AGM minutes Jan 2014 for website

Linton Village Hall Management Committee
Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 18th January 2014 at 10.00am
Agenda item
remarks and
Mrs. Jennifer Baker, Miss Liz Davies, Mrs. Liz Denbigh,
Ms. Clair Hodgson (Acting Secretary for this meeting) Ms. Lynn Hodgson,
Mrs. Janet Taylor, (Chairman for this meeting) Mrs. Carol Wood
Action by
Welcome to visitors.
Apologies: Mrs. Fiona Morison, Mrs. Sue Jones, Mrs. Sandra Hampson
2. Minutes of
meeting 21st Jan
2012 2013
3. Matters arising
4. Chairman’s
Copies of the minutes were circulated to, and read by the general public.
Accepted and signed by acting Chairman for the meeting, Janet Taylor.
Proposed by Mr. Stewart
Seconded by Mr. Nigel Vandyck.
No Matters were arising from the minutes
Mrs. Janet Taylor read a statement for the Chairmans’ Report. (Annex A), describing
the work of the committee over the year, remarking on the liaison with other local
organisations, particularly the Church, the Linton Festival, and the other extended
activities that involves Committee members.
Mrs. Taylor also introduced
 the Linton Village Hall Catering Service
 official launch of website
and thanked everyone who attends all the events, all committee members, friends and
family for supporting the events.
A short film was shown, depicting events in the Village, (Linton Festival, Carol Singing,
Mr. Squires’ 90th Party, a private Hen Party, and events held at the Village Hall.)
5. Treasurer’s
Treasurer’s Report.
In the absence of Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Taylor read out the Report from the Treasurer.
(Annex B).
 Mr. Jim Stewart noted a discrepancy in the figures presented;
(£2,848.91 opposed to £2,863.04)
 Mrs. Jean Foley queried the high rates of insurance and whether there was an
excess to pay. Mrs. Taylor explained £2000 a year of our annual fundraising
goes towards insurance. This was generally agreed to be reasonable.
 Action: Mrs. Sue Jones was asked by Mr. John Foley to look into the minutes to
see if structuring events would reduce the insurance costs.
 Mr. Nigel Vandyck queried the launch of the Linton Website and whether the
committee is now proposing to act as a village association. If this is the case,
does the village understand that, is a constitution going to be announced, or is
it just the enthusiasm of the current committee?
 Mrs. Taylor replied that the purpose of the website was to highlight how the
committee seeks to involve itself in a variety of user groups in the village to
draw in people from all areas (Church, The Alma Pub, etc) and doesn’t just
support its own fundraising events, but sees the Committee as part of the
village as a whole.
Mrs. Jennifer Baker pointed out the website is a vehicle for communication.
Mr. Jim Stewart welcomed the positivity of the Committee and asked if new
people were coming into the hall.
The Christmas Craft Fair was given as an example. Mrs. Liz Denbigh said that
Mrs. S. Attenborough welcomes newcomers to the village with a ‘welcome
pack’ of information.
Mrs. Taylor encouraged everyone to use the website. Mrs. Jean Foley pointed
out that the noticeboard at Bromsash isn’t used for forthcoming events.
Action: It was agreed that the committee would email events to Mrs. Foley,
she will add them to the noticeboard.
FM to give
to Mrs.
Jean Foley
6. Secretary’s report
In the absence of the Secretary, Miss Clair Hodgson (acting secretary for the
meeting) read out the Secretary’s Report, (Annex C).
7. Events
Committee Report
Mrs. Taylor listed the fund-raising events that have taken place this year, and
showed a film made by Mr. Paul Taylor, that depicted fundraising events
organised for the hall, and several other events in the village that were not
specifically organised by the village hall events committee, but that committee
members either organised or were involved with, as members of the
Mrs. Taylor thanked Mr. Paul Taylor for making the film.
Mrs. Taylor introduced the proposed events for the year.
 The respectful theme for the year will be the anniversary of the
outbreak of WW1.
 It is planned to hold a big event in June, in collaboration with the
An invitation was extended to everyone to let the Committee know what they
would like to see as part of these celebrations, and also regarding events
8. Elections for the
committee 2014
to the
Elections for the Committee.
Mrs. Taylor thanked the Committee members for their work this year, and
especially Mrs. Jennifer Baker who after many years of service, has decided to
stand down.
All other members present agreed to continue their role on the Committee,
and were re-elected.
Mrs. Janet Taylor offered to stand for chair for the year. Proposed by Mrs. Liz
Denbigh, seconded by Mrs. Jennifer Baker.
Mrs. Fiona Morison has agreed to continue in the role of Secretary and was reelected.
9. AOB
Mrs. Janet Taylor read out a statement about the heating
explaining the rationale behind the idea,to avoid peaks and troughs in
temperature, thus protecting the fabric of the building, and why storage
heaters were not chosen
The chair reminded everyone that this is a ‘bedding-in’ period where glitches will show
up, and asking all users to report any problems or feedback to the committee to test
how the system works, and not to fiddle with any controls.
She also acknowledged the problems in the Committee Room, and explained that the
Committee are looking into ways to address this.
The Committee are considering ways and means to recoup the running costs through
additional fund-raising and increase of hiring fees.
Mrs. Ursula Stewart outlined problems the W.I. noted at their A.G.M.
 how they used overhead heaters all the time
 whereas in the past they’ve used the wall heaters and then backed up with
overhead heaters, they find they are now spending more money than they
previously would have done under the old system.
Mrs. U. Stewart said the W.I. would be happy to pay more for heating via the wall
Users are
asked not
to touch
any of the
and to
report any
to the
Mrs. Taylor explained
 the focus on the Committee Room is a priority
 the current cost of heating is £1,097. The background heating could be
increased, but that this would result in a higher expenditure.
There ensued discussion as it was explained that the heaters cannot be programmed
for individual times and dates, but have to be programmable for a week, not by the
Mr. Jim Stewart concurred that he had had this debate 14 years ago, and that if user
groups require more heating they should be prepared to pay for it. The present
system makes it difficult to use a meter now.
Mr. Nigel Vandyck queried the cost of the heating at present, which includes lighting
and queried who pays for it.
Mrs. Liz Denbigh explained that the background heating (which is partly funded by the
Village Hall), is a cost effective way to protect the fabric of the building.
Draft Accounts:
Mrs. Liz Davies asked what the cost of £566 to N Power was for. This is partly paid for
by the meter (£400), £100 is from the Village Hall.
Mrs. J. Taylor explained that the heaters will be on for longer. The money to do this
doesn’t come from the meters, the meters cover the extra, but the full cost is not
known. However, NPower have been asked to provide a new meter, and the
Committee will contact the user groups to let them know the changes.
Mr. Jim Stewart said the difference is £160 approximately. There will be an additional
annual cost of £1000. This is ‘an act of faith’ to protect the fabric of the building, and
will in future lessen the overall maintenance costs.
He pointed out the reality is that the building is costly.
There was general agreement that people should not tamper with the controls.
Mr. John Foley commented that the Community lunches held in the
Committee Room were much appreciated, and were very comfortable in that
room, many thanks to Howard and Carol. He suggested information about the
Community lunches could be advertised via the website.
Liz Denbigh added a request that more cooks are needed.
The chair also explained a proposal for putting up a gantry in the ceiling of the
main hall to house lighting and an overhead projector, and asked for any
Discussion ensued regarding the operation of the projector, different plug-in
devices, floor socket, wireless solution and ‘future-proofing’ the wiring etc.
Mr. Richard Baker suggested wireless or blue tooth, until the age of the
projector itself was pointed out.
Action for Mr. Paul Taylor to research and provide the committee with an idea
of costs and specification of new equipment.
It was generally agreed that many user groups would find a projector useful
and this would benefit all users.
Mr. John Foley reminded the group that the History Society would still like to
be able to use cine cameras/slide shows etc., so multi-application devices are
CH to
contact HL
for website
Mr. PT to
costs and
spec for
Kitchen Re-furbishment:
 Mrs. Taylor outlined the proposals for the kitchen, listing the companies who
have been approached to complete the work and explaining what equipment
had to be purchased and by when (Oct 14th), what is being considered and
why, including arguments for and against refurbishing the kitchen. E.g. gaining
a modern, ergonomic kitchen design which will improve food handling.
 The committee has to consider how the kitchen is used.
 Mrs. Ursula Stewart asked for dates. Mrs. Taylor explained she was unable to
give any as the committee is waiting for final accounts before committing to
the work, but that the work should take one week and would not conflict with
the W.I’.s main fundraising event which is due to be in August 2014.
 Mrs. Ursula Stewart suggested the Committee hold an information event when
the kitchen is fitted, to show people how to use the equipment properly.
10 Meeting
Mrs. Taylor thanked all the committee members and everyone present, and
Mr. Jim Stewart kindly and graciously thanked the Committee.
11. Date of the next
Fund-raising is £500 short in the accounts; the total should be £3,300.
Mrs. Carol Wood queried the accounts: her mother’s bequest is not noted.
Mis-spelling of Salli Vandyck in the apologies from last year’s A.G.M.
SJ to clarify
totals to
17th. January 2015