Exam 3 Practice Questions

Exam 3 Practice Questions: Bio 211
1. All chrodates are vertebrates:
a. True
b. False
2. What is a notochord?
a. A flexible skeletal rod supporting the body in most embryonic vertebrates
b. Pharyngeal slits located on the sides of an organism’s pharynx
c. The post-anal tail present in chordates
d. The region of the central nervous system that leads to cephalization
3. ________________ nerve cord forms the central nervous system in vertebrates, whereas
other phyla usually have ________________ nerve cords:
a. Solid, ventral/ hollow, dorsal
b. Muscular, dorsal/ solid, ventral
c. Hollow, dorsal/ solid, ventral
d. Hollow, muscular/ hollow, ventral
4. ________________ and _______________ are the two invertebrate subphyla within
phylum chordata:
a. Vertebrata & Urochordata
b. Urochordata & Cephalochordata
c. Cephlochordata & Vertebrata
d. Urochordata & Myxinoidea
Lancelets, members of subphylum ____________, are _____________:
a. Vertebrata/ colonial and colorful
b. Vertebrata/ organisms that possess a veterbral column that encloses the dorsal
nerve cord
c. Cephalochordata/ capable of using their pharyngeal slits for suspension feeding
d. Cephalochordata/ considered “sea squirts”
6. Echinodermata have a unique water vascular system that is used in:
a. Excretion and feeding
b. Gas exchange
c. Movement
d. All of the above
The four defying characteristics of phylum chordata are:
a. A muscular, post-anal tail present during the adult stage
b. A flexible rod located between the nerve cord and gutc. A muscular, post-anal tail present at some point of the organism’s life
d. Pharyngeal slits along the sides of the pharynx
e. A dorsal nerve cord that leads to the formation of the CNS in vertebrates
f. A, C, D, and E
g. B, C, D, and E
h. B, D, and E
Members of subphylum Vertebrata different from subphylum Urochordata in that:
a. Urochordata possess a notochord, a nerve cord, and a tail while Vertebrata do not
b. Urochordata are chordates with a cartilaginous skull while the Vertebrata have
bony skulls
c. Vertebrata include the hagfish that lack a vertebral column while Urochordata
possess a vertebral column that encloses the dorsal nerve cord
d. Vertebrata posses all the chordate characteristics while having pronounced
cephalization and a vertebral column while larvae in Urochordata are freeswimming and possess a nerve cord
All of the following are major events in vertebrate history EXCEPT for:
a. adapting to reproducing on land
b. development of a bony endoskeleton
c. having free-swimming larva
d. producing more complex excretory and circulatory system
e. All of the above are major events
f. A, B, and D
g. A, B, C, and D
10. Which of the following are INCORRECTLY paired together?
a. Actinopterygii = skates, rays, and sharks
b. Chondrichthyes = hag fish
c. Amphibians= salamanders, frogs, and toads
d. Amniotes = vertebrate animals without an aquatic larval stage
e. B and D
f. A and D
g. A and B
11. In addition to possessing all of the vertebrate and chordate characteristics, all mammals
are capable of doing/ posses the following:
12. Amphibians are known for undergoing internal fertilization and lay their eggs in swamps,
ponds, and other moist places
a. True
b. False
13. Which of the following is considered an amniote?
a. Alligators & crocodiles
b. Frogs
c. Lancelets
d. Turnicates
14. In your own words, what is so advantageous about possessing an amniotic egg?
15. Match the following with the correct terms:
a. Monotremes:
b. Marsupials:
c. Eutherians:
1) Bats
2) Possess an organ that connects the
developing embryo to the mother’s
uterine wall
3) Duck-billed platypus
4) Koalas
5) Pouched mammals
6) Egg-laying mammals
7) Humans
8) Whales
16. Which of the following is NOT a member of class Reptilia?
a. Snakes
b. Salamanders
c. Birds
d. Turtles
17. Define the following terms:
a. Hyphae: long branching filaments found in fungi; have nuclei and mitochondria
b. Septa: indivudal compartmentalized cells within septa; pores present for cell-cell
c. Coenocytic hyphae: hyphae that lack septa
d. Mycelium: large bunch of hyphae
18. All fungi are _____________ and acquire their nutrients by absorption:
a. chemoautotrophs
b. photoheterotrophs
c. photoorganoheterotrophs
d. chemoorganoheterotrophs
19. Fill in the five primary phylums of kingdom fungi as they relate to the following definitions:
a. Microsporidians
b. The “sac” fungi:
c. The “club” fungi:
d. 80% of all plants have a mycorrhizal relationship with members of this phylum:
e. Some members of this polyphyletic group undergo alternation of generations,
while others produce a their 2n zygotes within a zygosporangium:
20. The production of a flagella are unique to group __________ because of _______:
a. Ascomycota/ their mutualistic relationships with plants
b. Ascomycota/ their cell walls
c. Chytrids/ living in primarily aquatic environments
d. Chytrids/ their ability to be parisites to amphibians
21. Define the following:
a. Endomycorrhizae:
b. Ectomycorrhizae:
22. Plasmogamy is:
a. The fusion of two or more nuclei without the fusion of the plasma membranes/
cytoplasmic contents
b. The fusion of two or more fungi
c. The fusion of two or more gametes unique to fungi
d. The fusion of two or more plasma membranes/ cytoplasmic contents without the
fusion of nuclei
23. Basidiomycota primarily reproduce sexually, whereas Ascomycota heavily rely on their
conidia, or asexual spores, for reproduction.
a. True
b. False
24. Because fungi are more closely related to eukaryotes, they too possess male and female
a. True
b. False
25. The __________, which are the tips of the ________________, are formed largely of
dikaryotic hyphae where meiosis occurs:
a. basidia/ basidiocarps
b. sacs/ ascocarps
c. asci/ glomeromycota
d. basidia/ zygotes
26. Meiosis produces _____________, while mitosis produces _____________:
a. 4 genetically identical haploid cells/ 2 genetically identical daughter cells
b. 4 genetically distinct haploid cells/ 2 genetically identical daughter cells
c. 2 genetically identical diploid cells/ 4 genetically identical daughter cells
d. 2 genetically distinct diploid cells/ 4 genetically distinct daughter cells
27. You see that a tree has fallen while walking through the forest. 2 weeks later, you see that
the same tree has been decomposed significantly. To what phylum would you expect to
classify this fungi within?
a. Ascomycota
b. Glomeromycota
c. Basidiomycota
d. Zygomycota
28. Morels are members of phylum basidiomycota.
a. True
b. False
29. Yeasts are ___________ and bud asexually.
a. unicellular members of Ascomycota
b. unicellular members of lichens
c. multicellular members of glomeromycota
d. multicellular members of Ascomycota
30. Lichens are able to perform photosynthesis because of their mutualistic associations with:
a. Algae
b. Cyanobacteria
c. Vascularized plants
d. Both A and B
31. List and describe the characteristics of the three morphological forms of lichen:
a. Foliose:
b. Fruticose:
c. Crustose:
32. Asexual reproduction of lichens usually results in the production of __________ which
grow into genetically ____________ versions of their parents:
a. Soredia/ distinct
b. Soredia/ identical
c. Conidia/ distinct
d. Conidia/ identical
You will need to know these well!)
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