Trip information - Lower Wharfe Canoe Club

Lower Wharfe Canoe Club:
Trip information
Our aim is to provide safe enjoyable trips with opportunities for progression.
Canoeing and kayaking are assumed risk water contact sports and we take reasonable steps to
minimise these.
The Trip Organiser will arrange for appropriate kit to be available for the trip and organise
accommodation if relevant. Please make sure you let them know what you need in good time.
The Trip Leader is in charge on the river and it is essential that their instructions are listened to and
obeyed. This is very important as there may be other river users around such as fishermen or motor
boats; or unexpected hazards on the river such fallen trees; or where someone in the group needs
assistance and we need to ensure the rest of the group are safe.
What to wear:
This will depend to some extent on the trip you are going on but for flat water trips you do not need
specialist equipment. As a minimum you should wear quick drying trousers and fleecy tops – the
number of layers you wear will depend on the conditions. It is a good idea to take an extra top or
two just in case, particularly for children who can get cold very quickly.
You should NOT wear clothes like jeans, tee shirts or sweat shirts; this type of clothing will not
provide much warmth if you get wet.
A water proof and wind proof cagoule are essential on all trips (you can always take it off if you want
but this will provide important protection if you are wet and it is windy).
You can wear a wet suit if you have access to one - however these can be uncomfortable on long
You must wear something on your feet while paddling to protect you if you end up wading in the
mud. This can be an old pair of trainers or a cheap pair of river shoes.
What to take
A warm hat and some gloves are good to have if we stop for a rest.
On sunny days you should have sun screen and lip salve.
A packed lunch and a drink.
Your favourite snacks – it is a good idea to have your snacks accessible whilst paddling – for example
in the pocket of your cagoule.
What we need to know about you
(All personal information is kept confidential by the trip leaders unless it is important for assistant
paddlers to know)
Essential Information we need for all trips:
Emergency Contact numbers (of someone who will be around on the trip day)
Relevant Medical Information – e.g. disabilities, sight/hearing impairment, injuries, asthma,
epilepsy, diabetes, heart conditions etc.
Food intolerances (e.g. nut allergies, particularly relevant if someone is cold and you want to
give them high energy food)
Is medical treatment carried and if so by whom and where.
Relevant injuries – e.g. shoulders and back problems, repetitive strain injuries.
Parental/carer permission for under 18’s
Where are parents/carers during trip and what are the dropping off and picking up
Useful information for the trip leaders to have:
Food preferences (cold, tired children in particular can be very uncooperative and high energy
snacks can help but not everybody likes chocolate!)
Tolerance to cold – some people with poor circulation have problems with cold hands and feet.
Special learning needs (e.g. that affect balance, coordination, or responses to instructions etc.)
What you need to know
Our trip leaders have British Canoe Union coaching and/or leadership qualifications or are very
experienced paddlers approved by the LWCC committee. We are insured through our British Canoe
Union Affiliation.
Trip leaders carry basic first aid kit, mobile phones, group shelters, rescue kit and emergency clothes
and extra food.
Trip leaders are first aid trained but please note that although we can assist someone with their own
medication we are not able to administer medication for them.
Equipment is checked regularly and as far as possible we ensure appropriate size equipment is
available for paddlers.
We take the welfare of all our members very seriously. If you are concerned about any aspect of a
trip, before or after, please contact the trip organiser, the Club Chair (Dennis Fothergill) or the Club
Welfare Officer (Sue Couling)
Flat water trips are on deep slow moving water with occasional, easily negotiated weir shoots (we
insist on helmets if these are run).
Please Note: We can not control the weather which means the trip location may be have to be
altered, changed or even cancelled if the water levels are too high or if conditions are too cold. So
please check with the trip organiser if you are concerned. If a trip is cancelled you will be contacted
on the number you put on the sign-up sheet.
Trip Information Form Please complete and give to trip leader on day of trip
Trip and date
Medical or health information
the Trip Leader should know
(e.g. allergies, asthma,
diabetes, heart condition etc…)
Other information the Trip
Leader should know
e.g. food preferences,
tolerance to cold
Emergency contact for day of
Picking up /dropping off
Parental consent for paddlers
under 18
Paddler/parental consent for
trip leader to take appropriate
medical act.