* Cells and Heredity Quad-Team Project Overview * You and your team will present ONE of the following projects by developing an interview, commercial, or newscast. **Remember that an interview can lend itself to showing both sides of the debate.** Design your own genetically modified food and promote it to the public and the grocery store. Obtain background information. Bacon, Lettuce, and Genetically Modified Tomatoes Please Construct a package and make a name for your food; this should be a 3D model. Create a colored poster advertisement for your product. Overall presentation should include: o Why this particular food was chosen to be modified. o How the food is genetically modified (what kind of "gene" was added to or taken away from it) and why. o How this GMO will benefit the consumers (buyers) and you (the seller). o NO words on PowerPoint (if you choose to incorporate one). **Remember, you want the public to buy YOUR product!** Devise a campaign to promote an animal that you believe should be cloned for GOOD reason. Obtain background information. Choose an animal that is extinct or endangered otherwise you need approval from your teacher. Don’t choose one because you think it’s cute! Attack of the Clones Create a colored poster advertisement for your clone. Include your own visual that illustrates the cloning process. (This may be drawn or computerized.) This is separate from your advertisement! Overall presentation should include: o Reasons why you want to clone the organism. o How society will benefit from the clone. What purposes will the it serve. o How it will be cloned. What host animal will you use and why. o NO words on PowerPoint (if you choose to incorporate one). **Remember, you want to convince other scientists and the public to allow you to clone this animal!** * Cells and Heredity Quad-Team Project Timeline * Day 1 (Monday, 12/21) Project introduction in the media center *Homework: Research! Day 2 (Tuesday, 12/22) Create teams. Students will share their research with their new teams. Students will decide which topic they want to complete as a team. Decide how you are going to present your project. (interview, commercial, or newscast) Continue research! *Homework: Continue research. Day 3 (Wednesday, 12/23) – shortened period Students will share research. Students will organize and plan projects and presentation. o Who is going to play each part in the presentation? o Who is going to complete the poster advertisement? o Begin a script for your presentation. Making a GoogleDoc may be helpful! o Begin your designs for your product packaging / advertisement / models. o Decide on props that you will use. *Homework: Continue working on script and collect materials for your presentation. Day 4 (Monday, 1/4) Finish writing a presentation script. Continue working on your poster advertisements and models. *Homework: If you’re running out of time, bring home anything that needs completing. Bring in any props you may need. Day 5 (Tuesday, 1/5) Finalize scripts, advertisements, and models. Rehearse. Day 6 (Wednesday, 1/6) Rehearse to the point that you KNOW what to say without a script in front of you! You’ve researched extensively and have formed your own opinion --- you should be able to speak about it freely and knowledgeably! HAVE FUN! ***PRESENTATIONS: Thurs. 1/7, Fri. 1/8, Mon. 1/11, Tues. 1/12*** Cells & Heredity Project Student Grade Rubric ______ (30 pts.) Presentation Content o Understanding of GMO or Cloning is evident!! o Insight is expressed! (ex: opinions, connections, etc.) o Promotes product to the appropriate audience. ______ (10 pts.) Visuals o GMO includes 3D model packaging (according to project guidelines). o Cloning project includes an appropriate and original model of the cloning process. o Visuals are appropriate and effective. ______ (20 pts.) Poster Advertisement o Colorful! o Print is legible and large enough to see. o Organized. o Accurate and relevant content is included. o Incorporate your advertisement as part of your presentation. ______ (20 pts.) Quality of Presentation o You have an opening and a closing. o Your audience is engaged. o Eye Contact! (You are talking to each other and the audience, NOT reading from notes!) o Voices have volume AND clarity. WOW US!!! Be creative and enthusiastic! Use props! ______ (20 pts.) Group Effort o Students worked together to collect important information. o Students worked together to complete the 3-D Model and Advertisement. o Students worked together to organize the presentation. o Each student plays a part in the presentation. o Research is distributed evenly in presentation. Cells & Heredity Project Teacher Grade Rubric Period #:______ Name:______________________________ Teacher:_____________ Name:______________________________ Teacher:_____________ Name:______________________________ Teacher:_____________ Name:______________________________ Teacher:_____________ Name:______________________________ Teacher:_____________ Name:______________________________ Teacher:_____________ ______ (30 pts.) Presentation Content o Understanding of GMO or Cloning is evident!! o Insight is expressed! (ex: opinions, connections, etc.) o Promotes product to the appropriate audience. ______ (10 pts.) Visuals o GMO includes 3D model packaging (according to project guidelines). o Cloning project includes an appropriate and original model of the cloning process. o Visuals are appropriate and effective. ______ (20 pts.) Poster Advertisement o Colorful! o Print is legible and large enough to see. o Organized. o Accurate and relevant content is included. o Incorporate your advertisement as part of your presentation. ______ (20 pts.) Quality of Presentation o You have an opening and a closing. o Your audience is engaged. o Eye Contact! (You are talking to each other and the audience, NOT reading from notes!) o Voices have volume AND clarity. WOW US!!! Be creative and enthusiastic! Use props! ______ (20 pts.) Group Effort o Students worked together to collect important information. o Students worked together to complete the 3-D Model and Advertisement. o Students worked together to organize the presentation. o Each student plays a part in the presentation. o Research is distributed evenly in presentation.