Lab Activity Directions: Applications/Biology Virtual Lab Disc/Launch. As you do the lab, answer the following questions. (1 point each, 25 points total) Select: Ecology and Evolution Select: Populations Niches and Competition 1. What is a population? 2. What are members of species capable of doing? 3. What are the two factors affecting the size of a population? 4. What are examples of abiotic factors? a. b. c. d. e. f. 5. What are examples of biotic factors? a. b. c. d. e. 6. What happens if the population has plentiful resources in reference to its growth? 7. What type of pattern demonstrates this growth? 8. What is the carrying capacity? 9. What type of pattern demonstrates carry capacity? 10. What is competition? 11. What are the number of populations in a community and sizes of the population determined by? 12. What is a fundamental niche? 13. What is a realized niche? 14. What are barnacles similar to? 15. What behavior is demonstrated by young barnacles? 16. What behavior is demonstrated by adult barnacles? 17. Where can barnacles live (in what areas)? 18. What factor determines which species occupies the area of the upper tidal zone: water or space? 19. What factor determines which species occupies the area below the mid-tide mark: water or space? 20. What happens where there is competition in reference to the fundamental niche? 21. What is this subset of the fundamental niche? 22. What percentage did the first bird feeder provide? 23. What percentage did the second bird feeder provide? 24. What percentage did the third bird feeder provide? 25. In the presence of competition, what happens to species with the same fundamental niche?