Larson, E.R., R.V. Gallagher, L.J. Beaumont and J.D. Olden. Generalized “avatar” niche shifts improve distribution models for invasive species Appendix S4. Species characteristics and native range climates for narrowing avatar ensembles Predicting Niche Shifts by Species Traits We evaluated the suggestion of Larson & Olden (2012) that similarity of ecological traits, phylogenetic similarity, or other species characteristics (e.g. native range, residence time since invasion) could be used to match avatars to emerging invaders and improve transferability of niche shifts. We first classified our 26 focal species into a set of niche shift groups based on observed changes in means, variances, and covariances for four climate predictors between native and total ranges. We then attempted to predict membership to these niche shift groups based on plant species characteristics given by Table 1 in Gallagher et al. (2010). Our intent was to find species characteristics that could a priori predict niche shift types for invaders and consequently improve performance of avatar models for emerging invaders. In particular, we sought to improve on the relatively poor performing median avatar models, anticipating that avatar niche shifts using reduced ensembles might produce models that could approximate the reduction in errors of omission found for extreme avatar models without the accompanying increase in errors of commission. We first classified niche shifts into a reduced set of groups for better matching avatar ensembles to emerging invaders. We used the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity coefficient to create a cluster dendrogram (Appendix S4 Figure 1) based on changes in mean, variance, and covariance between native and total ranges for our 26 invasive plants (Figure 1). From this cluster dendrogram, we identified four general niche shift groups, although two of these groups had few 1 species (two and three species; Appendix S4 Figure 1). We also visualized these niche shift groups using a principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) on the same Bray-Curtis dissimilarity coefficients (Appendix S4 Figure 1). All multivariate analyses were conducted using the vegan library in R. Of the four niche shift groups, one group had small niche shifts as measured by changes in minimum temperature variance, covariance between minimum temperature and minimum precipitation, and mean maximum precipitation (Group 1; Appendix S4 Figure 1). Two other groups (Group 3; Group 4) had large niche shifts as changes in these same climatic variables. A final group (Group 2) had large niche shifts as measured by changes in maximum temperature variance, covariance between maximum temperature and minimum temperature, and covariance between maximum precipitation and minimum precipitation (Group 2; Appendix S4 Figure 1). A resource manager modeling the potential distribution for an emerging invader would want to anticipate which such niche shift group the emerging invader was likely to belong to based on species characteristics. We used characteristics compiled for our 26 focal species from Gallagher et al. (2010) to attempt to predict membership to niche shift groups. These characteristics included: seed dispersal mode (assisted or unassisted; assisted seeds disperse by wind, water, or animals), growth form (grass, herb, shrub, tree, vine), longevity (annual or perennial), seed mass (g), weed status (invasive or naturalized; see Diez et al., 2009), residence time (years since introduced to Australia), province of native range (Afrotropic, Nearctic, Neotropic, Palearctic), and extent of native range size (10-arcminute grid cells occupied in the native range). The selection of these characteristics draws from theory and empirical study of invasion success and pattern; for example, native range size is often an effective predictor of invasiveness (Pysék et al., 2009; Shah et al., 2012), whereas time since introduction influences invasion success (Dawson et al., 2009) and might set the extent to which a species has spread, which could influence observed niche shift type (Václavík & Meentemeyer, 2012). The 2 functional traits of species have also been shown to provide some capacity for predicting invasions success (see Van Kleunen et al., 2010 for a review). For example, species with annual life-cycles, which tend to possess smaller seeds and an herbaceous growth form, have been shown to be disproportionately represented in the invasive species pool (Sutherland, 2004). We used these species characteristics in a classification tree to attempt to predict membership to the four identified niche shift groups (see above). The classification tree model was developed in the rpart library in R following the methodology of De’ath & Fabricius (2000), with a minimum end node size of two species to accommodate our smallest niche shift group (Group 2). We identified the best performing tree using the one standard error rule based on 10-fold cross-validation (De’ath & Facricius, 2000). The best performing tree used a single split (province of native range) to produce two end nodes assigning species membership to either niche shift Group 1 or Group 4 (Appendix S4 Figure 1). Species predicted to belong to Group 1 had Nearctic or Neotropical native ranges, whereas species predicted to belong to Group 4 had Afrotropical or Palearctic native ranges. This simple classification tree correctly assigned 8 of 11 species to Group 1 and 9 of 15 species to Group 4 (Appendix S4 Figure 1). Two species belonging to Group 3 and one species belonging to Group 4 were misclassified as belonging to Group 1. Three species belonging to Group 1, two species belonging to Group 2, and one species belonging to Group 3 were misclassified as belonging to Group 4. A resource manager concerned with predicting the potential distribution of an emerging invader would not have information available to know if a misclassification to niche shift group had occurred. Accordingly, we used classification to these two niche groups (Group 1, Group 4) including misclassifications to develop reduced sets of ensemble avatar models for comparison to our full ensemble avatar model (see main text). As noted above, we made this 3 comparison only for the median avatar model. We repeated the avatar modeling methodology from the main text specific to classification tree assignments to Group 1 (11 total species) and Group 4 (15 total species; Appendix S4 Figure 1). Performance was evaluated as errors of omission, errors of commission, and AUC for Group 1 and Group 4 avatar models relative to the total median avatar model from the main text, with single-sample t-tests used to evaluate whether the mean difference between the two models deviated significantly from zero (no change). Classification by species characteristics to reduced avatar ensembles that shared niche shift types did not improve model performance over median avatar models from the full ensemble of species (Appendix S4 Figure 2). The Group 1 avatar model did not differ significantly from the total median avatar ensemble by errors of omission (t = 1.797, P = 0.103), commission (t = 0.714, P = 0.492) or AUC (t = -0.798, P = 0.444). Likewise, the Group 4 avatar model did not significantly differ from the total median avatar ensemble by errors of omission (t = -1.967, P = 0.069), commission (t = 1.288, P = 0.219), or AUC (t = -1.746, P = 0.103). Failure to find improved model performance for reduced, characteristic-based avatar ensembles might relate to misclassifications from the tree, although our misclassification rate of 35% is plausible for what a resource manager implementing our approach might encounter. Further, for consistency with the main text, we did not incorporate the infrequently observed sign changes in covariance between native and total ranges in characterizing niche shift groups by cluster dendrogram and PCoA. Including greater niche shift detail may improve identification of and assignment to niche shift groups, although preliminary data investigation including sign changes in covariance did not suggest this to be the case. Similarly, preliminary investigations evaluating whether a phylogeny built for our 26 focal species might better predict to niche shift groups was similarly discouraging. 4 Predicting Niche Shifts by Native Range Climates An alternative approach might be to attempt to anticipate niche shifts by considering only the native range climates of focal species. One advantage of this approach over that investigated above is that emerging invaders would not need to be assigned via species traits to a potential niche shift group, which carries an associated risk of misclassification. Emerging invaders could instead be directly assigned to avatar invader groups with which they share similar native range climates. However, this approach is dependent on the assumption that the character and magnitude of subsequent niches shifts is dependent on starting climatic conditions for each species (i.e. species with similar native range climates will experience similar niche shifts during invasion). We evaluated a native range climate-based approach via a process similar to that above. We first identified similar groups of our study species based on the climates in their native ranges, with a specific focus on mean values of maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation to identify a climatic center for each species. We then used both a cluster dendrogram (on Euclidean distance) and visualization by Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to assign our study species to four groups based on these native range climates. These groups spanned gradients of warmer native range climates with higher maximum precipitation values to cooler native range climates with higher minimum precipitation values (Appendix S4 Figure 3). Generalized avatar niche shifts were then transferred to “emerging” invaders in each group from the remaining species in their native range climate ensemble (as in main text and above). As previously, performance was evaluated as errors of omission, errors of commission, and AUC for the reduced groups relative to the total median avatar model from the main text, with single- 5 sample t-tests used to evaluate whether the mean difference between the two models deviated significantly from zero (no change). Performance of avatar niche shifts by native range climate groups was more variable than observed for avatar niche shifts as predicted by ecological traits (above). Group 1 did not differ significantly from the total median avatar ensemble by errors of omission (t = -0.431, P = 0.685), errors of commission (t = -1.953, P = 0.108), or AUC (t = -0.829, P = 0.449). Alternatively, Group 2 experienced marginally more errors of omission (t = 2.215, P = 0.069), significantly fewer errors of commission (t = -2.763, P = 0.033), and a marginally lower (or worse) AUC (t = -2.431, P = 0.051). Group 3 performed better than the total median avatar ensemble by errors of omission, which reduced significantly (t = -5.930, P = 0.002); performed worse by errors of commission, which increased significantly (t = 3.932, P = 0.011); and did not differ by AUC (t = 0.026, P = 0.981). Similar to Group 1, results for Group 4 differed little from the total median avatar ensemble. Group 4 did not differ significantly by errors of omission (t = 0.949, P = 0.379), experienced a small but significant reduction in errors of commission (t = 2.798, P = 0.031), and did not differ significantly by AUC (t = 0.527, P = 0.617). Ultimately, avatar niche shifts based on similarity of native range climates failed to reliably improve on model performance of the total median avatar ensemble – although the significantly reduced errors of omission for Group 3 (above) suggest that in some cases (or for some climates) avatar ensembles defined by native range climates may improve on larger, indiscriminate ensembles. Yet in general, these results suggest that similarity of native range climates between emerging invaders and their avatars does not assure similarity of the niche shifts (or their absence) that they experience. To directly evaluate this, we performed a Mantel test seeking to evaluate the relationship between native range climate similarity (Euclidean 6 distance; above) and niche shift similarity (Bray-Curtis dissimilarity; above) as pairwise comparisons between all of our focal species (Appendix S4 Figure 5). Although this Mantel test was significant (P = 0.037; 999 permutations), it had little explanatory power (Mantel r = 0.137; Appendix S4 Figure 5), as similarity of native range climates between species does not seem to assure that they will experience niche shifts of similar character or magnitude during the invasion process. Conclusions and Future Directions We conclude by suggesting that idiosyncrasies of the invasion process might impede matching avatar species to emerging invaders by species characteristics like native range climates, ecological traits or phylogenetic relatedness. For example, both Gallagher et al. (2010) and Petitpierre et al. (2012) similarly failed to predict niche shift types by the same or similar sets of ecological traits used here. We agree with many of the explanations from those authors for this phenomenon: data quality issues may erratically misrepresent the niche for either the native or non-native range independent of any species characteristics, and the invasion process is likely ongoing for many species and accordingly different proportions of the total niche are being represented (e.g. Václavík & Meentemeyer, 2012). As such, large ensembles of avatar invaders may be preferable over small ensembles or single avatars matched by species characteristics, because larger ensembles may average out the invasion idiosyncrasies of individual species and represent a more generalizable niche shift. Further, these large ensembles seem to buffer against implausible niche shifts that violate relationships between variance and covariance and produce impossible correlation values (see main text). 7 However, we conclude by urging researchers to continue to explore better methods to predict the magnitude and character of niche shifts for anticipating the potential distribution of emerging invaders. As a recent example, Donaldson et al. (in press) demonstrate that discordance between native and invasive range climates observed in invasive species may be predictable by invasion pathway and associated locations (urban vs. natural) of initial introduction. Such developments hold promise to further improve the avatar invader concept discussed here, although we emphasize that we believe our extreme avatar niche shifts (main text) already provide a useful “worst case scenario” of niche shift that may be applied for precautionary distribution models of emerging data-poor invaders. References Dawson, W., Burslem, D.F.R.P. & Hulme, P.E. (2009) Factors explaining alien plant invasion success in a tropical ecosystem differ at each stage of invasion. Journal of Ecology, 97, 657-665. De’ath, G. & Fabricius, K.E. (2000) Classification and regression trees: a powerful yet simple technique for ecological data analysis. Ecology, 81, 3178-3192. Donaldson, J.E., Hui, C., Richardson, D.M., Robertson, M.P. & Webber, B.L. (In press) Invasion trajectory of alien trees: the role of introduction pathway and planting history. Global Change Biology, DOI:10.1111/gcb.12486 Diez, J.M., Williams, P.A., Randall, R.P., Sullivan, J.J., Hulme, P.E. & Duncan, R.P. (2009) Learning from failures: testing broad taxonomic hypotheses about plant naturalization. Ecology Letters, 12, 1-10. 8 Larson, E.R., & Olden, J.D. (2012) Using avatar species to model the potential distribution of emerging invaders. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21, 1114-1125. Gallagher, R.V., Beaumont, L.J., Hughes, L. & Leishman, M.R. (2010) Evidence for climatic niche and biome shifts between native and novel ranges in plant species introduced to Australia. Journal of Ecology, 98,790-799. Pysék, P., Jarosik, V., Pergl, J., Randall, R., Chytry, M., Kuhn, I., Tichy, L., Danihelka, J., Chrtek, J.J. & Sadlo, J. (2009) The global invasion success of Central European plants is related to distribution characteristics in their native range and species traits. Diversity and Distributions, 15, 891-903. R. (2012) The R Foundation for Statistical Computing. Version 2.15.0. Shah, M.A., Reshi, Z.A. & Lavoie, C. (2012) Predicting plant invasiveness from native range size: clues from the Kashmir Himalaya. Journal of Plant Ecology, 5, 167-173. Sutherland, S. (2004) What makes a weed a weed: life history traits of native and exotic plants in the USA. Oecologia, 141, 24-39. Václavík, T. & Meentemeyer, R.K. (2012) Equilibrium or not? Modelling potential distribution of invasive species in different stages of invasion. Diversity and Distributions, 18, 73-83. Van Kleunen, M., Weber, E. & Fischer, M. (2010). A meta-analysis of trait differences between invasive and non-invasive plant species. Ecology Letters, 13, 235-245. 9 Appendix S4 Figure 1. A cluster dendrogram of niche shift attributes (Main Manuscript Figure 1) using Bray-Curtis dissimilarity, identifying four candidate niche shift groups: Group 1 (white), Group 2 (light gray), Group 3 (dark gray), and Group 4 (black). Color scheme is used to refer to niche shift groups throughout the figure. Niche shift groups are also visualized by principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) on Bray-Curtis distances with niche shift attributes that load significantly on components (axes) plotted as vectors in the top panel, and species identities provided as the first letter of the genus and first three letters of the specific epithet in the bottom panel. A simple classification tree is used to assign membership to the four niche shift groups by species characteristics (see Appendix S4 text), with classification to Group 1 signified by a square end node and classification to Group 4 signified by a circle end node. These end node symbols are provided in the PCoA to further clarify instances of correct classification to niche shift groups or misclassification, which is also given by histograms in each of the two classification tree end nodes. 10 Appendix S4 Figure 2. Comparisons of Group 1 and Group 4 avatar niche shifts as assigned by classification tree (Appendix S4 Figure 1) to the median avatar niche shift from the main text for errors of omission, errors of commission, and AUC. A dashed line signifies no difference between models. 11 Appendix S4 Figure 3. A cluster dendrogram of native range climates using Euclidean distance, identifying four native range climate groups: Group 1 (white), Group 2 (light gray), Group 3 (dark gray), and Group 4 (black). Color scheme is used to refer to native range climate groups throughout the figure. Native range climate groups are also visualized by principal components analysis (PCA) with native range climate attributes (maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation) plotted in a correlation circle in the top panel, symbols as Group 1 (squares), Group 2 (circles), Group 3 (triangles), and Group 4 (diamonds) in the top panel, and species identities provided as the first letter of the genus and first three letters of the specific epithet in the bottom panel. 12 Appendix S4 Figure 4. Comparisons of native range climate groups (one through four) to the median avatar niche shift from the main text for errors of omission, errors of commission, and AUC. A dashed line signifies no difference between models. 13 Appendix S4 Figure 5. Niche shifts as Bray-Curtis dissimilarity (Appendix S4 Figure 1) regressed against native range climates as Euclidean distance (Appendix S4 Figure 3) for all pairwise comparisons of study species. Similarity of native range climates significantly predicts similarity of observed niche shifts (P = 0.037; 9999 permutations) but with low explanatory power (Mantel r = 0.137). 14