4-27-15 - Ashland Independent Schools

Regular SBDM Meeting
Poage Elementary School
Unofficial Minutes
April 27, 2015
3:00 PM
Members in attendance: Mr. Jamie Lester, Mrs. Robin Stanfield, Mrs. Kelli Shytle, and Mrs. Jamie
A motion was made by Mrs. Anderson seconded by Mrs. Stanfield to approve the minutes
from the special called SBDM meeting held on 3/23/15, as well as approving the agenda for
Mr. Lester discussed the March budget, as well as the Title 1 budget. Mr. Lester stated that
the iPad cart is continually being utilized within the classrooms. STAR Reading & Math, IXL,
and Moby Max Programs are continuing to be utilized school-wide in all classrooms. Any
support programs that help promote remediation in math, reading or test prep are being
purchased as requested on any grade level. In addition, all classrooms are continuing to
receive RTI services by hired personnel.
The Title 1 School-Wide Program was presented to SBDM members by Mr. Lester and
approved by consensus. In the report, it was discussed that the results of the TELL survey
were analyzed and used as part of the comprehensive needs assessment. A Math Camp
pilot was added to the SWP; it will be fully implemented in the 15-16 school year.
Mr. Lester reported that there were no further fundraisers to report.
Mr. Lester discussed school space for the 15-16 SY with SBDM members. The ALP classroom
will be moved to Ashland Middle School. The primary FMD classroom (Ms. Cooksey’s
classroom) will move from Building 2 to Building 3 & will be housed in the current ALP
classroom. Ms. Cooksey’s current FMD classroom in Building 2 will be utilized primarily for
storage space. The art and music classrooms will stay where they are currently located in
Building 2. Mrs. Hicks’ resource room will remain the same as well in Building 2.
Mr. Lester reported that the SIP is continually being implemented.
Members agreed to meet for a Special Called SBDM meeting in early June in lieu of a
meeting in May, due to Memorial Day holiday and scheduled field trips.
Meeting adjourn at 3:30 PM after a motion made by Mrs. Stanfield seconded by Mrs.
Anderson, motion carried.