Year 5/6 Autumn Term Homework 2015 2016 Ancient Greece Out 11/9/15 18/9/15 25/9/15 2/10/15 9/10/15 16/10/15 6/11/15 13/11/15 20/11/15 27/11/15 4/12/15 Task Find out about a famous Ancient Greek (leader, poet, philosopher, etc) and create a poster about them. It must include pictures and writing and be all your own work. You can use any format you like! Present two sides of an argument about a subject that interests use- you can use words and pictures. No homework- CAMP! Draw or build your own Greek amphitheatre Draw or make your own Greek Theatre puppets or masks Write a play to perform set in Ancient Greece Create a poster about an Ancient Greek thinker or artist for display- it must include some writing and be in your own words Draw a comic strip of one of Aesop’s fables Create a new character for a fable and draw a picture with labels Design your own mythical monster to appear in an Ancient Greek myth Write a new Greek myth- you can include drawings and pictures for display In 16/9/15 22/9/15 7/10/15 14/10/15 21/10/15 11/11/15 18/11/15 25/11/15 2/12/15 9/12/15 Year 5/6 Autumn Term Homework 2015 2016 Ancient Greece Out 11/9/15 18/9/15 25/9/15 2/10/15 9/10/15 16/10/15 6/11/15 13/11/15 20/11/15 27/11/15 4/12/15 Task Find out about a famous Ancient Greek (leader, poet, philosopher, etc) and create a poster about them. It must include pictures and writing and be all your own work. You can use any format you like! Present two sides of an argument about a subject that interests use- you can use words and pictures. No homework- CAMP! Draw or build your own Greek amphitheatre Draw or make your own Greek Theatre puppets or masks Write a play to perform set in Ancient Greece Create a poster about an Ancient Greek thinker or artist for display- it must include some writing and be in your own words Draw a comic strip of one of Aesop’s fables Create a new character for a fable and draw a picture with labels Design your own mythical monster to appear in an Ancient Greek myth Write a new Greek myth- you can include drawings and pictures for display In 16/9/15 22/9/15 7/10/15 14/10/15 21/10/15 11/11/15 18/11/15 25/11/15 2/12/15 9/12/15