- College of Information Studies

LBSC 786 Library and Archives Preservation
Updated Syllabus (02/26/2013)
Spring 2013 University of Maryland iSchool
Doris Hamburg, doris.hamburg@nara.gov 301-837-1785
Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler, marylynn.ritzenthaler@nara.gov 301-837-2906
Ann Seibert, ann.seibert@nara.gov 301-837-1567
Dates: January 23 – May 15, Wednesday Evenings, 5:30 - 8:15 pm
Location: National Archives at College Park (Archives II)
7406 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD. Lecture Rooms, lower level
Free parking is available. A picture ID is needed to park and to enter the building. Classes will
be held on all scheduled dates except in the event the Federal Government is closed or if there is
an early dismissal. Call the National Archives status line to confirm: 301-837-0700.
Course Overview
LBSC786 Library and Archives Preservation provides an introduction to the strategies that
enhance preservation of library and archives collections and outlines the risks that affect the
range of collection formats and media. The course provides tools and skills that archival and
library staff uses when providing access, managing, processing and broadly working with
Course Objectives
As a result of this course students will be able to:
Apply broad preservation principles in the course of archival and library work
Provide support for preservation as an integrated function in a collecting institution
Utilize preservation strategies to support access and institutional mission
Be an informed consumer of preservation materials and services
Course Structure
This is a lecture and discussion course with assigned readings from print and online sources.
Guest experts will provide perspective on their areas of specialty. In addition to participating in
class discussions and course readings, the course requirements include completing an emergency
preparedness assignment, participating in a team preservation project that includes a written
report and class presentation, and a final exam written in class.
Grades will be based on a 100 point scale as follows:
 team preservation project
 team emergency project
 final exam
 class participation
35 points
15 points
40 points
10 points
Course Readings
Required readings are assigned for each week; their location (e.g., e-reserve) is indicated in the
syllabus. Access to e-reserves is through your ELMS account (www.elms.umd.edu). For further
U MD LBSC786 Library and Archives Preservation | February 26, 2013
information, see http://www.lib.umd.edu/PUBSERV/RESERVE/student.html. Additional readings
and other materials may be distributed during the semester. Students are expected to read the
assigned readings and participate in class discussions.
Attendance in class and at the site visits is expected. If you are unable to attend class for reasons
of illness, religious observance, participation in University activities at the request of University
authorities, or compelling absences beyond the student’s control, please let the instructor know
(prior to class for non-emergencies).
January 23rd Class 1
 Introductions – instructors and students
 Review course objectives and requirements, preservation project, and final exam
 Course readings
 Terminology and definitions
Overview of Archives and Library Preservation
 Preservation & Access – class discussion
 Institutional mission statement and collecting policy
 Preservation goals and priorities in institutional contexts
 Overarching strategies and concepts
 Scope of preservation challenges
January 30th Class 2
Nature of Archives and Library Materials
 Overview of dominant materials comprising collections:
 Paper and associated media
Preservation of Photographic Materials
Factors affecting use and long term retention:
 Physical condition
 Chemical stability) these topics to be addressed under both paper and photo
February 6th Class 3
Preservation of Motion Picture Film, Sound and Audio Materials
Factors affecting use and long term retention (address for both of the above topics)
 Physical Condition
 Chemical Stability
 Machine dependence, availability of playback or decoding equipment
 Obsolescence
U MD LBSC786 Library and Archives Preservation | February 26, 2013
Electronic Records Preservation
 Factors affecting use and long term retention (address for both of the above topics)
 Physical Condition
 Chemical Stability
 Machine dependence, availability of playback or decoding equipment
 Obsolescence
February 13th Class 4
Preservation Needs Assessment
 What is preservation planning and where do you start?
 Scope and scale of holdings
 Use of holdings
 Preservation assessment and planning
 Documentation
 Evaluating resources: staff, financial, technical capabilities
 Setting priorities for preservation: where do you start?
 Institutional partners (archivist/librarian, preservation/conservation, facilities, security…)
 Knowing when to contact outside experts
Strategies for preservation
 Environmental considerations
 Storage and housing (Holdings Maintenance/Collections Care)
 Use and handling
 Digitization and reformatting
 Conservation treatment
 Emergency planning and response
 Policies, training, and documentation
February 20th Class 5
Impact of the Environment on Collections
 Environmental Factors: Temperature, Relative Humidity, Air Quality, Light
 Affect on Collection Materials
 Media and Format
 Stable vs. Unstable Materials
 Selecting Appropriate Environmental Conditions as a Preservation Tool:
o General storage conditions
o Cool and cold storage
o Anoxic storage and display
Energy Savings & Cost effective Approaches to Achieving a Preservation Environment
Controlling and Monitoring the Environment - Environmental Standards and Specifications
 Environmental Standards for Libraries and Archives
 Standards setting Organizations
U MD LBSC786 Library and Archives Preservation | February 26, 2013
February 27th
Class 6
Preservation Strategies: Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response
Emergency Preparedness Assigned- due April 3
Emergency Response - Case Study -- Guest Speaker Jerry McCoy, Special Collections Librarian
and Archivist, DC Public Library, Washingtoniana Division
March 6th
Class 7
Storage and Housings for Library and Archival Materials
Goals: Protect holdings, Enhance access, Assure safe storage
Storage Systems: Preservation goals; Storage furniture - stationary, mobile, oversize
Housing formats
 Design and construction
 Materials
 Specifications - (paper, paperboard, plastic)
March 13th Class 8
Regional emergency response alliances - an aspect of preparedness
Professional Resources
 Historical background
 Professional organizations and literature
Preservation Systems Supporting Security and Holdings Protection
 Marking
 Stamping
March 20th – Spring Break (NO CLASS)
March 27th Class 9
Holdings Maintenance/Collections Care
Library Materials: Managing a program
 goals
 preservation actions
 policies and procedures
setting priorities
tracking progress
Archival materials: managing a program
 goals
 preservation actions
 policies and procedures
setting priorities
tracking progress
U MD LBSC786 Library and Archives Preservation | February 26, 2013
April 3rd
Class 10
Teams present reports on emergency planning assignment
Preservation Envelope: Buildings and Collection Storage Areas
 Ability to achieve and maintain desired environmental conditions
 Use of stable construction materials
 Security
 Lighting
 Fire Protection: alarm and suppression systems
 Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Traditional Library and Archives Buildings
 Renovation projects
 New building projects
Alternative Storage Sites and Options
Alternative Storage:
 High density storage
 Caves
April 10th Class 11
Preservation Strategies: Conservation Treatment and Binding
April 17th Class 12
Preservation Strategies: Reformatting for Preservation and Access
Reformatting options for machine dependent/dynamic media
 motion picture film
 sound and video recordings
Options and standards for printed, textual and graphic materials
 still photography
 oversized paper based
 microfilm
 digitization
hybrid approaches
April 24th Class 13
Lifecycle of a digitization project
 selection and prioritization
 collection assessment and condition
 intellectual control, arrangement,
and metadata
 physical preparation: stabilization
technical requirements
equipment review
quality assurance
maintenance of digital files
U MD LBSC786 Library and Archives Preservation | February 26, 2013
May 1st – Class 14
Preservation Aspects of Exhibits
Student Team Project Presentations
May 8th – Class 15
Student Team Project Presentations
Use and Handling
Advocacy and Outreach
May 15th – FINAL EXAM in class
U MD LBSC786 Library and Archives Preservation | February 26, 2013