB”) was retained by Midvale City (“Midvale” or the “City”) to complete an analysis of business license fees that meets the requirements of Utah law as established by Utah Code 10-1-203. The law provides that fees charged reflect the amount necessary to reasonably regulate business activity, including the costs of disproportionate and enhanced levels of municipal services required by some business classes, geographic locations, number of business employees, etc. The framework for business license fees is based upon a reasonableness test to determine appropriate distribution of costs. The analysis considers costs to businesses under three main categories as follows: Disproportionate Services 1. Special Regulatory Services 2. Disproportionate Calls for Service (Fire, EMS and Police) Enhanced Services Basic Administrative Higher Service Level Standards Administrative, Bookkeeping, Basic Regulatory, Inspections, etc. (i.e. signage, planters, snow removal, etc.) ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS LICENSE FEES BASIC ADMINISTRATIVE charges include the costs incurred to register, oversee and maintain records on licensed businesses within the city. Some regulatory services and accompanying costs are essential to all businesses while others (such as inspections and premises checks) are unique to certain types of business activity. In short, basic administrative costs include the standard labor for all businesses: i) business license application and registration process, ii) issuance of license, iii) collection of fees, iv) maintenance of records, v) preparation of business reports and required verifications. In order to estimate the basic administrative costs of a business license, our primary source of information has been Midvale City. Costs have been evaluated based on time spent by employees, wages and benefits involved for these employees, and cost of materials and equipment used. The cost LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 of administering a business license also accounts for the business license department’s fair share of indirect administrative costs that benefit the business license department. DISPROPORTIONATE SERVICES include the additional costs which some businesses generate in excess of their proportionate presence in the community. This includes the additional regulatory services that are required by some classes of businesses such as day-care and establishments selling alcohol, as well as businesses with a disproportionately high demand for municipal services (i.e. fire, police). In order to identify disproportionate service levels, LYRB has interviewed city officials and service providers and has obtained data regarding calls for service from the Midvale City Police and Fire Departments. Costs were applied based on the estimated cost of services calculated from the Fiscal Year 2009 Budget. ENHANCED SERVICE levels are generally those services which are increased in a particular geographic location of town, such as downtown, or the town center of a resort community. These may include services for enhanced levels of snow removal, police patrol, streetscape design, more frequent trash removal, more signage, etc. If these services are provided, appropriate fees may be charged to compensate the City for the related costs. Midvale City has indicated that, at this point in time, the City does not provide enhanced service levels to any areas of the community and has no immediate plans to do so. Therefore, no fees have been calculated for enhanced levels of service. All businesses in Midvale City have been classified as either “Commercial,” “Home Occupation” or “Rentals.” Utah legislation allows cities wide latitude in defining the business classes and groupings which are most appropriate for each locality. Based on discussions with Midvale City, a review of the calls for service and a review of the distinctions used by other cities, we feel that type of business activity is the most accurate means of calculating the true costs associated with various businesses. By law, “all license fees and taxes shall be uniform in respect to the class upon which they are imposed” [Utah Code 10-1-203(6)]. Appendix A contains a list of all business classes established in Midvale City. BASIC ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES All businesses, whether home occupation, commercial, or rental must be licensed. The basic administrative costs associated with licensing a business stem from two main sources – 1) direct business license costs; and 2) administrative (“indirect” costs). DIRECT BUSINESS LICENSE COSTS Direct business license costs include labor costs and department overhead required for all processes included in issuing and overseeing business licenses in the City of Midvale. The following departments are involved in business licensing: 1) Business Licensing; 2) Treasurer; 3) Planning; 4) Code Enforcement; 5) Police; and 6) Fire. A direct per minute cost was calculated for each employee involved in the business licensing process using the following method: 1. 2. 3. Labor Cost per Minute = (Salary + Benefits)/ Total annual minutes worked Department Overhead Cost per Minute = Total department overhead applicable to business licensing /Total annual minutes worked. Direct Business License Costs = Labor Cost Per Minute + Department Overhead Cost Per Minute LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 Due to salary confidentiality, this report does not include figures for City personnel labor costs per minute. However, Table 1.1 shows the total per minute direct costs for all departments involved in business licensing. All figures used in calculating direct costs were provided by Midvale City. TABLE 1.1: SUMMARY OF DIRECT BUSINESS LICENSE COSTS DIRECT BUSINESS LICENSE COSTS Business Licensing $0.48 Code Enforcement $0.55 Fire (Crew) $1.71 Fire $0.88 Police $1.21 Police (Vice Officers) $0.71 Planning $0.65 Treasurer $0.84 Source: Midvale City INDIRECT COSTS In addition to the direct costs associated with business licensing, each department must pay for its fair share of the City’s indirect costs. Indirect costs are services provided to all departments such as legislative, executive and financial services as well as non-departmental and building costs. These indirect costs of $1,886,200 are shown in Table 1.2 below. Indirect costs are divided into two separate costs: 1) fixed costs; and 2) variable costs. Fixed costs represent administrative services provided to each department regardless of size. Variable costs represent administrative services provided to each department in proportion to the number of employees in the department. Based on the City’s ratio of total fixed costs to total variable costs for each department, we have calculated fixed costs to be approximately 12 percent ($226,345), with the remaining 88 percent ($1,659,855) of administrative services assigned as variable costs. LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 TABLE 1.2: SUMMARY OF TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS General & Administrative Services $1,054,000 Legislative $175,900 Administrative Services $133,800 Government Buildings $409,500 Non-Departmental $113,000 Total Indirect Costs $1,886,200 Source: Midvale City Budget (FY 09) Table 1.3 shows the variable and fixed costs allocated to each of the five City departments. TABLE 1.3: ALLOCATION OF INDIRECT COSTS BY DEPARTMENT TOTAL INDIRECT DEPARTMENT ALLOCATED COSTS FIXED VARIABLE COSTS Police $45,269 $649,509 $694,778 Fire $45,269 $514,195 $559,464 Public Works $45,269 $279,649 $324,918 Judicial $45,269 $81,188 $126,457 Community/Economic Development $45,269 $135,314 $180,583 $226,345 $1,659,855 $1,886,200 Total The total indirect cost for each department is divided by the total minutes worked in each department to arrive at an indirect cost per minute. The indirect costs for each department are shown in table 1.4. TABLE 1.4: SUMMARY OF BUSINESS LICENSE COSTS INDIRECT COSTS Business Licensing $0.10 Code Enforcement $0.10 Fire $0.08 Fire (Crew) $0.24 Police $0.08 Planning $0.10 LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 TOTAL PER MINUTE COSTS The following table shows the total cost per minute for all departments involved in the business licensing process. TABLE 1.5: SUMMARY OF OTHER PER MINUTE COSTS DIRECT COST Business Licensing Code Enforcement Fire (Crew) Police Police (Vice Officers) Planning Treasurer $0.48 $0.55 $1.71 $1.21 $0.71 $0.65 $0.84 INDIRECT COST $0.10 $0.10 $0.24 $0.08 $0.08 $0.10 NA TOTAL COST $0.58 $0.65 $1.95 $1.29 $0.79 $0.75 $0.84 COMMERCIAL, HOME OCCUPATION AND RENTAL BUSINESS LICENSE ANALYSIS The Business Licensing, Fire Department and the Treasurer provide services for processing business license renewals. The Business Licensing department takes applications, copies documents, prepares and mails business licenses, and distributes appropriate forms to assisting personnel. Midvale City estimates that it takes roughly 25 minutes per business license renewal in order to adequately perform the previously identified tasks. The Treasurer deposits and records payment. The Fire department conducts inspections approximately every four years on all commercial businesses. However, some businesses require annual inspections. The additional costs associated with these annual inspections are included in the commercial business regulatory costs listed in table 1.11. Additionally, code enforcement costs associated with commercial businesses are divided equally among all commercial businesses. The code enforcement cost per commercial business is $6.00. Also included in the costs of a renewal and new application are supply costs. Supply costs per license are shown in table 1.6. TABLE 1.6: TOTAL BUSINESS LICENSE SUPPLY COSTS BUSINESS LICENSE SUPPLIES COST Fee Schedules $.06 Paper/Notice $.02 Business License Renewal Envelopes $.09 Business License Renewal Postage $.44 Business License Certificate $.06 LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 BUSINESS LICENSE SUPPLIES COST Business License Certificate Envelope $.09 Business License Certificates Postage $.44 Total Cost for Supplies per License $1.20 The basic costs for renewal of a commercial business are summarized in the table below. Note that the renewal time includes the direct time for processing the paperwork for renewal of a business license (previously identified at 25 minutes), plus each license’s fair share of all business license activities on an annual basis (i.e., customer service, reports, meetings, phone calls, etc.). TABLE 1.7: COMMERCIAL BASE COST (RENEWAL) TIME ALLOCATION COST PER MINUTE ESTIMATED COST 30 $0.58 $17.50 5 $0.84 $4.20 Business License Costs (prepares forms, review returned application, prepare business license, obtain signatures, respond to phone calls, etc.) Deposits Supplies $1.20 Code Enforcement $6.00 Fire $20 Commercial Renewal Base Cost $48.90 New commercial business license applications require additional services above and beyond those required for commercial business license renewals. First-time applications require more time than renewals due to 1) the explanation of the application procedure; and 2) the additional review required for each new application. Additional costs for first-time business licenses include an on-premise fire inspection, police and planning application review. New business license application costs for commercial businesses are shown in table 1.8 below. TABLE 1.8: COMMERCIAL BASE COST (NEW APPLICATION) Business License Costs (prepares forms, review returned application, prepare business license, obtain signatures, respond to phone calls, etc.) Deposits TIME ALLOCATION COST PER MINUTE ESTIMATED COST 40 $0.58 $23.20 5 $0.84 $4.20 Supplies $1.20 Code Enforcement $6.00 LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 Planning & Zoning 10 $0.75 $7.50 Police 10 $1.29 $12.90 Fire $59 Commercial New Application Base Cost $114 Table 1.9 shows the cost of a renewal/ new application for a solicitor. TABLE 1.9 SOLICITORS (RENEWAL/NEW APPLICATION) Business License Costs (prepares forms, review returned application, prepare business license, obtain signatures, respond to phone calls, etc.) Deposits TIME ALLOCATION COST PER MINUTE ESTIMATED COST 100 $0.58 $58 5 $0.84 $4.20 Supplies $1.20 Code Enforcement $6.00 Planning & Zoning 10 $0.75 $7.50 Police 10 $1.29 $12.90 Solicitor Base Cost $89.80 The basic cost for a rental renewal and new application is shown in table 1.10. One item included in the cost of a rental renewal/new application license that is not included in commercial/home occupation licenses is the cost of the Good Landlord Program. The Good Landlord program offers a reduced business license fee for landlords who actively participate in the program. This program has been proven effective in reducing illegal activities and code violations on rental properties whose landlords implement the procedures learned in the Good Landlord training seminars. The Good Landlord program cost includes the cost of the training seminars and other administrative work required to administer the Good Landlord program. Also included in the cost of a renewal/new application is the cost of the monthly crime reports the police departments runs for each rental. LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 TABLE 1.10: RENTAL UNIT BASE COST (RENEWAL AND NEW APPLICATION) Business License Costs (prepares forms, review returned application, prepare business license, obtain signatures, respond to phone calls, etc.) Deposits TIME ALLOCATION COST PER MINUTE ESTIMATED COST 30 $0.58 $17.50 5 $0.84 $4.20 Supplies $1.20 Monthly Crime Reports $30 Good Landlord Program $10 Total Rental Renewal Base Cost $62.90 DISPROPORTIONATE SERVICES Disproportionate fees include additional services required for: 1) special regulations and inspections; and/or 2) calls for police and fire services that exceed the base level of services provided in the community. SPECIAL REGULATORY SERVICES Special regulatory costs have been considered for both commercial businesses and rentals. These costs include services provided by the business license, police, code enforcement and fire departments and are in addition to the base cost of a renewal/new application business license. Some businesses require special regulatory services from only one of the above sources, while others require services from more than one source. Therefore, the following table shows regulatory costs by business type rather than by service provider. TABLE 1.11: COMMERCIAL DISPROPORTIONATE REGULATORY COSTS NEW APPLICATION RENEWAL Address Change Business License $6 NA Total $6 NA $35 $35 $35 $35 Alcohol & Beer Business License Automobile Repair Business License LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 Fire $68 $29 $103 $64 Business License $35 $35 Fire $20 $0 Total $55 $35 Fire $66 $28 Total $66 $28 Fire $215 $176 Total $215 $176 Business License $17 $17 Fire $68 $29 Total $85 $46 Total Bars Behavioral Health Care Provider Big Box Commercial Day Care Escort Services (Business) Business License $17 $17 Vice Officers $760 $760 Total $777 $777 Vice Officers $47 $47 Police Card & Paperwork $18 $18 Total $65 $65 Fire $39 $0 Total $39 $0 Fire NA $28 Total NA $28 Fire $38 $0 Total $38 $0 Escort Services (Employee Charge) Entertainment Fireworks Vendor Fireworks in Grocery Store LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 Full Service Grocery Fire $97 $58 Total $97 $58 Business License $12 $12 Total $12 $12 Fire $97 $59 Total $97 $59 $97 $59 Handyman Hazardous Materials Permit Hotel/Extended Stay Fire Police (Monthly Crime Reports) $30 $30 $127 $89 Fire $97 $59 Total $97 $59 Business License $35 $35 Total $35 $35 Fire $39 $0 Total $39 $0 $35 $35 Fire $68 $29 Total $68 $29 NA $88 Business License $52 $52 Total $52 $52 Total Manufacturing/Industrial Massage Therapist Nursing Home & Assisted Living Pawn Shops Business License Total Restaurants Seasonal Fire Taxi/Business LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 Taxi/Employee Police (Card & Paperwork) $15 $18 Total $18 $18 Business License $52 $52 Total $52 $52 Vending CALLS FOR SERVICE In order to calculate disproportionate costs and fees, cities must first establish what constitutes the base level for each of the varying services they provide – such as the number of calls for service to the police department or fire department, business-related paperwork and administrative oversight, inspections, etc. According to Utah Code 10-1-203(5)(iii)(c), “Before the governing body of a municipality imposes a license fee or tax on a business that causes disproportionate costs of municipal services under Subsection (5)(a)(iii), the governing body of the municipality shall adopt an ordinance defining the purposes of the tax under Subsection (5)(a)(iii) that constitutes disproportionate costs and what amounts are reasonably related to the costs of the municipal services provided by the municipality.” Calls for fire and police were obtained from the Midvale City Police and Fire Departments for the 2007 and 2008 calendar years. The data was then analyzed to calculate the average annual number of calls to owner occupied residential units. The average annual number of calls to owner-occupied residential units was then divided by the number of owner-occupied residential units to arrive at the base level of service ratio. The base level of service for police calls was determined to be an average of 0.5692 calls per unit per year. The annual base level of service for fire is estimated at 0.0590 calls for service for each single family owner-occupied residential unit. It was found that the average number of calls per business for police and fire exceeded the average number of calls per residence. Therefore, it was determined that businesses as a “class” require a higher level of police and fire services and have disproportionate calls for service when compared to owner-occupied residential calls for service. The average police and fire calls per owner-occupied residence was the base figure used for determining what constituted a disproportionate number of calls for service and further distinctions were then drawn between “types” of businesses within the overall business “class.” TABLE 1.12: RESIDENTIAL CALL DATA – BASELINE LEVEL OF SERVICE 2007/2008 AVERAGE POLICE CALLS 2007/2008 AVERAGE FIRE CALLS Owner-Occupied Single Family Residential Calls 3,041 315 Number of Owner-Occupied Single Family Residential Units 5,343 5,343 0.5692 0.0590 Base Level of Service Ratio LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 Estimated Cost per Call1 2007/2008 AVERAGE POLICE CALLS 2007/2008 AVERAGE FIRE CALLS $129 $787 DISPROPORTIONATE CALLS FOR SERVICE: COMMERCIAL AND RENTAL For businesses, the calls for service were determined by matching the location of each service call to a list of business addresses. 2 For each business type, the total number of calls was divided by the total number of businesses, resulting in an annual average number of calls for service per business type. To calculate the average calls above the base level of service, the base level of service ratio (shown in table 1.12) was subtracted from the average calls per business type. The average police calls for commercial businesses above the base level of service are shown in table 1.13. The average fire calls for commercial businesses above the base level of service are shown in table 1.14. Within a business type, there may be a few businesses with a much higher number of service calls than the majority of business establishments in that particular business type. These businesses excessively skew the average disproportionate cost per business and are referred to as statistical outliers. When calculating the business license fee, it is recommended the City consider setting the disproportionate fee to be on par with disproportionate costs per business without the statistical outliers. TABLE 1.13: AVERAGE POLICE DISPROPORTIONATE CALLS FOR SERVICE BY COMMERCIAL BUSINESS CLASS AVERAGE POLICE BUSINESS TYPE CALLS ABOVE BASE W/ OUTLIERS 1 2 AVERAGE POLICE CALLS ABOVE BASE COMMENTS W/O OUTLIERS Adult Activity Center 4.25 4.250 Automobile 2.384 2.384 Bar/Lounge 88.76 88.76 Big Box 266.4 226.4 Car Wash .7641 .7641 Commercial Day Care 5.430 5.430 Contracted Services .4421 .4421 The cost per call for police and fire services was determined using the FY2009 budget data. For apartments each “unit” address was matched to the business address for the entire complex. There are three businesses in this category. Two have a significantly higher call volume than the third business. There is only one business in this category LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 AVERAGE POLICE BUSINESS TYPE CALLS ABOVE BASE W/ OUTLIERS AVERAGE POLICE CALLS ABOVE BASE COMMENTS W/O OUTLIERS Convenience Stores w/o gas 42.43 42.43 Convenience Stores w/gas 43.81 25.36 Distributors .0419 .0419 Entertainment 4.231 4.231 Escort Service 3.431 3.431 Financial Services 3.457 3.457 Fish & Game 1.931 1.931 Full Service Grocery 148.4 148.4 Gas Station 2.180 2.180 Health Center .5975 .5975 Health Clinics 130.4 130.4 Hospital 128.9 128.9 Hotel/Extended Stay .6703 .6703 Markets/Specialty Food 1.847 1.847 Manufacturing/Industrial .0623 .0623 Mobile Home Parks .4853 .1674 Pawn Shops 23.21 23.21 Personal Services .1888 .1888 Professional/Business Services .5734 .1369 There is one statistical outlier in this category that is responsible for nearly half of the total calls for businesses in this category. Health Clinics often have a high disproportionate call volume because crimes are often reported by victims at health clinics. Hospitals often have a high disproportionate call volume because it is where crimes are reported rather than where crimes are happening. Of the three businesses in this category, one has a significantly higher call/unit ratio than the other two businesses. There are nine total businesses in this category. Although none have been removed as statistical outliers, it is of interest to note that five of the nine businesses have a higher call ratio than the other four. Of the 210 businesses in this category, four LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 AVERAGE AVERAGE POLICE BUSINESS TYPE CALLS ABOVE BASE W/ OUTLIERS POLICE CALLS COMMENTS ABOVE BASE W/O OUTLIERS statistical outliers have been removed. Private Clubs 24.43 10.68 Residential Care .9308 .9308 Restaurants 8.386 6.708 Small Retail/Wholesale Sales 1.493 1.493 Medium Retail/Wholesale Sales 28.93 15.85 Storage Units 1.847 1.847 Telecommunications 2.243 .5753 Transportation 1.306 0.000 Utility Sales/Service .4308 .4308 Vending 0.000 0.000 Warehousing/Supplies 3.597 0.000 Of the five businesses in this category, one has been removed as a statistical outlier. Two statistical outliers out of 67 businesses in this category have been removed. One statistical outlier has been removed from this category. One business has been removed as a statistical outlier. One statistical outlier has been removed from this category. Of the three businesses in this category, one has been removed as a statistical outlier. The following table shows the disproportionate fire calls for commercial businesses with and without the statistical outliers. TABLE 1.14: AVERAGE FIRE DISPROPORTIONATE CALLS FOR SERVICE BY COMMERCIAL BUSINESS CLASS BUSINESS TYPE AVERAGE AVERAGE FIRE CALLS FIRE CALLS ABOVE BASE ABOVE BASE W/ OUTLIERS W/O OUTLIERS Adult Activity Center 0.000 0.000 Automobile .0754 .07541 Bar/Lounge 1.940 1.940 Big Box 10.44 10.44 Car Wash 0.000 0.000 Commercial Day Care 0.000 0.000 COMMENTS LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 BUSINESS TYPE AVERAGE AVERAGE FIRE CALLS FIRE CALLS ABOVE BASE ABOVE BASE W/ OUTLIERS W/O OUTLIERS Contracted Services .1012 .1012 Convenience Stores w/o gas 2.941 2.941 Convenience Stores w/gas 2.754 1.869 Distributors 0.000 0.000 Entertainment .4441 .4441 Escort Service 0.000 0.000 Financial Services .2173 .2173 Fish & Game 0.000 0.000 Full Service Grocery 7.441 7.441 Gas Station .3160 .3160 Health Center 0.000 0.000 Health Clinics 13.94 13.94 Hospital 15.44 15.44 Hotel/Extended Stay .0934 .0934 Markets/Specialty Food 0.000 0.000 Manufacturing/Industrial 0.000 0.000 Mobile Home Parks 0.000 0.000 Pawn Shops .1077 .1077 Personal Services .0115 .0155 Professional/Business Services .2005 .0818 Private Clubs 1.441 1.191 Residential Care 0.000 0.000 Restaurants .4857 .4025 Small Retail/Wholesale Sales .1447 .1447 Medium Retail/Wholesale Sales 1.414 1.052 COMMENTS One statistical outlier has been removed from this category Of the 210 businesses in this category, four have been removed as statistical outliers. One business was removed as a statistical outlier in this category. Two statistical outliers were removed from this category. One statistical outlier has been removed from this category. LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 BUSINESS TYPE AVERAGE AVERAGE FIRE CALLS FIRE CALLS ABOVE BASE ABOVE BASE W/ OUTLIERS W/O OUTLIERS Storage Units 0.000 0.000 Telecommunications 0.000 0.000 Transportation 0.000 0.000 Utility Sales/Service 0.000 0.000 Vending 0.000 0.0000.000 Warehousing/Supplies 0.000 COMMENTS If a business type had a higher average number of calls than the base (average call per non-rental residence), the difference was multiplied by the average cost of a service call shown in table 1.15 below.3 Table 1.16 summarizes the disproportionate costs for each business type identified for Midvale City. The fees shown represent the maximum disproportionate fees that can be supported by the data. The City may choose not to enact the full fee in some business categories, as a matter of policy, in order to encourage the development of certain business types. Note that fees for all businesses within a given business type must be constant. TABLE 1.15: AVERAGE COST PER CALL Cost per Call POLICE FIRE $129 $787 TABLE 1.16: DISPROPORTIONATE POLICE AND FIRE COSTS BY COMMERCIAL BUSINESS CLASS POLICE DISP. TOTAL FIRE DISP. COST BUSINESS TYPE COST DISPROPORTIONATE W/O OUTLIERS W/O OUTLIERS SERVICE CALL COST Adult Activity Center $548 $0 $548 Automobile $308 $60 $368 Bar/Lounge $11,451 $1,528 $12,979 Big Box $34,369 $8,217 $42,586 $99 $0 $99 Car Wash 3 The cost per call for each police and fire services was determined using the FY2009 budget data. LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 BUSINESS TYPE POLICE DISP. COST W/O OUTLIERS Commercial Day Care $701 Contracted Services FIRE DISP. COST W/O OUTLIERS $0 TOTAL DISPROPORTIONATE SERVICE CALL COST $701 $57 $80 $137 Convenience Stores w/o gas $5,474 $2,315 $7,789 Convenience Stores w/gas $3,271 $1,471 $4,742 $5 $0 $5 Entertainment $546 $347 $893 Escort Service $443 $0 $443 Financial Services $446 $171 $617 Fish & Game $249 $0 $249 $19,148 $5,856 $25,004 $281 $249 $530 Distributors Full Service Grocery Gas Station Health Center $77 $0 $77 Health Clinics $16,826 $10,972 $27,798 Hospital Hotel/Extended Stay Markets/Specialty Food Manufacturing/Industrial Mobile Home Parks Pawn Shops $16,632 $12,152 $28,784 $87/Room $74/Room $161/Room $238 $0 $238 $8 $0 $8 $22/Unit $0 $22/Unit $2,994 $85 $3,079 Personal Services $24 $9 $33 Professional/Business Services $18 $64 $82 Private Clubs $1,378 $937 $2,315 Residential Care $120 $0 $1,182 Restaurants $865 $317 $1,182 Small Retail/Wholesale Sales $192 $114 $306 $2,044 $828 $2,872 $238 $0 $238 $74 $0 $74 $0 $0 $0 $56 $0 $56 $0 $0 $0 Medium Retail/Wholesale Sales Storage Units Telecommunications Transportation Utility Sales/Service Vending LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 BUSINESS TYPE POLICE DISP. COST W/O OUTLIERS Warehousing/Supplies $0 FIRE DISP. COST W/O OUTLIERS TOTAL DISPROPORTIONATE SERVICE CALL COST $0 $0 DISPROPORTIONATE CALLS FOR SERVICE: RENTAL UNITS The City currently has approximately 90 3+ apartment complexes, with 4,237 units. In addition, there are approximately 1,077 unlicensed rental single family homes, condos, and PUD’s, and 315 unlicensed rental duplexes. All rental types including homes, condos, PUD’s, duplexes and 3+ rental units have a disproportionate level of calls for both fire and police services. The disproportionate call ratio is the average call ratio less the base call ratio for owner-occupied residential homes as summarized in table 1.12. The disproportionate call data for rentals, with estimated costs, is summarized in table 1.17. TABLE 1.17: DISPROPORTIONATE COSTS BY RENTAL CLASS AVERAGE CALL DISPROPORTIONATE RATIO CALLS PER UNIT PER UNIT RENTAL TYPE FIRE/ POLICE POLICE FIRE/EMS EMS Homes, Condos, PUD’s Duplex 3+ Rentals DISPROPORTIONATE COSTS PER UNIT POLICE FIRE/EMS TOTAL DISPROPORTIONATE COST PER UNIT .9067 .1058 .3375 .0468 $44 $37 $81 .7326 .1532 .1634 .0942 $21 $74 $95 1.070 .1461 .5008 .0871 $65 $69 $134 It is important to note that the City does not currently assess a business license fee for single family detached residential rental units or rental duplexes. Due to the size of this rental class, it is anticipated that the City will experience a higher workload related to processing this new class. DISPROPORTIONATE CALLS FOR SERVICE: HOME OCCUPATION There are no disproportionate calls for service for home occupation businesses. LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 COST/FEE COMPARISON The following table shows the total cost to the city for a renewal business license for commercial and home occupation businesses. These costs represent the maximum amount the City may charge for business license renewal fees. TABLE 1.18: COST/FEE COMPARISON FOR RENEWAL LICENSES BASE FEE BUSINESS TYPE Adult Activity Center RENEWAL DISP. COST REGULATORY $49 Alcohol & Beer TOTAL BASE COST DISP. SERVICE COST POLICE TOTAL DISPROPORTIONATE FIRE Total Cost EXISTING FEE COST PER UNIT $0 $49 $548 $0 $548 $597 $75+ Employee Fee $35 $35 $0 $0 $0 $35 $80 Automobile $49 $0 $49 $308 $60 $368 $417 $75 + Employee Fee Automobile Repair $49 $103 $151 $308 $60 $368 $417 $75 + Employee Fee Bar/Lounge $49 $55 $104 $11,451 $1,528 $12,979 $13,083 $75 + Employee Fee Big Box $49 $215 $264 $34,369 $8,217 $42,568 $42,832 $75 + Employee Fee Car Wash $49 $0 $49 $99 $0 $99 $148 $75 + Employee Fee Commercial Day Care $49 $85 $133 $701 $0 $701 $835 $75 + Employee Fee Contracted Services $49 $0 $49 $57 $80 $137 $186 $75 + Employee Fee Convenience Stores w/o gas $49 $0 $49 $5,474 $2,315 $7,789 $7,838 $75 + Employee Fee Convenience Stores w/gas $49 $0 $49 $3,271 $1,471 $4,742 $4,791 $75 + Employee Fee Distributors $49 $0 $49 $5 $0 $5 $54 $75 + Employee Fee Entertainment $49 $39 $88 $546 $347 $893 $981 $75 + Employee Fee Escort Service $49 $777 $826 $443 $0 $443 $1,269 $240 + Employee Fee Escort Service/Employee $49 $65 $114 $0 $0 $0 $114 $255 Financial Services $49 $0 $49 $446 $171 $617 $666 $75 + Employee Fee Fish & Game $49 $0 $49 $249 $0 $249 $298 $75 + Employee Fee Fireworks Vendor $49 $28 $77 $0 $0 $0 $77 $40 Full Service Grocery $49 $97 $146 $19,148 $5,856 $25,004 $25,150 $75 + Employee Fee Fireworks in Grocery Story $49 $38 $87 Gas Station $49 $0 $49 $281 $249 $530 $579 $75 + $5 per Pump Handyman $49 $12 $61 $57 $80 $137 $198 $75 + Employee Fee Hazardous Material $49 $97 $146 $0 $0 $0 $146 $90 Health Center $49 $0 $49 $77 $0 $77 $126 $75 + Employee Fee Health Clinics $49 $0 $49 $16,826 $10,972 $27,798 $27,847 $75+ Employee Fee Home Occupation $49 $0 $49 $0 $0 $0 $49 $40 $87 LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 BASE FEE BUSINESS TYPE RENEWAL DISP. COST REGULATORY TOTAL BASE COST DISP. SERVICE COST POLICE TOTAL DISPROPORTIONATE FIRE Total Cost EXISTING FEE COST PER UNIT Hospital $49 $0 $49 $16,632 $12,152 $28,784 $238 $28,833 $176+ $161/Room $287 $75 + Employee Fee $75 + .001 of Gross Sales + Employee Fee $75 + Employee Fee Hotel/Extended Stay $49 $127 $176 $87/Room $74/Room $161/Room Markets/Specialty Food $49 $0 $49 $238 $0 Manufacturing/Industrial $49 $97 $146 $8 $0 $8 $154 $75 + Employee Fee Massage Therapist $49 $35 $84 $24 $9 Mobile Home Parks $49 $0 $48 $22/Unit $0 $33 $117 $75 + Employee Fee $22/Unit $49 + $22/Unit $75 + Employee Fee Pawn Shops $49 $35 $84 $2,994 $85 $3,079 $3,163 $340 Personal Services Professional/Business Services Private Clubs $49 $0 $49 $24 $9 $33 $82 $75 + Employee Fee $49 $0 $49 $18 $64 $82 $131 $75 + Employee Fee $49 $0 $49 $1,378 $937 $2,315 $2,364 $75 + Employee Fee Residential Care $49 $0 $49 $120 $0 $120 $169 $75 + Employee Fee Restaurants $49 $68 $117 $865 $317 $1,182 $1,299 $75 + Employee Fee Small Retail/Wholesale Sales Medium Retail/Wholesale Sales Solicitor $49 $0 $49 $192 $114 $338 $387 $75 + Employee Fee $49 $0 $49 $2,044 $828 $2,872 $2,921 $75 + Employee Fee $90 $0 $90 $0 $0 $0 $90 $140 Storage Units $49 $0 $49 $238 $0 $238 $287 $75 + Employee Fee Taxi/Business $49 $52 $101 $0 $0 $0 $101 $75 + $35/Vehicle Taxi/Employee $49 $18 $67 $0 $0 $0 $67 Telecommunications $49 $0 $49 $74 $0 $0 $123 $75 + Employee Fee Transportation $49 $0 $49 $0 $0 $0 $49 $75 + Employee Fee Utility Sales/Service $49 $0 $49 $56 $0 $56 $105 $75 + Employee Fee Vending $49 $52 $101 $0 $0 $0 $101 $90 Warehousing/Supplies $49 $0 $49 $0 $0 $0 $49 $75 + Employee Fee The following table shows the total cost to the city for new application business license for commercial and home occupation businesses. These costs represent the maximum amount the City may charge for business license new application fees. LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 TABLE 1.19 COST/FEE COMPARISON FOR NEW APPLICATION LICENSES BASE FEE BUSINESS TYPE Adult Activity Center Alcohol & Beer Automobile Automobile Repair Bar/Lounge Big Box Car Wash Commercial Day Care Contracted Services Convenience Stores w/o gas Convenience Stores w/gas Distributors Entertainment Escort Service Escort Service/Employee Financial Services Fish & Game Fireworks Vendor Fireworks in Grocery Store Full Service Grocery Gas Station Handyman Hazardous Material Health Center Health Clinics Home Occupation RENEWAL DISP. COST REGULATORY TOTAL BASE COST $114 $114 $114 $114 $114 $114 $114 $114 $114 $0 $35 $0 $64 $35 $176 $0 $46 $0 $114 $114 TOTAL DISP. SERVICE COST DISPROPORTION POLICE ATE COST PER FIRE Total Cost EXISTING FEE UNIT $114 $178 $149 $290 $114 $160 $114 $548 $0 $308 $308 $11,451 $34,369 $99 $701 $57 $0 $0 $60 $60 $1,528 $8,217 $0 $0 $80 $548 $0 $368 $368 $12,979 $42,568 $99 $701 $137 $596 $482 $546 $13,128 $42,858 $213 $861 $251 $90+ Employee Fee $80 $90 + Employee Fee $90 + Employee Fee $90 + Employee Fee $90 + Employee Fee $90 + Employee Fee $90 + Employee Fee $90 + Employee Fee $0 $114 $5,474 $2,315 $7,789 $7,903 $90 + Employee Fee $114 $0 $114 $3,271 $1,471 $4,742 $4,856 $90 + Employee Fee $114 $114 $114 $114 $114 $114 $114 $0 $0 $777 $65 $0 $0 $28 $114 $114 $891 $179 $114 $114 $142 $5 $546 $443 $0 $446 $249 $0 $0 $347 $0 $0 $171 $0 $0 $0 $893 $443 $0 $617 $249 $0 $114 $1,007 $1,334 $179 $731 $363 $142 $90 + Employee Fee $90 + Employee Fee $225 + Employee Fee $240 $90 + Employee Fee $90 + Employee Fee $90 $114 $0 $114 $0 $0 $0 $114 $90 $114 $114 $114 $114 $114 $114 $114 $58 $0 $12 $59 $0 $0 $0 $172 $114 $126 $173 $114 $114 $114 $19,148 $249 $57 $0 $77 $16,826 $0 $5,856 $530 $80 $0 $0 $10,972 $0 $25,004 $779 $137 $0 $77 $27,798 $0 $25,176 $893 $263 $173 $191 $27,912 $114 $90 + Employee Fee $90 + $5 per Pump $90 + Employee Fee $90 $90 + Employee Fee $90 + Employee Fee $40 LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 BASE FEE BUSINESS TYPE RENEWAL COST DISP. REGULATORY TOTAL BASE COST TOTAL DISP. SERVICE COST DISPROPORTION POLICE ATE COST PER FIRE Total Cost EXISTING FEE UNIT Hospital $114 $0 $114 $16,632 $12,152 $28,784 $90 + Employee Fee $90 + .001 of Gross Sales $90 + Employee Fee $90 + Employee Fee $90 + Employee Fee $2,379 $33 $28,898 $203 + $161/Room $352 $181 $182 $114 + $22/Unit $2,528 $147 Hotel/Extended Stay $114 $89 $203 $87/Room $74/Room $161/Room Markets/Specialty Food Manufacturing/Industrial Massage Therapist $114 $114 $114 $0 $59 $35 $114 $173 $149 $238 $8 $24 $0 $0 $9 $238 $8 $33 Mobile Home Parks $114 $0 $114 $22/Unit $0 $22/Unit Pawn Shops Personal Services Professional/Business Services Private Clubs Residential Care Restaurants Seasonal Small Retail/Wholesale Sales Medium Retail/Wholesale Sales Solicitor Storage Units Taxi/Business Taxi/Employee Telecommunications Transportation Utility Sales/Service Vending Warehousing/Supplies $114 $114 $35 $0 $149 $114 $2,294 $24 $85 $9 $114 $0 $114 $18 $64 $82 $196 $90 + Employee Fee $114 $114 $114 $114 $0 $0 $29 $29 $114 $114 $143 $202 $1,378 $120 $865 $0 $937 $0 $317 $0 $2,315 $120 $1,182 $0 $2,429 $234 $1,325 $202 $90 + Employee Fee $90 + Employee Fee $90 + Employee Fee $40 $114 $0 $114 $192 $114 $338 $452 $90 + Employee Fee $114 $0 $114 $2,044 $828 $2,872 $2,986 $90 + Employee Fee $90 $114 $114 $114 $114 $114 $114 $114 $114 $0 $0 $52 $18 $0 $0 $0 $52 $0 $90 $114 $166 $132 $114 $114 $114 $166 $114 $0 $238 $0 $0 $74 $0 $56 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $238 $0 $0 $74 $0 $56 $0 $0 $90 $352 $218 $132 $188 $144 $170 $166 $114 $125 $90 + Employee Fee $90 + $35/Vehicle $90 + Employee Fee $325 $90 + Employee Fee $90 + Employee Fee $90 + Employee Fee $90 + Employee Fee $90 $90 + Employee Fee LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 GOOD LANDLORD PROGRAM According to current legislation, a municipality may collect a disproportionate rental fee if the municipality: 1) adopts an applicable ordinance; 2) conducts a municipal services study (contained herein); 3) provides any updates to the municipal services study; and, 4) establishes a Good Landlord program.4 The Good Landlord program is designed to provide a reduction in the disproportionate rental fee for landlords who complete the following requirements: Good landlord training program approved by the City; Implement measures to reduce crime in rental housing as specified in municipal ordinances; and Operate and manage rental housing in accordance with municipal ordinances. The Good Landlord program provides an incentive for landlords to improve the overall quality of each rental unit, reduce crime and reduce noncompliance with municipal ordinances. Given the high disproportionate cost to the City for Hotel/Extended Stay facilities, the City may want to consider a “Good Landlord” fee reduction program for these types of businesses. The following table shows the maximum fees the City may charge to rental units. TABLE 1.20: TOTAL COST FOR RENTAL UNITS BASE FEE RENTAL TYPE RENEWAL COST 4 COMPLIANCE COST PER DISP. SERVICE COST TOTAL DISPROPORTIONATE POLICE FIRE TOTAL COST EXISTING FEE $149 N/A COST PER UNIT UNIT Homes, Condos, PUD’s $63 $5/Unit Duplexes $63 $5/Unit 3+Units $63 $5/Unit UCA 10-1-203(5)(e)(ii)(A) TOTAL BASE COST $68 $63 + $5/Unit $63 + $5/Unit $44 $37 $81 $21 $74 $95 $65 $69 $134 $63 + $100/Unit $63 + $139/Unit N/A $75 + $7/Unit LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 ENHANCED SERVICE LEVELS Enhanced service levels reflect a higher level of service that is desired by a specific portion of the business community (whether it is a business class, business location, etc.). In comparison, disproportionate service levels reflect higher levels of services that are required by a distinct portion of the business community. Examples of enhanced service levels include more landscaping, hanging baskets, more or higher quality signage, increased police patrols (a visible police presence), more frequent snow removal, etc. Generally, these types of services are increased in a particular geographic location of town, such as downtown, or the town center of a resort community but they may also be specific to a particular type of business activity, the number of employees in a company, etc. Midvale City currently does not have any geographic areas or business classes for which the City provides enhanced service levels. PER EMPLOYEE CHARGE Midvale City has decided not to charge disproportionate fees based on the number of employees per business and therefore a per employee charge analysis in not included in this report. RELIANCE ON CITY DATA LYRB, Inc. has relied on information provided by city staff, including time estimates for tasks performed as part of the business license process and the costs associated with providing city services. LYRB, Inc. assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information provided by Midvale City. LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 APPENDIX A BUSINESS CLASS BUSINESS TYPE Adult Activity Center Automobile Car Sales Car Paint/Repair Car Rental Recreations Vehicle Sales Towing Bar/ Lounge Big Box Car Wash Commercial Day Care Contracted Services HVAC Contractors Electrical Contractors Plumbing Contractors Mechanical Contractors Construction Related Businesses Concrete Kitchen & Bath Cabinetry Lawn Care/Maintenance LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 BUSINESS CLASS BUSINESS TYPE Pools Pest Control Art Restoration Windows Learning Center Signage Companies Convenience Stores w/o Gas Convenience Stores w/Gas Distributors Entertainment Movie Theaters Bowling Amusement Centers Golf/Mini-Golf Escort Service Financial Services Banks Mortgage Centers Check Cashing Pay-Day Loans Fish & Game LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 BUSINESS CLASS BUSINESS TYPE Full Service Grocery Gas Station Health Center General Nutrition Skin Care Home Health Care Health Clinic Hospital Hotel/Extended Stay Markets/Specialty Food Ice Cream Parlors Bagels Small Specialty Markets Manufacturing/Industrial Manufacturing & Sales Clothing Manufacturing & Sales Assembly Machine Shops Testing Labs Drilling LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 BUSINESS CLASS BUSINESS TYPE Mobile Home Parks Pawn Shops Personal Services Beauty Salons Barber Shops Dry Cleaners/Laundromat Printing Photography Nails Catering Dance /Gymnastics Studio Fitness Centers Animal Services Alterations Tattoo Parlors Tanning Salons Acupuncture Mortuary Recording Studios Martial Arts Educational Training Artist Professional/Business Services Doctors Dentists LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 BUSINESS CLASS BUSINESS TYPE Accountants Engineers Attorneys Drafting Orthodontists Consultants Therapists Office Services Real Estate Services Management Services Computer Related Services Advertising Dermatology Title Companies Private Clubs Residential Care Facility Restaurants Retail/Wholesale Sales Small Retail/One line of products Medium Retail/One or more line Medium Retail of products LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 BUSINESS CLASS BUSINESS TYPE Storage Units Telecommunications Telephone Systems Telecommunication Satellite Communications Cellular Services Transportation Taxis Trucking Utility Sales/Service Warehousing/Supplies LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016 LYRB BUSINESS LICENSE FEE ANALYSIS MIDVALE, UTAH 10 FEBRUARY 2016